Thursday, September 30, 2010
Texas UFO Sightings Reports for September, 2010
There were 29 Texas UFO sightings reported to MUFON for the month of September, 2010.
If there are any other September sightings, I will update here.
- SW
MUFON Case # 25272
Date/Time: 2010-09-03 01:04
City: Benbrook, Texas
Shape: Triangle
Distance: One mile or less
Location: City
Visibility: Clear
Weather: None
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: I was driving down South Hulen home when I saw these lights I thought was an Air plane but, after getting a closer look.
See LITS report
MUFON Case # 25274
Date/Time: 2010-09-02 21:04
City: Ft. Worth, Texas
Shape: Circle
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Flashing light in sky over ft. worth on 9/2 @ 9pm
On patio at 9:04 pm and saw lights in the sky that didn't look familiar. Upon further observation, I noticed red, blue, green and gold lights flashing around a glowing light object that was visible at the treeline (so this was in the distance). The flashing of lights seemed like it might be computer generated, but then these small white balls of light shot out both sides of this object. Looked to see what time it was and when I looked back, it was gone except for a pie shaped dark silver/black object. All the flashing lights were gone and only dim lights that resembled medium/large running lights were visible on all 3 sides. No noise and flew west at warp speed. It flew through the clouds and illuminated the clouds as it moved -- until it disappeared.
MUFON Case # 25275
Date/Time: 2010-04-30 00:00
City: Dallas, Texas
Shape: Other
Summary: A Question
I am using this form because there was no contact info that I could find. This involves an unidentifiable metal implant found in the cheek of a family member. This was found by Parkland Hospital in Dallas Texas via XRay and MRI. This thing, whatever it is, was not something that we were ever previously told about nor was it anything associated with why he was receiving care at Parkland. They noted it several times and did not make any conclusions. Parkland made no mention of this thing to us or him. I discovered the reports of the implanted object after getting his medical files from Parkland for a private physician. The reports simply state there is a "metalic foreign body present in the right cheek". Oddly, the VA hospital in Dallas made no note whatsoever of the object in their MRI or XRay reports, yet there are numerous reports in the Parkland files. There is no wound accompanying the metal object. Our relative cannot feel it and did not know it was there.
This was discovered in May 2010 after he fell at home and the EMTs took him to Parkland where extensive testing was done and then approximately four days later he was transferred by ambulance to the VA hospital in Dallas.
He is retired now and over the years I have wondered many times if the military implanted something in his body. No, he never was in battle or explosions but his job in the military was Top Secret. I do know families of military guys who have said civilian hospitals found strange metal implants in such places as the mastoid area of their loved ones.
We really don't know what to think about this or the UFO issues. We just want to know what this thing is and if anyone out there has any information on these implants. At this time we have no idea if it should be included in any surgical removal plan or not. He is old and physically frail now but his mind is clear as a bell, and of course we are wondering if that thing showed up in the films years ago and nobody said anything. I'd like to pull all those records. All of the other metalic items noted on the films such as clamps and wires from heart surgery were correctly and readily identified. Not that thing in his cheek. Please contact me if you have any info. I'd appreciate it very much. Thank you.
MUFON Case # 25278
Date/Time: 2010-08-27 23:30
City: Everman/S.Arlington/Mansf, Texas
Shape: Circle
Duration: 01:00:00
Distance: 100 feet or less
Location: City
Terrain: Fields
Visibility: Clear
Summary: I woke up and saw it
Friday August 27th I went to sleep earlier then usual. I woke up feeling something was close to me and when I focused on what was above me,I got scared. I saw what appeared to be the bottom of a UFO. I must have been in the middle of it because I remember seeing the outer edge of it, almost like a half circle and it had blue,red, and green lights. It was hovering over me and all I can remember is feeling scared. When I saw it, I qwikly turned and grabbed my husband and he didnt wake up. I buried my head in his back and thought to myself "dont take me". Next thing I know my alarm is going off so I can go to work,and the thoughts of what happened lingered. I told my husband, and he laughed at me. I told a very trusted co-worker and she suggested I report it. Since this has happened I have been scared to go to sleep, and when I do sleep, its only for a few hours and then Im awake. I had almost convinced myself that what I saw was a dream until I looked on youtube under "UFO sightings in TX" and the same thing I saw was actually recorded by 1 person on the same night, and there was a comment from someone else about seeing a UFO in the mansfield area. How could a UFO be seen on the same night I thought I was dreaming of one? I have been debating all day rather I should write this, but tonight is Friday, and once again Im bothered and scared to go to sleep.
MUFON Case # 25307
Date/Time: 2010-09-04 21:25
City: Breckenridge, Texas
Shape: Circle,Disc,Oval,Star-like
Distance: Unknown
Location: Town
Terrain: Fields
Visibility: Clear
Weather: None
Summary: Saw bright orange light WSW of Breckenridge, which turn red and disappeared
See LITS report
MUFON Case # 25340
Date/Time: 1965-11-30 00:00
City: Dallas, Texas
Shape: Cigar,Cross,Disc
Distance: Unknown
Vallee Index: CE1
Summary: Small autonomus discs dropping from larger craft over school playground.
Two versions which I believe to be connected.
First version, which I recall as being late Spring or early Summer, probably between the years 1965 to 1967. I believe it was 1965. Five years old, I sat by myself in the back yard near the alley playing with Matchbox cars. My dachshund was beside me in the late afternoon. My dog alerted before I heard the sound of an engine above and to the south, out of view because of the house. Looking up as the sound increased, I saw a crop duster, a bi-plane, I think. The plane swooped down from over the roof of our two-story house and continued low as it flew northward. A cotton field was just a few hundred yards to the north, and as the crop duster (that is how I remember it-- a crop duster) went over head, deep red or blood-red pellets of various shapes and sizes fell on me and into the yard. Odd, but sometimes I recall them as horse-pill shaped lozenges, sometimes as red bands up to three inches long, and sometimes as clumps of course granules.
I watched, amazed, and my mother soon opened the kitchen door leading into the garage. The main garage door already being open, she called out to me to come in-- somewhat alarmed. I told her I wanted to watch the plane, but she insisted, seeming to me to be unnecessarily alarmed. I had never seen a crop duster and we had just moved to this new home. I cannot account for my interpretation of the object being a crop duster, nor can I understand why I have no memory of going back outside to look at the red pellets. I so distinctly remember the pellets, but after collecting my toys and going inside, the matter seemed to be no longer of interest.
That cotton field to the north was soon built-over by the expanding neighborhood and including Spring Creek Elementary School which opened for my second grade year in 1967. That school was the location of a second account supposedly involving me and told to me by the witness two or three years after the incident he recounted.
About 1969, a classmate described what he remembered this way:
Our class was out playing on the school playground at recess in about 1967. As he described the event, he asked if any of the several of us listening to him remembered the event (none did). He was particular surprised that I had not remembered it, because he claimed I had gotten in trouble for ignoring the teachers' panicked calls for everyone to come inside the school, instead, he said, I and a few others went toward what he described.
He said that several students started pointing in the sky to the south of the playground and that the teachers noticed it as well. Initially, the many witnesses (a school yard full of students and teachers-- probably a hundred persons) thought a small plane, like a Cessna, was in trouble and trying to make a landing in the playground, so low was the craft. That might make sense given that a row of high-tension wire separated the playground from the wide, long and straight gravel road slightly to the west.
