Photo Taken by witness, MUFON Case # 49535 |
These reports of Texas UFO sightings and possible abductions were reported to MUFON, between August 1, 2013 to August 22, 2013. Some reports are recent sightings, some are not.
These reports are posted here on LITS, unedited. -SW* * *MUFON Case # 49362
Belton, TX
[flg] Boomerang-shaped UFO camouflaged among the stars, flies like a boomerang but in a straight path overhead. Report:
One friday night shortly after graduating high school, a couple of friends and I went to a "party" in one of the nicer neighborhoods in Belton, Texas. My friend "Mark" went inside the house to drink, while my friend "Emma" and I stayed outside to talk, not interested in joining the party (we did not care for the people that were there). Emma and I stayed outside to hang out and let down somebodys truck tailgate so we could sit inside the bed of the truck. We spent an hour talking to each other and eventually laid down looking up at the stars, trying to pass the time. When I started to get a little sleepy, I noticed what seemed like a cluster of stars in the sky moving together in unison. I focused in on the moving stars and noticed the cluster was shaped like a boomerang, and was revolving like a boomerang, but flying very slowly in a straight path. Soon after I began looking at this object, Emma asked if I was seeing the same thing she was. I had not realized that anything was out of the ordinary until she acknowledged that she was seeing the same thing moving across the sky. The object was camouflaged among the stars and one probably would not have seen it unless he/she was focused in on that specific part of the sky, just as we had been while laying down in the back of the truck looking up at the stars. The object had no visible outline, but its shape was only distinguishable from the lights it had on it. The lights did not blink, nor were they different colors. It looked exactly like a cluster of stars shaped like a boomerang, revolving very, very slowly across the sky in one direction. I was amazed seeing the object and was not scared at all. I believe Emma felt the same way. The object slowly flew across the sky until trees blocked it from our view.
MUFON Case # 49367
MUFON Case # 49428
Stephenvile, TX
{cak} Saw a light traveling south to north... It stopped for 15 minutes and moved again..... Report:
I was Standing outside talking my neighbor, I Saw a light traveling south to north... It stopped And I told my neighbor that the star we were looking at had just been moving and was not a star… We stood talking for a while, and after about 15 minutes it started to move again…
It went in a fairly straight line from south to north west but zigzags slightly! at first it was moving fairly fast… And then it slowed and began to fade, it looked like it was sitting still again but the just faded until we couldnt see it anymore.
MUFON Case # 49432
Dallas, TX
[flg] Triangle in sky with three white lights. Two lights in back pulsating. Report:
We were on our way to Dallas, TX.
I was in the backseat of the car, while my grandparents were in the front.
We were about 20-30 minutes away from Dallas, and were away from the city. Sort of in a woods area on the highway, nothing but mainly trees. No stores or anything. I was looking outside the window, just looking at the stars. The sky was a very dark navy blue color. Then I saw the UFO. It seemed to be going slower than what a plane would go in the sky. It was a triangle shape, with 3 bright white lights on each tip. The two lights in the back pulsated. I knew it was triangular shaped, because the 3 lights were at the tips of the triangle, and I could see the pitch-black triangle shape, against the dark navy-blueish sky. Im not sure how big the object couldve been, but from what I can remember, it seemed far away. Kind of like if you were holding a penny up, thats how big it could be in the sky. I was really stunned. Im still wondering what it could be.. I finally lost sight if the object after a couple minutes, because the car was driving forward, and the UFO was going the opposite direction we were moving in.. Has anyone seen a UFO like that? Im really curious and really do want answers.. Thanks.
MUFON Case # 49458
Kingsland, TX
{cak} Unknown Object at very high altitude over Kingsland Texas on 08/03/2013Report:
On Saturday, 08/03/2013, I was sitting outside on our deck with my wife. We both, about the same time saw a glowing object to the southwest of our location. The object was at a very high altitude and moving to the Northeast very fast. At first we thought maybe military but the size was too big. Maybe an astroid. The object continued on an approximate heading of 075 degrees until we lost sight as the object was lost in the terminator. The object was high enough that the only light we were able to see was the reflection of the sun off of the object. I asked my wife if she saw any strobes, she did not. I saw no strobes either.
