-LITS Cases-
Tuesday night I received a call from a friend and associate in South Texas. My friend had received a call from one of her witnesses, to go outside her home and "look up". She did and sure enough, there was a triangle of lights, traveling over her home.
A few moments later, the witness arrived and they drove to a location to watch for this object, or any other anomalies in the sky. Sure enough, persistence paid off and another unidentified object soon made it way slowly past their location.
I await this report.
I have also received a very compelling case from West Texas. I spoke with this person at length and am sure that this case is a CE-4 (close encounter of the 4th kind). The initial encounter left my witness very ill, not long after this encounter. He has also been followed by a silver metallic orb and has experienced a humming, vibrating sound and heightened senses, particularly his vision.
The witness' job entails that he have a yearly physical, one which he had 8 months ago, receiving a clean bill of health. He appears psychologically stable, reliable and is very intelligent.
I look forward to meeting with the witness soon. Due to the sensitive nature of this case, I will not divulge any other information at this time.
I've also been asked to investigate the untimely death of a witness, to a "UFO and possible alien sighting" in North Central Texas; also a case of missing time and possible abduction of a couple in the Houston area.
At this time I wish to make note that the Gunter, Texas case is still open. I plan to continue on-site investigations, later this Spring.
After a short lull in sightings and reports, activity has started to pick up again. Between my work here at LITS and at Spirit Rescue International™ , I've been and continue to be quite busy.
-Seeking Volunteers-
Both Lights in the Texas Sky (LITS) and Spirit Rescue International™ are looking for volunteers. The basic requirements are that you are honest, have a desire to help others, have an open mind and a willingness to actually do a bit of work. Yes, volunteering means that you will actually be required to participate.
To volunteer for LITS, you will be asked to research UFO cases, conduct investigations and submit reports. This will require the basic tools for on-site investigations (a list will be provided), a cell phone and a vehicle. Most importantly, witnesses are to be treated with respect at all times and aside from sharing information with LITS headquarters, confidentiality, maintaining the anonymity of the witnesses and particulars of the working case are a must! No exceptions!
I will soon be presenting a class on how to conduct proper investigations (required attendance for all investigators) and there is a plan to host an abduction support group*.
What is not required, is having seen a UFO. However, if you want to learn, want to help with UFO research, live in Texas and are interested in becoming a field investigator with LITS, please contact me.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Spirit Rescue International™, please visit our site and our blog/newsletter, Follow our cases, learn what we do at S.R.I., then use the contact form and let us know you are interested in joining S.R.I.
Please note that Skype is a requirement for S.R.I. Psychic ability is not required but would be a plus, as would any previous work in the field of paranormal research.
Thanks and keep watching the skies!
Sunny Williams
Lights in the Texas Sky
Spirit Rescue International™
*[Note: If you believe that you are an abductee, or if you are a licensed and certified hypnotherapist in the Abilene/Wichita Falls/Ft. Worth area, who is interested in working with abductees, please contact us.
According to responses received, I will post date, time and location of the abductee support group.]
If you have had a UFO sighting, or had a paranormal experience, please follow these instructions and email us your report.
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I do not edit comments, so if you don't want your address posted and you have a question, or have had a sighting you wish to report, please email me directly, rather than post a comment. My email addresses are listed on the "Report UFO Sightings" page. Thank you.