Instead of it being a plane in trouble, the craft came to the southern edge of the playground no longer (if ever) appearing to have wings, and it nearly stopped to hover there. It made a very slow pass over the playground as the teachers tried to gather the students into the building. My friend said the teachers were panicking, but that at least some of the students were not. Then, he said some of us continued to watch the craft as numerous small metallic objects, maybe a little larger than silver dollars, dropped out of the larger craft and began to fly about over the playground. Some of these little disks were flying across the street and toward an old stock pond surrounded by trees which we called, "Cobb's Creek."
He seemed disturbed that no one recalled what he described and tried to prompt me to recall how I and a few others actually ran toward the craft hovering overhead and tried to find some of the small disks. The teachers, he said, were furious with me and the others who did this--as we were the last to come inside the school. He also said that after school, some of us went around in the "Cobb's Creek" wooded area looking for disks and none were found there or on the playground.
Perhaps due to an unconscious connection, I perceive each story as having a duration of perhaps a little more than sixty seconds. In neither story do I know how the craft departed. The crop-duster I recall, disappeared from view in mere moments due my line of sight being hindered by the house across the alley, although the engine noise was audible while I remained outdoors. My impression of my classmate's account is that his craft made no noise at all-- because engine failure was an initial assumption in his recollection.
My own analysis is that my crop duster and his story are the same. Between the dates of the two varying stories, I, inexplicably, became terrified of the part of my backyard near the alley-- worried about UFO's. For a few months, I would not go out there at night. During that same time, many of my classmates were fascinated by stories of UFO's and I did not understand their fascination, having never heard of such things before that time.
I admit that some traumatic experience involving me is a viable explanation for my having a very tame memory compared to my friend's oddly similar story, given my inexplicable fear of UFO's and the back yard, which I in no way connected with the crop-duster. That I apparently had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder before a most obvious traumatic experience much later in my adult life has had me looking quite closely at these memories as well as the story told by my friend.
Both craft in the two accounts were, at first appearance, taken as airplanes, both traveling from south to north and both dropping smaller items as they passed overhead. Both stories have the adult authority figure(s) standing at a door, calling out in what appeared to be unjustified concern. Both accounts have me resisting the call to come inside.
I have a Master's Degree in Pastoral Theology (counseling), and nearly two decades of counseling experience as a parish priest. Some of my earliest memories include mystical, spiritual experiences-- typical of a person whose prayer life leans toward the contemplative. As a result, I have studied Carl Jung's theories including his concept that UFO accounts are often (perhaps even always) mystical visions of the post-modern culture.
While my recollection of what may be the same event does not involve a UFO my recollection of the crop-duster is "overly vivid--" very much the sense that it was spiritual experience rather than an historical one. That my school mate recalled it as a collective experience but having to do with alien spacecraft is most intriguing.
For precise location: Spring Creek Elementary in far North Dallas may be located via Google Earth. (32d 57' 23"N 96d 46' 39"W) and the playground along Meandering Way is where my friend recalled the event taking place. My own backyard experience is about 300 yards distant of that same location. What locals always called, "Cobb's Lake" and "Cobb's Creek" is now labeled "Arapaho Park" directly SW of the playground.
My friend's story would be a CE1, my crop-duster I suspect would be FB4.
While preserving my anonymity publicly, a researcher may contact me via my email (which is provided separately on this form) including any requests for third party sharing which I will consider individually.
MUFON Case # 25349
Date/Time: 2010-09-08 21:20
City: Porter, Texas
Shape: Star-like
Duration: 00:00:04
Distance: Unknown
Summary: I can't describe this in 25 words or less first of all i'm still confused as to how anything could move like that and have people inside controlling it....
I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone and as usuall i was outside just standing on the porch looking around at the night sky as i always do not thinking much about anything more than the conversation i was having,i then noticed what i thought was a meteor shooting across the sky and i even mentioned it to the friend i was on the phone with saying oh wow i haven't seen that in a while and then what ever it was stopped almost right above me just to my left and as it did i then saw a commercial plane coming up behind it heading in the same direction going north.The trees around my house are tall so you can't see planes or meteors or stars very good unless they are directly over a certain area of my yard anyway the object what ever it was as best as i can describe it appeared to be looking for something it was moving in a way that reminded me of a draggonfly moving back and forth with incredible speed and jerky movements i didn't even think were possible for aircraft,i am still stunned by what i saw i am at a loss for words i guess but as the commercial plane began to move across the sky to the north the object which was much lower than the commercial plane shot off to the north ahead of the plane.I am not a good judge of airliner speeds or plane speeds in general but this object shot off at a speed that got it straight out of sight heading north going upwards to a higher altitude so fast my eyes had a very hard time staying with it,the only speed i can think of that compares to it would be the speed of a meteor entering the earths atmosphere as you see it shoot across the sky,i am baffled by this what the heck was it? The whole incident with the object lasted about 4 or 5 seconds but the movements and the speed just don't seem real to me there is know way a person wound be able to withstand the force of such speed or the way the thing was shooting back and forth in different directions,i'm not telling anyone about this and using my name with the story there is know way anyone would believe me heck i don't even believe me and i saw it myself i just can't get over it and i'm quite sure i will be trying to rationalize it for a while and i know i will remember it for the rest of my life.I wish i didn't even see it because i was having a normal relaxed evening until this and now i will be up for a while just running that incident over and over in my head trying to catagorize it somehow..What was it that i saw? please help me to understand it!!!!
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MUFON Case # 25437
Date/Time: 2010-09-14 20:54
City: La Vernia, Texas
Shape: Other
Distance: Over one mile
Location: Farmland
Terrain: Fields
Visibility: Partly Cloudy
Weather: Rain,Light
Vallee Index: AN1
Summary: Jet Liner with no Visable Wings Burning and Falling out of a Cloud.
See next two (2) reports.
MUFON Case # 25456
Date/Time: 2010-09-15 21:01
City: Stockdale, Texas
Shape: Triangle
Summary:Three White Lights in Triangle Formation
See next report.
MUFON Case # 25478
Date/Time: 2010-09-16 21:03
City: Stockdale, Texas
Shape: Triangle
Distance: Over one mile
Vallee Index: MA1
Summary: Second day seeing triangle UFO near Stockdale, Texas.
See LITS report for 25437
See LITS report for 25456
See LITS report for 25478
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MUFON Case # 25493
Date/Time: 2010-09-18 02:05
City: Fort Worth, Texas
Shape: Boomerang
Duration: 00:02:00
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: [tg] saw in sky
i am 49 years old and sense i was 8 or 9 i have seen things. every time i have seen something in the sky it has always been very close. always about a 100 yards or closer. this has been going on all my life i wished it never happened ever i mean ever. what i have seen lately is a boomerang shape allways at night. i have hade many more things happen but i wont write them down for just anyone to read. i will talk to someone but only in private. please if you can give me any insight it would give me peace of mind god knows i could use some. i dont wish for the world to know my personal busness. but i need to tell my story to someone. if not i will continue to keep all this to myself. like i have done my whole life. what i saw over my house has happen before. it is allways quite and very large. about 500 hundred feet wide and allmost clear with very slow moving and just go away very fast. i would love to tell someone about my childhood experances but only in a private setting. i dont care if anyone belives me or not i know it is all true. i dont want to be made a joke of so belive it or not i dont care. i know it is real and i know it it will contiue to happen to me. i know why so many people keep this kind of storys to themselfs. i dont know why i tell this story now but such is life. i guess
MUFON Case # 25534
Date/Time: 2010-09-23 08:06
City: Garland, Texas
Shape: Cigar,Cylinder
Duration: 00:05:00
Distance: Unknown
Location: City
Visibility: Partly Cloudy
Weather: Windy,Medium
Summary: Long, gray, cigar/cylindrical shape. No wings,tail,or rudder.