MUFON Case # 49510
Pasadena, TX
{cak} I was asleep then woke up in space. Report:
I was sleeping I don't know if this happen at night are morning. Anyway all of a sudden I awoke. I was in outer space I did not have a body are I did not see a body. But there I was. I done know what was holding me up but felt like I was being held up by something. In my head I was being told not to look to my left. It felt like a being are something was beside me but kept telling me not to look. Anyway straight ahead there was earth I was being shown South America for some reason. Beyond earth there was the moon. I looked up there were a billion stars as far as I could see. I have seen stars in the sky but not like this. I remember a slight breeze blowing my bangs I dont know where the wind was coming from but it was a slight breeze. When I woke up I was back in my bed and remembered all of the above. Everybody I have told has laughed at me. Every thing I saw was in color. I dont think you dream in color. If it was a dream it was so vivid that was a year ago. I remembered it as if it was yesterday. I know I felt happy and in awh of the heavens and the earth and moon. Beautiful is an understatement. I bet there was more to this but what ever enity wipe out some of my memory and only let me remember this. Please dont laugh this is a true story. I will take a polygraph test or be hypnotized. I want to know more myself.
[Name removed/cms/tg]
MUFON Case # 49512
Austin, TX
[flg] Solid Lightsource with no sound flying in a straight line. Report:
1. Where were you and what were you doing at the time?
On my back porch smoking a cigarette
2. What made you first notice the object?
Its bright and stands out, this isnt the first time ive seen it, ive noticed it a handful of times over time usually after the sun goes down until the sun goes up, appears to be random times but always the same direction and object type.
3. What did you think the object was when you first noticed it?
Honestly I have no idea im ex-us army medic im used to seeing planes and helicopters but this dosent blink or make noise or have any discernible features.
4. Describe the object and its actions and motions in detail.
Solid Light making no sound traveling from west to east at approx. 500 ft - 700ft up never changed direction or appearance.
5. Describe your feelings, reactions and actions, during and after sighting the object.
Not the first time ive seen this, its interesting and would like to figure out what it is. I lack the equipment to better observe this object and filter out the light its emmiting.
6. How did you lose sight of the object?
It just continued east at the same speed and went beyond my sight eventually event lasted around 7 minutes. Same as all the other times.
MUFON Case # 49513
Marshall, TX
[flg] star like object observed traveling south of Marshall, Tx fm rd 1186 Report:
A bright star like object was observed by several of us in the immediate area traveling from the west to the east towards the Louisiana border from south of Marshall, Tx. Looking at the object, the white light was the brightest in the center of it....and the object had to have had at least 8 or 10 sides on it because of the way the light in the center glowed around the perimeter. There was no sound coming from the object.
MUFON Case # 48521
San Antonio, TX
[flg] white dots, several over the hemisfere tower (americas tower) Report:
I took 3 pics to the tower highest point , when the white dots appeared (UFOs) flying over the hemisphere tower, you can see them in the photographs
I noticed the objects after the next day, the pics were taken at 8/1/13 11:27:50am, US Central Time
Photo links:
MUFON Case # 49535
Trinity, TX
{cak} flatlike shape with no sounds moving slow towards southeastReport:
I was taking pictures out side for a math project when I looked up and saw something strange in the sky. I took a picture of it and continued to watch it as it moved slowly in a diagonal line to the right and slightly up. The object seemed to be high up and far away. After watching it for a few seconds a tree obstructed my view of the object and I went inside to look at the picture. The object was flat and appeared to have lights on the bottom. I was surprised at what I had captured and was very curious to know what it was.
