Listed below are recent Texas UFO sightings reports, which were submitted to MUFON.
[These reports are unedited.]
MUFON Case # 34551
Date: 2012-01-03
Time: 01:00
Status: Assigned
City: Copperas Cove
State: Texas
Shape: Triangle
Distance: One mile or less
Summary: triangle shaped, pulsating lights (all colors) hovering with small shifts in movement
My wife and I went outside to smoke and we noticed an object with pulsing lights of all colors yellow-white, red-blue, green-white ect. It was low but on the horizon. I immediately went inside to get my telescope. I got a view of the craft. My wife and I took turns looking at it.... It was triangle in shape and could see 6 lights around the craft. It just hovered for about 15 minutes and then shifted about 7 to 10 mils to the right. It looks small, about the size of and asprin. It is still out there as i type this, but I do not have a camera.... someone please contact me... this is not the first time my wife and I have seen it.
MUFON Case # 34600
Date: 2011-12-30
Time: 00:00
Status: Assigned
City: Cross Plains
State: Texas
Shape: Circle,Star-like
Distance: One mile or less
Summary: Appeared high in sky like a bright planet however no planets in that area of sky.
The object first appeared as bright planet however none identified in area of sky. I tried to use my go-to telescope to identify it as a planet but my telescope did not recognize the object as anything defined in its database. At first it was stationary and appeared high in southern sky and in same proximity as the moon during that time of the evening. It slowly descended in a northernly direction. The object then hovered to the west of my ranch for 30 minutes and occasionally moved in a quick, abrupt fashion, both up and down and side to side. I would describe the object as orb like, with bright red and orange glow. My property is located in the BMOA (Brownwood Military Operations Area)and I routinely see jet fighters and helicopters performing exercises in the area. During these events there is much noise from the engines. This object made no sound as it moved. Te craft slowly traveled to the west which is in the same direction of Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas.
The object again appeared the following night, December 31st approximately the same time in the evening (8pm) and acted in a similar fashion. I do not believe the object to be a weather balloon as it was giving off its own light not reflecting light from another source. The object seemed to hover above the tree line about 150- 200 feet. No other aircraft in the area at the time either military or civilian.
I tried to use my call phone camera to take pictures however the craft was about a half mile from my location and therefore nothing appeared in the pictures which i took.
MUFON Case # 34613
Date: 2011-02-12
Time: 22:30
Status: Assigned
City: McKinney
State: Texas
Shape: Triangle
Distance: One mile or less
Summary: Turn out of subdivision, observed big, lower hovering amber/gold light, drove closer, light turned off, HUGE black object appeared hovering, then moved w/o sound E/NE
I was pulling out of my subdivision Stonebridge Crossing, turned east on Virginia Ave when I saw a low hovering amber/gold blow about 100 - 200 feet above the trees. The light first appeared round then looked to flowing like it had a tail. Initially I thought the Home Builder had a balloon floating in the air, but there were no stings or flags coming down to a fixed point on the ground. The light was no blinking and way too big for a helicopter and was no way an airplane b/c was too low to the ground a stationary. On the night of the event it was cold out, with low cloud cover. As I approached the stop light at Virginia and Lake Forest Blvd I noticed the light had moved a little bit for where it was orig. stationed. Once I stopped at the light, the object's light turned off and a HUGE black triangle shaped object appeared with no lights, no sign of any engines, blades, etc., and made absolutely no sound. I had all my windows down and sunroof so I could clearly make out the dark object hovering there completely still. The black object hovered high enough to not reflect any ground lights, but low enough to not reflect any light reflecting off the low cloud cover. The object was blacker than the night sky that would appear between the cloud cover as the clouds raced eastward. It hovered there for about 15 - 20 seconds and then moved in a straight line East/North East with out a sound; completely stealth. I could make out the black object as it moved East/Northeast because it was darker than the sky and the clouds. Once the light turned green I crossed Lake Forest blvd traveling east, raced down the small hill and up to the top of the Hill where I had a great view of the sky and the area the object traveled, but it was no where in sight.
The object traveled on a complete straight path, like it was flying on a perfect flat plane with no swaying. It's like object put out a mast and sailed with the wind in a complete straight path with no wavering or sound. I couldn't believe what I saw and tried several drive to several hill tops that give me a clear view of the night sky and the huge object was no where to be seen.