See LITS report
MUFON Case # 25542
Date/Time: 2010-09-23 20:30
City: Plano, Texas
Shape: Triangle
Duration: 00:00:30
Distance: Unknown
Summary: Triangular shape, red light at pinicle, yellowish lights(streetlight color) other ends, light in center flashed/pulsated
My son William,10, was on a 5th grade camping trip with his school on the nights of Sept. 22-24. My son does not watch shows associated with UFO's because his mother won't let him nor do I do not talk to him about UFO's. After I picked him up today we spoke about the camping trip and shortly after the conversation began he told me that he thinks he saw a UFO. He told a friend about it but he did not believe him. William explained to me that the object in question was triangular shaped and he could tell this from the lights illuminating the object. He says that the object rose above the treeline similar to the way a helicopter would point its nose down, ascend at an angle, level out, then move away quickly. This does sound like an actual helicopter but he was telling me the lights looked close enough that if it was a helicopter he would have heard the sound. according to William, this made absolutely no sound whatsoever. Right before the sighting, he was with a group of students and a teacher and they were looking at constellations. After the group was walking off, William remained behind a few moments to try and locate a constellation. He says that's when he saw the object rise and take off. He ran down and around the cabin to see if he could get a better look but it was gone by then. He says he felt confused, interested and scared all at the same time. By the time he went to tell a friend he says he really didn't know what to think. From what he told me, he initially thought it was a Stealth Fighter. Only later did he think about what he saw and really question it.
MUFON Case # 25551
Date/Time: 2010-09-24 21:50
City: Austin, Texas
Shape: Triangle
Distance: 500 feet or less
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: large red object floating low in sky from east to west in central austin texas
one object appeared flying low in the sky like a helicopter but no noise and at first it looked kind of blurry but as it got closer it looked like a triangle made up of three red baloons. It was moving slowly the entire time and then it just stopped and stayed in the same place in the sky and appeared to get duller. I tried to run get a better view and for a few seconds had obstructed view due to trees but when I got to an opening in tress I could not find it. I was alone in the parking lot of my condo and was hoping a neighbor would appear so that I could show them this object but no one showed up.
I was outside with my dog. He did not have a leash on and I was just following him as he sniffed around, looking up at the very bright moon and sky. I thought at first it was a hot air baloon and I was talking to myself saying what is that, what the hell is that, hoping a neighbor would drive or walk up so I could show someone.
I did not have a camera or even my phone with me so no pictures.
MUFON Case # 25555
Date/Time: 2010-09-20 00:00
City: Selden, Texas
Shape: Flash
Location: Unknown
Terrain: Fields
Vallee Index: AN1
Summary: Flash of light in night sky
Statement from witness to Clifford Clift in an email: I hope I am sending this to the right place. My wife and I live in Selden, TX near Stephenville where there was the UFO uproar a couple of years ago. Last night 9/20/2010 some time late, I am not sure of the exact time probably about 10 PM, We stepped outside to look at the stars. There was a really bright flash of light in the sky to the east of us, Towards Dallas/Fort Worth. It was so bright it drew my attention from where I had been looking. My wife said it didn't streak, Just lit up and then went out. Was there some phenomena that you know of that this could have been? My wife was one of the very first to see the Stephenville UFO near Dublin. Also one night earlier this year, to the west of us, Lights were lighting up and fading out in the night sky in a line. I never heard anything about it in the news but we watched it for about a minute or so. Long enough for my wife to call me downstairs and outside to see them. Thanks for any info on what this flash might have been.
MUFON Case # 25557
Date/Time: 2010-09-25 00:00
City: Irving, Texas
Shape: Triangle
Duration: 00:00:10
Distance: Over one mile
Location: Suburban
Terrain: Fields
Visibility: Partly Cloudy
Weather: None
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: v shaped no lights no sound dark and foggy
I was standing in the street in front of my house around 2:40 am Central time Irving TX. Before I go inside from a long night I look up at the stars but this night was cloudy so on only the moon was showing through a hole in the clouds. I'm not sure what is was at first it was something very large and not organic and it was dead quite out side. The object was a dark shadowy v shaped UFO no light or sound. And it just glided pass the moon as I looked up. It was very smooth passover if it was not for the break in the clouds I would have not seen it. I was very excited about seen this object fly passed over me. It was like watching an 747 fly right above you. I lost sight of the object as it flew into the opposite end of the clouds then it started to rain. Every thing happened so fast I have no proof of what I saw only my word.
MUFON Case # 25574
Date/Time: 2010-09-26 16:10
Region: Texas
Shape: Egg
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Grouping of 6 egg-shaped silvery/white objects travelling in a group from N-S.
I'm a commercial pilot based in IAH. Yesterday (9/25/10)at approximately the same time (1620 hrs)I noticed what appeared to be an egg shaped object over HWY-59 in Tomball, TX. It did not appear to me to be a hellicopter. Occasionally it would flash a bright red (similar to a flare). I watched the object for almost 10 minutes as it went through some cumulous clouds. As it did, the clouds seemed to 'open up' arround it. I took photos with my cell phone, but after enlarging, I was un-able to see the object. Today (9/26/10) at approximately the same time, I was outside and noticed 5, and the 6 egg-shaped whitish/silver objects travelling in a group. Again, I took cell phone photos, but they were at such an altitude (at first approx 15,000 ft AGL, and then later 30,000-40,000 ft AGL) that they again did'nt show up. This time I had a flight attendant that was at my hous at the time, and I asked her to look at it with me- which she did, and verified that these objects were spreading out, then joining back together. As they reached a higher altitude as they floated South, they seemed to line up perfectly from North to South. They either were changing shape from round to oval, or were oval and simply wobbling. I also contacted the MUFON TX State Director as I watched them, but he was at another area of town, and could not locate them. In my opinion, they appeared to be under intelligent control. I am a military trained aerial observer. The closest possible explination would be weather balloons, but it would not explain their apparent seperation, and then re-organisation flight characteristics. PLEASE- If anyone has knowledge of balloon activity North of Houston, let me know. If anyone has the ability to enhance these photos- also let me know.
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
MUFON Case # 25575
Date/Time: 2010-09-26 20:10
City: Fort Worth, Texas
Shape: Triangle
Distance: Unknown
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Triangle with Contrail
First saw a nonmoving strip of light in the north sky near an airport, which was probably a contrail illuminated by the setting sun. It began making irregular turns that a meteorite or jet would not make (S-turns followed by long straights, with abrupt reversals.) At this point, the head of the trail wasn't visible. As it drew closer to me, it was obvious that whatever it was was a.)very high up, as no sound could be heard, and b.)moving very quickly. At it's closest point to myself, I observed 4 lights, 3 amber in an equilateral pattern, and a fourth red, blinking light in it's center. I could only see the lights. The middle blinked at about once per second. It then continued on a sweeping turn south, before being lost to sight when all lights abruptly turned off.