Photo link:
MUFON Case # 49555
San Antonio, TX
Photo Links:
MUFON Case # 49558
Austin, TX
{cak} Thought it was a bug but then it was clear we were seeing something intelligentReport:
1. Sitting on my friends porch with her and her husband, looking northeast, I see a slow moving "shooting star" going southwest and say so. It disappears behind a tree, both her and hubby say they missed it. I spot it again on the other side of the large tree, point it out, they see it. Friend says it looks like a bug but then it goes behind a tall light transformer and changes all of our perspectives of what we were seeing. Coming out from the tree outline to begin with was now heading evenly northwest. It was moving slow enough for us to talk about it as we were watching it. It was moving out of our sight distance when suddenly it changed direction again to the direct north and finally went out of our sight, fading in light. And so it was gone.
2. Thought it was a shooting star.
3. See above.
4. See first answer.
5. Incredulous at what we were seeing.
6. It moved out of our sight distance.
MUFON Case # 49573
Sunrise Beach, TX
{cak} I looked up it was moving silently South to North a mile or so east of me. Report:
Putting the dogs out back door. As always was scanning the sky for something different. It was a white orb moving from South to North, slightly to my east. Moving with total silence. It seemed to be cruising pretty slow. It disappeared within 5 min.I have been seeing them for as long as I have been in the Highland Lakes Area, 30 years. I believe there to be an observing UFO Between Lake LBJ and Lake Travis, many years.
MUFON Case # 49647
Austin, TX
{cak} Around 6:30 AM sitting waiting school bus looking up and saw a streak of bright solid fluorescent ball come from west to east at a very great speed and stopped dead just above tree line and after about five seconds it descended from a dead stop . Report:
I was waiting for the school bus around 6:30 AM in Austin texas and it was very cool out and I was sitting looking up at a clear sky and then I saw A bright streak moving from east to west (very fast it only took about two seconds to go from 10:00 to just above tree line to the east and in about two seconds and when I Finally locked in on it , it stopped dead in mid air just above the tree line and hovered for about five seconds then descended at a much slower speed , it looked like you punched a hole in the sky , like a fluorescent bright light no glare , it went from light to black on the edge of it , about the size of a dime at arms length , I knew this was something different now because Ive seen aircraft the shuttle fly over shooting stars meteors and comets and this was way faster , I could not tell depth on the object very well but it was a good ways off from what I could tell , I was about 13 at the time AND before seeing Star Wars , im really glad i did this and finally told you, thank you for your time. [Name removed/cms/tg]
MUFON Case # 49694
Dallas, TX
{cak} didnt see oneReport:
It happens when Im asleep. Dont know when it was but I remember falling asleep and my husband was in the front room watching tv. I remember I was lying on my left side when I fell asleep I had this sharp pain on my back and it felt like someone was drilling on my right lower part something was telling me not to move but talking to me telepathically. It kept saying overand over ddont move cause the light will go out the pain was so bad I remember moving my shoulder to see what they were doing and as soon as I woke up after that the power went out in my house I culdnt get up cause I couldnt believe it was happening. I waited for about 5 secs I got up to open my down and see if my husband was ok and he asked what just happened. I didnt think anything of it so I went back to bed. I keep have these out of body experiences and seeing this tall hooded figure standing by my bed looking at me. Then I stared to right down all the dreams I would have and some of my dreams would be having intercourse with man I can never see it happened a couple of times. And recently on july 6th when my husband was getting ready for work at 4 in the morning I got ip made him his lunch he left when I went back to bed a had a dream that I was giving birth and there was 3 tall figures standing in front of me the one that was right in front of me delivering my baby was wearing a white coat. I gave birth to the baby and I remember them cutting the umbilical cord and it almost looked like on the avitar movie when he put his hair in the horse and those tentacles was wrapping around his hair. After I woke up my stomach was hurting I went to the bathroom and I was gushing out blood. That morning I went outside and there was a large burnt mark on my grass in my back yard. Since that day I havent experienced anything else but I do have pains on my right abdomen area. I took a photo like 1 week later but grass was stating to grow back by then. I also have strange markings on my upper thigh.