What I saw that night has bugged me for months and months and I'd love to know what I saw that night. Whatever it was defined all logic and any technology I'm aware of.
MUFON Case # 34684
Date: 2012-01-06
Time: 20:27
City: Garland
State: Texas
Shape: Circle
Distance: Unknown
Summary: colour changing bright star with alot of airplane/ jet traffic as well
Looked like a bright star that was closer than most stars it was changing rainbow colours. There were many planes and jets during the time I watched it. I have footage but am unable to download at the moment.
MUFON Case # 34687
Date: 2012-01-04
Time: 18:00
City: Richardson
State: Texas
Shape: Disc
Distance: One mile or less
Summary: Intensely bright hovering object
The object appeared out of the tree-line and caught my friend and Is attention immediately because it was extremely bright. The light coming from it had a brownish hue and was at least 20 times brighter than any plane light in the sky. The light was constant and there were no flashing lights coming from it, as is required after dark. The UFO hovered north, before slowly stopping, then heading the opposite way, keeping a precisely consistent altitude and distance from my location. I am not aware of any man made machinery that is capable of such a maneuver. The object slipped back into the tree-line, and since we were in a car, I tried to drive and get a better view. About 20 seconds later, when I had a clear view of the horizon, it was nowhere to be seen.
MUFON Case # 34728
Date: 2012-01-05
Time: 01:05
Status: Assigned
City: Azle
State: Texas
Shape: Boomerang
Distance: 100 feet or less
Summary: Witnessed a bright light come towards me whenover me it hovered,saw blinking red and green triangles on boomerang shaped ufo
2 days before there was an earthquake in Okla. 1 day before I felt a tremor at my house. We live in the country in a rural area. That night i was watching T.V. and heard a slight rumble, so I went outside on my back porch. I noticed a light to the northwest just above the tree line, behind our neighbors house. I thought it might be a helicopter with a spot light. The light began to rise and hover, coming toward me. The object was about 100 directly over me, when I realized it wasnt anything man-made. It was about the size of a B 52 bomber. It was a boomerang shape with a huge white glowing light in the front, on the bottom was 2 triangle shaped lights, one was red and one was green. Both were blinking in alternating pattern. The triangle shaped lights that were red and green were unlike any lights Ive ever seen. The sound it made was a quiet rumble, unlike any engine sound Ive ever heard. When it was directly over me, it hovered for about 15 seconds, which scared me to death. I jumped under the porch in fear. Then realized I had to see more. I came back out to see it start to move over our house toward the east, I ran inside the house to wake up my wife, who was asleep and didnt get up. I went back outside and watched it go over my inlaws house and hover over a gas well across the street. still heading East, it disappeared over the trees. I saw something shoot across the sky to the north and never seen it again. when this occurred my feelings were excited and horrified. While the UFO was over me, I felt frozen, like I couldnt move a muscle. Since the incident, I am still having unbelievable fears and excitement, which are undescribable. I would love to talk with anyone who has had a similar experience or has knowledge in this area.
MUFON Case # 34735
Date: 2011-12-20
Time: 00:00
Status: Assigned
City: New Caney
State: Texas
Shape: Square/Rectagular
Duration: 00:00:30
Distance: 100 feet or less
Summary: Giant Flying rectangular wharehouse divided in 3-5 rectangular sections, the top being smaller than the bottom 10 rectangles, but they were all the same length.
My TV went out and I had just died in the Oblivion 4 game I was playing, so I decided to go to bed, but before I went to bed I decided to put out our 4 boston terriers. As soon as I walked outside in my backyard with them and I saw the object heading right at me. Very long the length of a football field but the width was Id say about 40 feet long, very rectagular shaped flat front divided in 3 sections top section all lit up in white neon lighting had five smaller rectangle shapes, middle and bottom had the same with larger rectangles but all the same in length, the object had a flat nose and a flat back. The object made no noise it came from the east just about 50 ft above the treetops heading West. The bottom of the ship was pitch black with neon white light outlining the ship. Ive seen blimps and know what they sound like this was no blimp and it was moving way to quickly to be one and made no sound. The whole sighting lasted less than 30 seconds and it was gone. It cleared the treetops in my backyard flew right over me and my house heading west lost sight of it when it flew over the house. I felt kind of awestruck seeing the object, but the next day I had trouble with my equalibrium and fell in the kitchen. Not one of our dogs left the porch while the object was flying over, but when it passed they all went out in the yard.
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