MUFON Case # 25577
Date/Time: 2010-09-26 20:14
City: Hurst, Texas
Shape: Star-like,Triangle
Distance: Unknown
Location: Suburban
Visibility: Clear
Weather: None
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Re: 25575 - Red with contrail
Saw what was reported in 25575. Noticed a contrail which I thought was strange since it was dark and no moon at the time. Very tight contrail also. Then noticed a red shape in front of it going from the north to southwest. Different shades of red, one very bright. Object was very very high up and maintained the contrail. Erratic movement while heading south then turned to the east. Still moving erratically. Lost it in the street light. Happy to see that someone else noticed it. It was not a plane.
MUFON Case # 25583
Date/Time: 2010-09-26 20:55
City: Austin, Texas
Shape: Flash,Square/Rectagular,Star-like,Triangle
Summary: Bright white light that dimmed to red and passed silently over.
See LITS report
MUFON Case # 25593
Date/Time: 2010-09-27 22:15
City: Austin, Texas
Shape: Unknown
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: slow pulsing white orb that turned red and disapered
at aprx 10:15pm i looked up at the stars and noticed a very slow moving orb of light that pulsed every 3 to 5 seconds very slow, i noticed a plane flying by the object and the object pulsed bright white and when it faded it jumpd over and was now further to my right, this hapend very quikly, then the oject turned into a redish color pulse but only once and then instantly dissaperd
MUFON Case # 25594
Date/Time: 2010-09-27 23:30
City: Abilene, Texas
Shape: Other
Duration: 00:03:00
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Pulsating Orb
I waiting to report this, but I saw this tonight. I was waiting to see if anyone else reported something like this first because I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at. But I see someone in Austin made a report. Im about 4 hours away from Austin but I too saw a pulsating orb going from NE to SW. It just went slowly across the sky till out of view, wasn't a plane or helicopter. Just a fairly large pulsating orb, was white in color, wasn't a satellite. I have no clue what it was.
MUFON Case # 25595
Date/Time: 2010-09-28 20:30
City: Austin, Texas
Shape: Sphere
Distance: Unknown
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Orange Spheres
Walking to the store off along Research Blvd (10710 Research Blvd, @ about 8:30 pm. I looked up and saw an orange sphere crossing the sky and then watched as either four or five more came into view, creating the effect of a string of pearls, only they looked like basketballs. I do live in an area where there are military bases not to distant from Austin, TX. My overall reaction was curiosity wondering if they could be flairs? I continued on the store.
MUFON Case # 25603
Date/Time: 2010-09-24 02:23
City: Kennedale, Texas
Shape: Oval
Distance: Over one mile
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Blue and white/red lights hovering and changing direction in sky over Kennedale/Mansfield/Arlington, Texas.
Kennedale, Texas - 09-24-10
See LITS report
MUFON Case # 25604
Date/Time: 2010-09-27 21:25
City: Centerville, Texas
Shape: Triangle
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Large black triangle, three to four dull, rectangular lights of a white or dull yellow lining the lateral edges,
Last night at, my house in Centerville,Texas between 9:25 and 9:30. I went out onto the back porch to smoke and was sitting on to steps facing pretty much due north by the North Star. I was looking towards the eastern sky over top of the peak of the house to where I often saw a satellite traveling through or near the Pegasus constilation.
As I looked I saw a shadow fly in front of the stars I was looking towards, blotting some of the out, and when I got up to track it I saw a black triangle flying south with either a port list, or it was banking slightly east because I could see it's darker outline against the night sky and I'm pretty sure I was looking at the underneath of the craft. The only comparison I can make about how far away it was is that it looked to be near or just past the houses across the street and not more than one of my hands above the peak of the roof. From that distance I could easily cover it with my palm so it was either a mid-sized craft or further away/higher up than I am estimating.
It was moving pretty fast and made absolutely NO sound whatsoever. I even waited to see if the sound would come but, nothing. The encounter lasted no more than twenty seconds maybe but what I saw before trying to get my wife as a witness was that it looked to be much 'sharper' in the nose than one might expect from a stealth bomber 'Wing' plane, but was about the same size width-wise but longer as well. I would say given the distance away it was pretty big.
Along the leading edges, underneath the craft near the edges of the 'wings', were three rectangular lights in a straight line that reminded me of the yellow dotted lines on a road. They were not very bright at all else I would have seen them first so whatever it was didn't want to be seen in my opinion.
I should also note now that the moon had not yet risen at that time and it was only later when I was back outside (this time in the front yard) did I notice that a maybe three-quarter moon had risen above the trees acrsoo the street. The only reason I even went to look was that when I saw the triangle the sky was much darker above the house and later I saw the glow from the moon cutting through the light of the stars I had formerly been looking at clearly.
Whatever this was it was gone before my wife made it outside and I had lost it after I went inside to get her. When I say it was moving fast I mean it was really booking it. I was so shocked that my cig went out and it took me three times to relight it. I was out side barefoot trying to find this thing again and my wife thought I was absolutely nuts when I told her what I had seen. I am going to try to set up a camera tonight if the moon is late rising again as soon as it gets dark. Maybe I will catch something but I'm not going to hold my breath.
If anyone along I-45 from Dallas to Houston saw anything similar to what I saw on 9/27/2010 PLEASE email me here. From what it looked like it was either following the backroad known as Hwy 75 or perhaps banking to the east towards the Trinity River because I was able to see the underside of the triangle. It was coming directly from the north and again was seen in Centerville, Texas between 9:25 and 9:30.
MUFON Case # 25606
Date/Time: 1991-11-30 00:00
City: Houston, Texas
Shape: Disc
Distance: 500 feet or less
Entity Type: Human-like
Summary: Hovered over vehicle
This event happened in 1992, in Houston, Texas. Intersection of Edgebrook and Balcones. Exact date unknown. It was approximately midnight. I was 22 at the time. Still living with my parents and attending college. My mother and I decided to get out for a midnight snack. We headed to the convenient store about a mile away. We crossed over Edgebrook into the median. Before crossing to the other side we noticed this large disc-shaped object with white lights all around the outside of the craft. It seemed as though it were about 30 or 40 feet wide. It hovered over our car for about 45 secs. We were in total disbelief. It seemed as though it were really low. Like perhaps 100 feet above us. We looked at each other after both viewing the object. Then looked back for about 10 secs at the unknown craft. There was complete and utter silence. The craft made no noise. Then it simply disappeared at a high rate of speed. The object was truly a UFO. I have never seen anything that closely resembles what I saw before or after that night.
MUFON Case # 25612
Date/Time: 2010-09-28 19:00
City: Houston, Texas
Shape: Sphere
Summary: about the size of the cabin of a police chopper cabin extremely bright and hovering low to the ground
I was driving at the time and turned to to set my visor to my left side and that's when I saw it just hovering then Iturned back to the road and then back to it and it just shot off southand disappeared. what's strange is that yesterday police and firemen had that whole area blocked off for about 4-5 hours.
MUFON Case # 25614
Date/Time: 2010-09-28 08:58
City: Centerville, Texas
Shape: Boomerang,Triangle
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Very large, black triangle or boomerang with five to six pale yellow
Nice clear day so I wanted to try and confirm the sighting I had last night, 9/27/10, so I had been sitting outside in a fold out chair for about half an hour. I made sure to be real careful and preserve my night vision as best I could by putting the neighbor's light to my back and staying out of the reflections from the windows. This time I had brought a crappy little digital camera that had video too hoping to get some kind of proof. Right at 8:58pm coming directly overhead from the north I saw the same shadow against the stars I had before. I got alot better look at it this time, it was more of a boomerang shape than a triangle and had five to six pale yellow lights that looked like they wrapped around the craft from the bottom to the top with small spaces in between them. As I snapped on the video camera the screen partally blinded me and made it hard to focus the camera on the object. As it got right on top of me I just watched it with my naked eye while holding the camera in that general direction and praying I caught something. I closed my right eye so the LCD screen would be shut out a bit and kept my eye on it as it made its way south. Right before I lost it I clicked over to the regular camera and snapped several pictures. After the event I went directly inside to check the camera and after playing with the settings I found all I caught were stars though there was one anomaly that I couldn't really make out. I think I was moving the camera and it was zoomed in. I just don't have the equipment needed to catch this thing. It moves fast and again made NO SOUND. Attached is the video I took as well as two pictures. I have three more that I could send as well. Like I said before if anyone in the Houston, Huntsville, Corsicana, or Dallas/Fort Worth area has seen a like object contact me at *(Wit's email address deleted--CMS/sg) I can almost guarantee it will be back tomorrow night.
Photo 1
Photo 2
MUFON Case # 25630
Date/Time: 2010-09-29 00:00
City: Dallas, Texas
Shape: Other
Vallee Index: FB1
Summary: Interstate 30 rockwall tx. I was driving ridge rd. saw plane or craft with wings and tail was blue craft was white with symbols not sure, decended very low over walmart several people saw it called 911 said military visiter tour . Craft hovered.
I was driving ridge rd. rockwall tx. was alarmed saw craft decending I looked noticed others watching.It was distracting I thought it was going to crash. It appeared to stop and hover was white and blue with symbols or writing on it. I had to proceed down the road almost hit someone.I called 911 they said others called also they said it was military visiters. I never seen anything like it. It was alarming.
Disc-shaped UFO over the city of Portland, Oregon- 9/11/2010
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Witness in Portland, Oregon claims that at approximately 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 9, 2010 they saw a disc-shaped UFO that "wobbled/undulated slowly northward directly over downtown Portland."
MUFON Case # 25626
Date/Time: 2010-09-11 09:30
Status: Submitted
City: Portland, Oregon
Shape: Disc
Summary: Matte silver metallic disc wobbled/undulated slowly northward directly over downtown Portland
I was at home in my apartment getting dressed for the day when I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look out of my North-facing window and saw, VERY clearly, an airborne object gliding slowly northward. The weather was partly cloudy but the object moved low in the sky, well below the clouds, and for the entirety of the sighting it remained at a consistent speed (slower than an airplane/faster than the wind that morning) and on a consistent altitude.
The first thing that struck me was how the object was behaving as it flew. This is going to be tough to describe but I'll give it my best shot. Like a spun top slowly losing momentum the center of this solid metal disc stayed stationary while the outer rim dipped methodically as it traveled. It was a very attention-catching motion that allowed me to see every detail on every side of the object. My mind was trying very hard to convince me that it was a balloon of some sort. My eyes wholly disagreed. The top of the disc was convex, smooth, and featureless. The bottom side was the same except for six (give or take) smooth bulges, or warts, evenly spaced protruding in a circle near the outer edge of the disc.
The object made no noise as it moved overhead and traveled north, directly over the I-405 bridge and it simply shrank into the distance and finally disappeared. Aside from its undulating motion, it seemed to be out for a leisurely stroll.
The entire sighting lasted about eight minutes and filled me with awe and excitement. Being my first sighting I honestly did not think to film it as it was happening but I did think about calling a local friend of mine and ask if he could see it too, but since my phone was on the other side of the room and I did not want to miss a second of witnessing this astonishing happening I made no such phone call. I did, however, attempt to wake my sleeping girlfriend, and despite my elated cries of "oh my god!" and "Hurry! come see this!" she was too tired to want any part of what I was freaking out about.
Post-sighting I was left with a warm afterglow. The experience seemed to fill me with energy and optimism. I'm in no way a skywatcher. I've never doubted that we aren't alone in the universe, but until that day I had little interest in looking for evidence of ETs. I'm posting this out of sheer curiosity. I want to know who else saw what I saw. An object that size behaving the way it was DIRECTLY on top of downtown Portland did not go unnoticed. Does anyone have a practical explanation? Did anyone else see the damn thing?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Police Officer reports UFO over Kennedale

MUFON Case # 25603
Date/Time: 2010-09-24 02:23
Location: Kennedale, Texas
Shape: Oval
Distance: Over one mile
Summary: Blue and white/red lights hovering and changing direction in sky over Kennedale/Mansfield/Arlington, Texas.
Kennedale, Texas - 09-24-10
I am a police officer and was on duty. I was parked dark and stationary along a road under construction, watching for local burglars that hit the businesses on 4-wheelers by coming in through the woods.
I was parked facing south on the west shoulder of 1000 Bowman Springs Rd. in Kennedale, Texas at 02:23. I noticed what first appeared to be a very bright flickering star to the east at about 45 degrees on the horizon. Then I thought it might be a plane.
I noticed it move slowly to the left then stop. I took my binoculars from my bag and looked at the object. It was then I could see that what appeared to be flickering were rotating white, blue, and sometimes red lights.
The object appeared saucer-like in shape and made no noise. It would hover, then move left, right, and up several times during the duration which lasted 33 minutes.
A jet came into the frame also. I could tell the jet because of the shape, the lights, and the headlight out in front. As the jet approached, the object moved away to the left. When the jet passed, the object moved back.
There was a bare tree branch in the foreground I used as a reference point, and could clearly see the object move. At times it became bigger, and one other time it moved straight away until barely visible, then came back to where it had been, but bigger.
The object seemed to have one bigger, central or top light, with the other lights going around it. I watched this object move around until a low cloud covered it completely from view. When the cloud cover cleared, the object was gone. It WAS NOT a star!
It was a full moon with the moon in the west sky. I was hoping someone else would come by so I could show them.
I tried video on my phone, but it is no good.
I would be interested to know if someone else saw this. It could have been seen by nearby Mansfield or Arlington as well, probably.

Courtesy Google Maps
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Press meets "UFOs and Nukes" Sept. 27, 2010- Disclosure
At the Washington, D.C. NPC Press Conference "UFOs and Nukes" on Sept.27. 2010, Robert Salas, Charles Halt, Robert Hastings, Bruce Fenstermacher, Dwynne Arnesson, Patrick McDonough, Gerome Nelson, Robert Jamison all give testimony about their UFO encounters, while they were on official duty in the US military.
Full Video Link
Be aware that the video clip is more than an hour long.
You can also see clips on YouTube (below)
Enjoy! -SW
Part 1
Video Link
Part 2
Video Link
Part 3
Video Link
Part 4
Video Link
Part 5
Video Link
Additional links:
Robert Salas
Dwayne Arneson
Note: This is rather like bailing a sinking ship with a teaspoon but every bit helps towards getting the word out. Like the man said, "don't expect them to land on the White House lawn."
Monday, September 27, 2010
UFOs- Where are they from?
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John writes:
UFOs closer to home- I think they are mostly from planet earth as they seem to be here nearly all the time. They also take great interest in our bases. They are not a threat to us and are more advanced. They are possibly in contact with other races outside our planet. We only see them when they want us to see them. To let us know their there. Thanks john
* * *
I received the above email and decided I really must ask you, the reader: Where do you think UFOs are from and are ETs "home grown", or from another place, time, dimension/universe, or simply don't exist?