Photo links:
MUFON Case # 49786
El Paso, TX
[flg] Bright light warp drive into space leaving a tracer.Report:
I was on my back porch, I noticed right below cloud cover, off in the horizen a unusual bright light. It appeared as a star at first glance. The object hovered for around 10-15 seconds. The ufo appeared to be powering up its warp drive. The object got extremely bright the last 5 seconds of hovering then ejected itself from earth in a curved path heading away from earth. It left a tracer behind it that slowly faded away. It was mabey 3 seconds of tracer before it faded. I couldnt see where the object itself went after that due to the cloud cover . The clouds themself were overhead clouds with gaps in it were the night sky could be seen. Yet the clouds did not obstruct the horizon sky north of my position either.
MUFON Case # 49864
Houston, TX
[flg] looked like a small sun ,really brightReport:
I was coming home from the store,and it was clear in the sky
at first i thought it was some kind of rainbow or really shiny
airplane.Then i noticed it wasnt moving ,it bending the light around it,
and was as bright as the sun although way smaller.I was stuck at
a red light so i took a quick video,and put it on youtube. It was unlike
anything id ever seen. When i was almost home i looked again ,but it wasnt there anymore.
youtube link : [Link moved to FI section/cms/tg]
*Please Note that MUFON removes all video links from reports.-SW*
MUFON Case # 49874
Corpus Christi, TX
{kt}stayed quiet and couldnt believe what we just sawReport:
we were on vacation in South Padre.it was just after the fourth of july.we were stayin at the LaQuinta hotel.it was me,my son,and son in law.we were lookin for crabs on the beach around 3:00am.it was july 6 2011,my wife and daughter were asleep in their rooms and we thought it would be a good time to get our flashlights and go huntin for crabs.we were not the only people out lookin.we met a man who was staying at the hotel next to us,he was a lawyer from fort worth,texas.he to was huntin crabs.any way we got to talkin bout where we were from and offered him a beer.we stayed talkin for a while,around 3:20am we noticed we were the only people still on the beach and we decided to pull up our chairs on the deck by the beach.we were talkin and i noticed a bright light farout on the ocean and i asked them did yall just see that bright light,then i noticed something come out off the water,we kept talkin,then i asked them is that a helicopter,or an airplane off in the distance,icouldnt tell,all of a sudden it got closer and we all agreed it was not a plane or helicopter,the top of the craft was blinkin white it hovered over the water,then slowly took off,then the top of the craft turned red,it took off and made a uturn back towards us,stopped in mid air and lights flashed across its front,yellow,red blue,green.several times.we just looked at each other and again i asked them are yall seeing what im seeing.and we all agreed that what we were looking at was not anything that we have ever seen.it did this fir approx.20 to 30 min.everytime it would stop over the water it flashed colors across the front in front of us, we said to each other its like they know were here starring at it.we didnt move or speak for a while.it took off across the sky then made a complete stop and shot straight up over some stars came back then slowly down and took off towards the ocean.the man we meet that nite,the lawyer,said he has done work for lochead and martin.he said he has seen jets,planes,etc.,but that we do not have anything in our military that can make those kinds of turns or just shoot up vertically and that fast.he said he didnt believe in ufos,but that next day he called everyone he knew to tell them what we had just witnessed.we ran back to our rooms woke up our wives to tell them what we just saw,that nite didnt sleep at all.i am now 100% believer and so is our friend from fort worth.