I have added a new poll which you will find on the side bar. Please cast your vote, or if you'd prefer, email me and share your ideas. The most interesting and thought provoking submissions will be posted here on Lights In The Texas Sky.
Thanks and keep an eye on the sky!
Rectangular-shaped UFO and alien encounter in Austin
I just received this emailed report. A young woman in Austin, Texas describes seeing a rectangular-shaped UFO on the evening of Sept. 26, 2010, and also relates an encounter with someone not quite human. Here are those reports.
Updates below reports.
"Tonight": Between 8:45-9:00 (pm) roughly, I was riding in the car with a girlfriend of mine. We were heading east on Stassney from 35.
I saw to my right, over the city, a bright light that appeared to be floating. It was brighter than any plane I'd ever seen. I pointed out to my friend who was driving and could only catch glimpses of it as per trees, but noticed immediately that it was too far away to shine as brightly any typical aircraft.
I considered shortly that it may be a helicopter with a spotlight, but it was a very well balanced light source that shone like a prism, not a spotlight.
We pulled into a left turn lane and stared at it, where we watched for about one minute. I was only able to take one photo from this point, my camera would not cooperate.
We turned, pulled the car over and quickly jumped out. The aircraft hovered for another two minutes or so while we repeated our bewilderment to each other in the street. "what is that? No way", "that's a UFO, this is incredible", over and over.
I snapped two more photos. My camera was responding slowly and I gave up on taking photos to pay better attention to the aircraft, but the two photos were taken when it dimmed it's light to a red shade and moved toward us. More graceful than any helicopter. This is when I gave up taking photos and watched.
It passed above us heading southwest. It was very dark in color when we saw the underside of it. Like that of a stealth aircraft. It was almost rectangular in shape with one corner leading the way.
It passed silently over us, speeding up as it passed and sending a few faint pulses of light.
I don't know what to think, but I've encountered people in this town that I've felt absolutely zero human connection with. I don't know what to think about that.
I've seen mysterious lights in the sky before but never anything like this, and I had a close friend by my side that saw it all. Bizarre.
I'm a 22 year old white female from Florida, living in Austin just over A Year. Let me know if this occurrence rings any bells.
Note: I emailed the witness back and asked if she could expound on the feelings of "zero human connections" and she responded with this:
I'l just describe the entire encounter that stands out most to me. It was July 5th I believe and I was leaving Kerby Lane on south Lamar. I was with my room mate, an oil rig worker that spent two years in Iraq.
We were walking out. There was a very average height, white, thirty something, brown hair and eyes man walking with, well, what one may describe as a woman.
Jon, my room mate, was walking on my left. The couple walked in between him and myself. I noticed my eyes starting to water, as they do when something is out of the ordinary ( I don't get it ) and I looked at the woman. Her face was a perfect sphere, a perfect circle. It was aged and worn and saggy, and her skin was pale. Her hair a pale blond. But her eyes were enormous and they were higher and a touch farther back on the face than one would expect.
It wasn't entirely her appearance that through me off. It was the feeling that came from the center of my being that got to me...It felt like I was just a void inside. Just dark and empty and like something was going to take me away. I only felt that way as I looked into her gray-blue eyes.
We passed them by in silence, and my room mate looked at me as I got to the car and mouthed "what was that?" I simply responded, " I don't know Jon, I don't know. But I felt so.... detached when I looked into her eyes..that wasn't human."... his response was this : " You looked into her eyes? Really? Everything in me told me not to look there."
We were walking out. There was a very average height, white, thirty something, brown hair and eyes man walking with, well, what one may describe as a woman.
Jon, my room mate, was walking on my left. The couple walked in between him and myself. I noticed my eyes starting to water, as they do when something is out of the ordinary ( I don't get it ) and I looked at the woman. Her face was a perfect sphere, a perfect circle. It was aged and worn and saggy, and her skin was pale. Her hair a pale blond. But her eyes were enormous and they were higher and a touch farther back on the face than one would expect.
It wasn't entirely her appearance that through me off. It was the feeling that came from the center of my being that got to me...It felt like I was just a void inside. Just dark and empty and like something was going to take me away. I only felt that way as I looked into her gray-blue eyes.
We passed them by in silence, and my room mate looked at me as I got to the car and mouthed "what was that?" I simply responded, " I don't know Jon, I don't know. But I felt so.... detached when I looked into her eyes..that wasn't human."... his response was this : " You looked into her eyes? Really? Everything in me told me not to look there."
We didn't say much else about it. We did, however, discuss the lights that my friends had seen over the city on the 4th of July around the time of the fireworks show. They saw something very similar to what I did tonight, and one managed to get a snapshot of a red glowing light over the city from his iPhone.
I personally believe in ancient astronauts and have a strong interest in Sumerian/Akkadian languages. If you know anyone in the Austin area who would be willing to share knowledge with me, I'd appreciate any pointers you may have.
Note: if any of my readers have experienced events such as this and would care to share them, please email me.
Note: if any of my readers have experienced events such as this and would care to share them, please email me.
-SW* * *
Since the report to me, the witness has submitted a report to MUFON, with attached photos. Here is that report:

MUFON Case # 25583
Date/Time: 2010-09-26 20:55 GMT
City: Austin
State: Texas
Shape: Flash,Square/Rectangular,Star-like,Triangle
Summary: Bright white light that dimmed to red and passed silently over.
Between 8:45-9:00 roughly, I was riding in the car with a girlfriend of mine. We were heading east on stassney from 35. I saw to my right, over the city, a bright light that appeared to be floating. It was brighter than any plane I'd ever seen. I pointed out to my friend who was driving and could only catch glimpses of it as per trees, but noticed immediately that it was too far away to shine as brightly any typical aircraft. I considered shortly that it may be a helicopter with a spotlight, but it was a very well balanced light source that shone like a prism, not a spotlight. We pulled into a left turn lane and stared at it, where we watched for about one minute. I was only able to take one photo from this point, my camera would not cooperate. We turned, pulled the car over and quickly jumped out. The aircraft hovered for another two minutes or so while we repeated our bewilderment to each other in the street. "what is that? No way", "that's a UFO, this is incredible", over and over. I snapped two more photos. My camera was responding slowly and I gave up on taking photos to pay better attention to the aircraft, but the two photos were taken when it dimmed it's light to a red shade and moved toward us. More graceful than any helicopter. This is when I gave up taking photos and watched. It passed above us heading southwest. It was very dark in color when we saw the underside of it. Like that of a stealth aircraft. It was almost rectangular in shape with one corner leading the way. It passed silently over us, speeding up as it passed and sending a few faint pulses of light. I don't know what to think, but I've encountered people in this town that I've felt absolutely zero human connection with. I don't know what to think about that. I've seen mysterious lights in the sky before but never anything like this, and I had a close friend by my side that saw it all. Bizarre. I'm a 22 year old white female from Florida, living in Austin just over A Year. Let me know if this occurrence rings any bells.
Original Photos
Photo 1
Photo 2 Photo 3
Please note that the images were cropped by me, due to the size of the files. -SW
I received this email from "E" in Austin:
Austin, Texas- About a year ago i was driving on i35 going south (during the day) when i saw a flying object in the sky. It was triangular but smooth, no points. There was a plane flying in its general direction, so i knew it wasn't a plane, it was a lot bigger. Plus it didnt look like a plane at all. When i got home i checked twitter and the news sites online to see if anyone else saw it, but nope. Just me. Supposedly there is a secret underground military base in Austin. According to Phil Schneider anyway.
Since the report to me, the witness has submitted a report to MUFON, with attached photos. Here is that report:

MUFON Case # 25583
Date/Time: 2010-09-26 20:55 GMT
City: Austin
State: Texas
Shape: Flash,Square/Rectangular,Star-like,Triangle
Summary: Bright white light that dimmed to red and passed silently over.
Between 8:45-9:00 roughly, I was riding in the car with a girlfriend of mine. We were heading east on stassney from 35. I saw to my right, over the city, a bright light that appeared to be floating. It was brighter than any plane I'd ever seen. I pointed out to my friend who was driving and could only catch glimpses of it as per trees, but noticed immediately that it was too far away to shine as brightly any typical aircraft. I considered shortly that it may be a helicopter with a spotlight, but it was a very well balanced light source that shone like a prism, not a spotlight. We pulled into a left turn lane and stared at it, where we watched for about one minute. I was only able to take one photo from this point, my camera would not cooperate. We turned, pulled the car over and quickly jumped out. The aircraft hovered for another two minutes or so while we repeated our bewilderment to each other in the street. "what is that? No way", "that's a UFO, this is incredible", over and over. I snapped two more photos. My camera was responding slowly and I gave up on taking photos to pay better attention to the aircraft, but the two photos were taken when it dimmed it's light to a red shade and moved toward us. More graceful than any helicopter. This is when I gave up taking photos and watched. It passed above us heading southwest. It was very dark in color when we saw the underside of it. Like that of a stealth aircraft. It was almost rectangular in shape with one corner leading the way. It passed silently over us, speeding up as it passed and sending a few faint pulses of light. I don't know what to think, but I've encountered people in this town that I've felt absolutely zero human connection with. I don't know what to think about that. I've seen mysterious lights in the sky before but never anything like this, and I had a close friend by my side that saw it all. Bizarre. I'm a 22 year old white female from Florida, living in Austin just over A Year. Let me know if this occurrence rings any bells.
Original Photos
Photo 1
Photo 2 Photo 3
Please note that the images were cropped by me, due to the size of the files. -SW
I received this email from "E" in Austin:
Austin, Texas- About a year ago i was driving on i35 going south (during the day) when i saw a flying object in the sky. It was triangular but smooth, no points. There was a plane flying in its general direction, so i knew it wasn't a plane, it was a lot bigger. Plus it didnt look like a plane at all. When i got home i checked twitter and the news sites online to see if anyone else saw it, but nope. Just me. Supposedly there is a secret underground military base in Austin. According to Phil Schneider anyway.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
California UFO Sighting- A question of 'belief'
A witness in California claims a recent UFO sighting has him 'scared and elated', 'faithful and faithless' all at once.
(See unedited report below.)
MUFON Case # 25553
Date/Time: 2010-09-24 20:33
City: Los Angeles
State: California
Country: US
Shape: Disc
Duration: 00:04:30
Location: City
Visibility: Clear
Summary: Red, orange and yellow/white lights in a trailing pattern around a cyllindrical circumference with a more narrow top and bottom. I DON'T BELIEVE!!!
I do NOT believe in UFOs. I believe in the infinite possibilities of the universe, of course, so they are always a possibility, but no more than winning the lottery seems to be a possibility. I am not a person who has ever been fascinated with aliens, extraterrestrial life or cross-galactic communicative efforts.
However, last night I left my apartment for work at 8:33pm and headed south on my street for a half block, then turned east at my nearest southern street. Halfway down the block, I saw a man standing on the street, holding his phone up toward the sky. This was when it occurred to me that last night had been a harvest moon, and, not ever having consciously remembered seeing one, I looked up into the sky, thinking perhaps the pedestrian neighbor had been taking a photograph of what everyone seemed to revere as a unique moon, as many of my friends had commented on it through facebook. I looked up at the moon, which appeared to be at least almost full, if not entirely full, and I was disappointed that it seemed to look like any other full moon I had seen. As I drove down the block, I regarded it closely, looking for unique markings that would make the view special, but it was just another full moon to me.
It was then that I saw it. From my vantage point of the sky,several visual inches away, approximately between 30 and 60 degrees from the the moon's placement in the sky, was a flashing of lights from an object that initially I assumed was an airplane, becccause I saw, peripherally, flashing lights and gradual movement.
As I came to the stop sign at the end of the block, however, having been studying the sky for evidence of some breathtakingly unique moon, I noticed that the object in the sky was giving off lights in a manner and pattern that were both incongruent and seemingly gratuitous to any commercial or private aircraft I had ever seen or heard of.
As I approached the stop sign in my residential neghborhood, with no traffic behind me, I stopped and regarded the unique and discombobulating lights from the craft. As I watched, there was a series of lights which seemed to "trail" around the circumference of a disctinctly disc-like shape. This was my first indication that I was witnessing something otherworldly, or at least confusing. Like the lights of a trailing marquis that follows around the perimeter of a mass, the lights, all red and orange and yellow and white, seemed to distinctly outline the object as they traveled around its perimeter. And, I can't say for sure, as I do not know what distance lay between me and the object, but it was at least DC10 huge. It was HUGE.
At the same time these lights went round and round the widest central exterior of the craft, there was also a white/blue light, even brighter than the trailing lights, that seemed to mark the northernmost point of the craft, much like a lighthouse or air traffic control beacon.
I stopped my car at the stop sign and regarded the lights for several minutes, eagerly awaiting the moment when my persepctive would shift, I would come to my senses, and I would realize it was a helicopter, an airplane, a military jet come down from Edwards Air Force Base, perhaps, or maybe even a dirigible or even (though I have never seen one in my ten years in L.A.) a hot air balloon drifting at night.
I wanted to grab my cell phone and attempt to take video or a picture at least, but the combination of knowing that my cell phone has marginal quality regarding video or imagery (especially from long distances, and especially in the dark), as well as the extreme fascination I felt at witnessing something so bizarre that made me reticent to look away from it for even a second, I did not attempt to attain documentation in the form of a picture.
THEN... while waiting for what I was sure was a mirage or a trickery of perspective to illustrate to me how I was foolish, that it was a ghetto bird or a unique aircraft which I'd never seen before, the craft moved in a way that man-made crafts are, to my knowledge, incapable of. The craft initially seemed to be moving with jet-like speed further away, but then moved, in a fraction of a second, to the right (East/southeast), and then vertically (how many meters/miles vertically, I can't say, but noticeably and rapidly), and then hovered for a solid minute without betraying any movement, not in distance, not vertically or horizontally - it appeared to be "standing" in the sky for a full minute without any perceptible change in perspective from my stationary vantage point.
Throughout this entire time, the red/orange/yellow/white lights "followed" eachother around the circumference of the craft, as if to illustrate and underscore not only its mass and form, but its mere presence as well.
I had rolled down my drivers side window to get a less obstructed view of the seemingly ethereal craft, and there were pedestrians moving through the crosswalk, confused by my deference to their passing. I pointed at the sky and asked, "Am I crazy? Do you guys see an airplane or a UFO up there?" Well, I live in a predominantly Russian neighborhood, and while their eyes followed the direction which I pointed to in the sky, they said something to me in Russian which I did not understand, and bustled their way down the sidewalk.
I stared at the anomoly in the sky for another minute, attempting to make my brain accept that it was a plane or a helicopter, and couldn't do so. Then, a car came up behind me and blew its horn in frustration for being held up, and I was forced to go along my way., where I lost sight of it in the obstruction of trees and buildings.
This is not something I have ever believed in. I always thought those people who said "I saw a UFO once" were crazy. And now *I'm* one of the crazies too. This witness has changed the way I feel about everything - from society to politics to religion to concerns about my own human and basic biological self preservation. I don't know who WE are, as a country or a world. I don't know who God is- I don't know a lot of things - and it simultaneously stimulates, rejuvenates and terrifies me.
I'm scared. And I'm elated. I'm faithful and faithless all at the same time. This may be the most all-encompassing profound revalation any human can experience. If I get the enlightenment, I'll take the opinions that I might be crazy.
I don't believe in God - I never have - but this may be the closest thing to divinity.
* * *
Note: This calls into question the ramifications, the repercussions of disclosure. Is it possible to believe in a divine being, i.e., God and yet believe (know) of beings from some distant world? Why not? Though not particularly religious, I am a very 'spiritual' person and knowing of extraterrestrial beings does not shake my faith in the existence of a 'higher power', it only serves to confirm it. Even the Catholic Church, for the most part, has accepted the fact that other beings in our universe most probably exist and quite possibly have visited, or are visiting our world.
Then an atheist, one who claims no belief in a divine being (an all powerful creator), should by all accounts, take this revelation in stride, right? How could the possibility of alien visitors from other worlds, or possibly other dimensions, shake their faith... or lack thereof?
I believe that the answer may be much simpler than the argument over the existence of a divine creator. It's not a matter of who created us*, rather it is the revelation that we are not alone in this universe, nor for that matter, any other. For many, that is a hard pill to swallow and that belief speaks volumes about us as a species; one that needs to be overcome before too long.
* Some claim that we are a product of genetic engineering, by aliens who visited Earth many eons ago; aliens who will one day soon return.
See Anunnaki & Nibiru - The Return
Friday, September 24, 2010
Cigar-shaped UFO over Garland, Texas

Witness in Garland, Texas submits report to MUFON, of a cylinder/cigar-shaped UFO seen over storm clouds.
To see the original report, please click on case number.
MUFON Case # 25534
Date/Time: 2010-09-23 08:06
City: Garland
State: Texas
Shape: Cigar, Cylinder
Duration: 00:05:00
Distance: Unknown
Location: City
Visibility: Partly Cloudy
Weather: Windy, Medium
Entity Type: None
Summary: Long, gray, cigar/cylindrical shape. No wings,tail,or rudder.
This is my second time to report a sighting to MUFON.I observed this one from the exact same location as the first.
Since the first sighting, I tend to keep my eyes to the sky a bit more. Today, it paid off again. I was at work a little early, before 8:00AM CST, and this morning looked to be stormy with the chance of some rain. The clouds were broken, and moving North, with about 60 to 70% broken overcast, and wind from the South about 20 MPH. The clouds were very dark West of my location.
Approximately 8:05 I stepped outside to take a look at the weather, and noticed that commercial flights from DFW and Love Field were being diverted to the North/Northeast around the heavy cloud bank to the West.
I saw a Southwest airlines plane going North East and saw an American Airlines going South toward Love Field or DFW. Both planes were around 2500 to 3000 feet AGL. Both aircraft generated broken contrails due to the fairly cool air and high humidity.
Through a break in the clouds I observed a gray "cigar/cylindrical" shaped vehicle. It's path was to the North West. It had no wings,or tail surfaces, and appeared to be about 2 to 3 times longer than the Southwest airlines plane. I believe the Southwest plane was a Boeing 737-400.
Both of the commercial airliners were moving through the broken cloud layer and the other vehicle was well above the cloud deck, and I estimate it was at 5000 feet AGL. It didn't create any contrail at all.
From my vantage point, the Southwest airplane looked to be about 3/4" long and it's bright orange paint was highly visible. The vehicle I saw looked very similar to the shape of a stretched medicine capsule. Long and thin, and my angle of view was from from its left rear and below. It had no lighting of any kind. No landing lights, marker lights, or anti collision strobe.
I actually had a digital camera on hand, but as luck would have it, the batteries were dead. I had spare batteries, but I didn't manage to change them quickly enough to get any photos before this machine was obscured by clouds. Everything occurred in a matter of 3 to 4 minutes.
I was ecstatic to see something like this again, but when I realized my camera batteries were dead, it was a very quick emotional letdown to say the least. Maybe the third time will be the charm for me.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Washington, Nukes and UFOs- The Threat

UFOs that disabled Nukes are cause for concern of former military officers headed to Washington.
Monday, September 27, 2010 is said to be the day that Captain Robert Salas and Colonel Charles Halt address the National Press Club in D.C., to demand a federal investigation into such incidents as UFOs affecting and disabling our WMDs.
Former military officers to speak out in Washington on UFOs that disabled nukes
Captain Salas has written a book about the incidents and Colonel Halt was involved in the Royal Air Force Bentwaters base in England, the case in which a disc-shaped object caused quite a commotion, an incident that has apparently been covered up by the U.S. and United Kingdom intelligence services.
Over at De Void, Billy Cox claims that 'Robert Hastings, author of UFOs and Nukes and one of the organizers of the event, has "vetted well over 115" former military personnel with information about the interference.'
You can read about it here at De Void's Mr. Salas Goes to Washington (Again).
More reading:
Former Air Force captain to expose UFO threat
Rod-like UFO videoed over Waterbury, Connecticut

MUFON Case # 25525
Date/Time: 2010-09-21 08:15
Location: Waterbury, Connecticut
Shape: Other
Distance: Unknown
Summary: Rod-like
I often watch sunrise,when it is not obscured by clouds. Today was a particularly clear morning. I glanced out the window & saw what I first assumed was a spider web but it seemed very far off. I moved to another room to get another view, I could tell that this was very far off and likely in the stratosphere. It remained directly above the sunrise. I also thought it was a contrail. However it did not dissipate in the manner which a contrail even a "persistent" contrail have in the past.
I observed this through a window of the second floor of my home. The screen had been removed and I was filming while physically holding my camera outside.
For the most part, it was difficult to see without looking through the camera because of the brightness of the sun. However, at around 10:00, it was visible with the naked eye. It almost seemed to project itself forward or backward in order to move but stayed at an angle. It appeared to be extremely large/long. Sometimes it appeared a a row of balls and other times it appeared smooth, a couple of times, I witnessed it change to an orange/red color, which seemed to flow through the rod-like structure. video Footage and digital photographs were taken on a Sony Handycam with 20X optical zoom, A digital Finepix camera and a Cannon Rebel camera with a 300mm lens.
There was one other witness to this, which was my husband, he also watched this for several minutes and does not agree that this was any of the things I initially thought it was. Additionally, it appeared that there was a lot of "activity" around this rod-like structure but I am unsure of the nature of these quick moving objects. Some did seem to be coming out of the structure. I was very overwhelmed by the whole thing and would have rather that something would happen to reveal that there was a simple benign explanation for what we were seeing and would have preferred that it would have just gone away. Regardless, I could not take my eyes off of it, until it was finally gone. I did upload a video to You Tube in the hopes of getting some ideas.
Original Photos
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Video Link
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