MUFON Case # 49938
Austin, TX
{kt}Dont really know what to say...but have video evidence!Report:
Seem to have filmed around 8 glowing orbs that all came together to eventually forming a triangle
MUFON Case # 49943
El Paso, TX
{kt}twice i disappeared reappeared in front of 2 very credible witnesses, can i report it here?Report:
please note, aside from these, 2 ppl from my high school have told me 1 in person, 1 on fb, that they observed UFOs here in el paso, texas. i do not know the details of their sightings
this is the email i sent to my cousin, [Name removed/cms/tg], who is a theoretical physicist at Harvard but has never entertained my questions. Hes a busy guy, i understand. Please help me? I fear this is going to cost me yet another relationship, but if you could please contact my boyfriend and get more details from him, as he was the one who witnessed it, perhaps he will feel more supported because hes a very prominent lawyer and i know ppl were giving him a really hard time because of this stuff that is happening with me. Please pray for me? n contact him? his name is [Name. Phone Number, Email and web address removed/cms/tg]
he wrote me letters stating he would gladly discuss my situation with anyone, so i had his permission to share his name with you. please contact him soon? u know us ppl that get the visitations, we dont have to keep losing relationships just because we volunteered to do this in the between lives state...
hello cousin, hope u r well? con mucha pena te pido poco de informacion or even just insight?
twice now, once in front of my niece alicia, n another in front of my now latest ex bf. a very prominent lawyer here in El paso, i was there, then i disappeared, then reappeared.
the details:
both events happened very similarly. one time with my exbf at his condo. the other with my niece here in my studio aprt. we fell asleep. my exbf woke up and shook the blankets, pillows, checked around, called my name, finally left that room but there is no way you can leave that room without locking yourself out. and his condos layout is such that you HAVE to bump into whoever is coming or going. well after looking for me he checked the hallway adjacent to the room, wakled right back in the room, and there i was, waking up in the bed he had just checked.
alicia was staying with me while visiting from cali. i knocked down all the walls cuz i wanna install survieilance cams. so there is nowhere to hide. so same thing, we fall asleep, she wakes up and i am nowhere to be found. here the doors also lock from inside and the dogs make lots of noise if anyone goes outside. she looks for me, even behind furniture, and not even the bathroom had a door cuz im remodeling. she falls back asleep then wakes up and there i am.
i told em both maybe it wasnt me that left, maybe they were the ones taken somewhere else.
cousin, i have been admitting myself to the psychiatric ward for almost two years now and this last round of chemical labodomy has left me more toda babotas like drooling onmyself practically and i am worrried that they are not even understanding that these two very legit, credible ppl experienced this with me. therefore, i am not "hallucinating." those are just 2 strange events. weirder stuff happens when im alone, but these two i at least have solid witnesses for.
u r theoretical physicist that studies mass, right? do u have any suggestions as to what could be happening? i see beings, and i feel them like checking me biologically and we communicate, but for this i do not have proof.
if you want to know more or want to verify that i am not bsing you, teh lawyer is [Name and Phone Number removed/cms/tg]
[link moved to additional evidence section/CMS/kt]
i ask for your help because this is like very awe inspiring but i am sad that it wrecked yet another relationship of mine in teh sense that ppl start getting scared of me. cuz im kida creepy. any info would be great amigo, and even moreso if u could call my ex n tell him who u r n just get his version or something? i know u r busy, i would never bother you were it not super important in terms of science, not even cuz its for me.
thank u thank u thank u primo,
[Name removed/cms/tg]
MUFON Case # 49964
Palmview, TX
4 in a trapezoidal pattern, one other following. lights gradually dimmed to nothing Report:
I was sitting outside on the balcony when I heard my neighbors talking about something in the sky. I finally noticed something about a minute later coming from behind the trees. It was four glowing lights in a trapezoidal formation traveling in a north westerly direction. As I was viewing them a fifth light appeared behind the original four. It was centered in back of the original four. They were all a bright reddish-orange color and did not blink. The light came from a bright center, gradually dimming outwards and appeared spherical. They appeared like a flash like from a camera but it was constant. It was not a satellite as I have seen those before. I did not notice any type of indicator lights like you would normally see on an airplane. The lights then dimmed to practically nothing. All I could see was a very small pinpoint of light.
I noticed them as I was facing east at about a 45 degree angle up from due east. They traveled without changing formation until I was facing due north still at about 45 degrees up from north. I took around ten minutes for them to travel from first sighting to last light out.
A few minutes later I noticed an airplane flying in the same direction at a higher rate of speed than the object was travelling.
Photo link: