Showing posts with label Alien Agenda?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alien Agenda?. Show all posts

Friday, May 8, 2015

Aliens Around Corpus Christi

I received an email from a witness, claiming to see aliens working in and around Martin shipping containers.   The location, North Beach, Corpus Christi. 

This witness says the "aliens" obscure the view when noticed, by "blurring" and with bushes and tree branches.

The witness added that I watch the old race track for activity and keep an eye on the "Martin tanks."

The witness did not wish for me to reply via email but through this blog.  I'll say this.:
Dear M, I cannot watch the tracks via binoculars, as I am hundreds of miles away.  Texas is big.  If you will contact me again, I will use other means to try and investigate this for you.  Thank you.

As for anyone else who may have information concerning this possible alien sighting, please contact me via email or through our LITS Facebook account.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

UFO Encounter In Malheur National Forest

Depiction of Disc UFO over pines by SW/LITS.


A woman recalls a UFO sighting and possible abductions, as told to her by her aunt, who along with the aunt's husband and others, had a (1968?) encounter in the mountains of Malheur National Forest.

[This report contains minimal spelling corrections.  Click on case number for original report.]


MUFON Case # 34067
Event Date: 1968-09-30
Time: 19:10 GMT
City:    Burns
State:    Oregon
Shape:      Other, Disc
Distance: 100 feet or less
Location: Mountain
Terrain:  Mountains
Visibility: Clear
Weather:  None
Summary:  wilderness of Oregon. Large saucer, very close, witnesses suffered memory loss.

I apologize that this is second hand, but my family member who experienced this never wished it reported. Now it can be. I hope that it might be associated with other events in the area about that time, providing added proof that something DID occur in the area of the Malheur National forest, NW of Burns Oregon at that time. The month is correct (Oct), the day could have been any day during deer season.

My Aunt, Uncle and a large group of friends were camped at Morgan Springs in the Malheur National forest. It was dark and the days hunt over. As usual everyone was around the fire. This was rugged country. I've been to this spot in the 70's and 80's. Very hard to find and to get there with vehicles. Theirs was the only group at that site.
Let me state that my Aunt was the national chairman of a prestigious real estate concern. Listed in Who's Who, very successful, logical and level headed.

She was walking around the group with a tray of snacks. She stated that it soundlessly glided into view just above the tree tops. These would be large Ponderosa pines. It stopped, hovering, not directly overhead but about 50 Feet away at a 45 degree angle, about 100 ft above the ground. About half the craft was visible, saucer shaped, she estimated it to be at least 100 ft wide, but I don't recall how thick it was.

Everyone freaked out, women screamed, men yelling, some went for their hunting rifles. She said it was so close and so obvious what it was, that nobody said anything like "what is it". Everyone knew. There were "windows", for lack of a better term. I don't recall if they were visible as it came into sight or not. I think she said they appeared after it stopped to hover. A yellow light was visible, apparently emanating from the crafts interior. She said the shapes of more than one humanoid body was visible and movement was easily discerned with the yellow back light. No features were seen as no light was directed in to the craft from the outside. She said that the movements were fluid, natural, but seemed uncharacteristic of normal human movement. Proportions were odd as well. She said they seemed to be curious about them, moving to get different looks into the campsite.

At this point, only a few seconds have passed. She was a camera buff and she dropped the tray and ran to the camping vehicle to get her 35mm. She had to load it and said she may have been inside the camper for 3 minutes max.

When she emerged, camera in hand, the entire group was still and calm. The craft gone. Some of those that hadn't left the fire area were again seated. A couple of the group that ran were slowly walking back. Two men with hunting rifles were stone still and seemed catatonic for another couple of minutes.

She asked what happened, where the saucer went, etc.

Slowly, she started to get responses, simple ones, like "what"? Soon, they regained their wits.

She was frantic, demanding answers... they all, including her husband, acted like she'd lost her mind. They had no explanation or memory of why some were away from the fire, holding guns or unable to recall the tray of snacks being dropped by her as she ran for her camera. She was incredulous, and being a strong willed, confident woman, she demanded answers and insisted her story was true and it was THEY who were daft. It got heated. Her husband, my uncle, finally felt embarrassed enough to demand her silence and in the coming days she agreed, at his request, to NEVER tell this story. To my knowledge, I am the only one she told.

obviously, she believes the metal skin of the camper protected her from whatever caused the memory loss to the others.
Her and my uncle are the greatest people I've ever known. I need no additional proof. I simply believe her. Hopefully, if any other events took place in that area, this will add weight to their accounts.

The biggest hole in my story is that I am unsure of the year. She told me this story in the early 70's I and can't recall how many years previously the event happened. Sorry about that.

Good luck with your efforts, hope we all get concrete proof one day soon.


About Malheur National Forest

            *               *               *

You also might be interested in reading books about UFOs, Abductions and the Alien Agenda, by Dr. Karla Turner.  These books are free and in PDF format, ready to download.

About Dr. Karla Turner

Books by Dr. Karla Turner, Free PDFs


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Soldier Reports 1990 Alien Encounter At Fort Rucker

An Army 'pilot in training' recounts an alien encounter in 1990, at Fort Rucker, Alabama.

MUFON Case # 32900
Date:    1990-12-19
City:    Fort Rucker/Daleville
State:    Alabama
Distance:    20 feet or less
Description:    Entity encounter

This happened in Dec of 1990. I was in the US Army at the time near the end of Flight School. I was stationed at Fort Rucker, Alabama.

This took place inside the barracks in our room. There were three of us in the room at the time. It was in the middle of the night, not sure what time. There were two bunk beds in the room. I was on the top bunk with my room mate on the bottom. The other bunk bed held my other room mate, he slept on the bottom.

I awoke that evening, looking towards the door, seeing an entity next to the door to our room. I assumed it was "guarding" the area. The immediate thought that ran through my head was to make a lot of noise, trying to wake my roomy's and possibly get others to come into the room. But then I thought that if I were sleeping/dreaming I would look like a real idiot, so I passed on that idea.

I then looked over to my right and saw the shadow of a second entity. Apparently this one was "working" on my room mate on the bunk below me. I have no idea what it was doing, but it was moving at an incredible speed. I had the sense that there was a third entity in the room although I couldn't see it. I then decided the take advantage of the situation and get a good look at this thing by the door.

The first thing I noticed was that the middle hinge on the door was exactly how tall this thing was. After looking this thing over for about a minute or two, it saw me awake. It didn't take long for it to notice me either. It pointed in my direction and moved its mouth (as if yelling or talking or whatever to the other entity's) telling them I was awake.

At that point a thought came to me that if I closed my eyes they may think I was asleep and leave me alone. After what seemed only a few seconds I opened my eyes again and everything was gone. Of course I assumed I was dreaming but when I opened my eyes, I was in the same exact position, looking the same way I was before.

The next day my other roommate (not the one "worked on") noticed some welts on my back. There were three of them. I laughed it off, but never took the time to look at the welts in the mirror.

I would like to be contacted by a MUFON investigator about this incident, please.


[Editor's note: There have been other military personnel that have stepped forward and reported their alien encounters on military installations. Two are recounted here.
As a spouse of an Army NCO, I'm positive that when these soldiers signed up, they weren't expecting anything like this. -SW]


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Latest Cattle Mutilation Cases

Mutilated 'Red Angus' found on Trinidad, Colorado ranch.


Click on links for the stories.

Read the story here:
Cattle Mutilation, Trinidad, Colorado 08/08/2011

Disclaimer: Caution some pictures attached to this blog may be disturbing.

Also, read the story and more at:
Recent Cattle Mutilation In Southern Colorado Hotspot  @ Phantoms & Monsters


Cattle Mutilations - Cattle mutilations have been recorded in all 50 states, but no one's ever been caught. Now they're happening in Nevada again, and no one seems to know why.

More than 10,000 of these mutilations have been reported on ranches all over the country. It’s a felony in many states, yet there's never been an arrest, yet alone a conviction. The mystery mutilators are back in action in northern Nevada, and lawmen there -- as elsewhere -- are completely stumped. 

Nevada is still cattle country, with more than 500,000 head scattered over the vast rangelands of the state. Even in southern counties, it's not unusual to see scenes reminiscent of a John Ford western. But when the sun goes down, death comes calling.

Seven times in the past few years, someone or something has crept into the fields of this ranch near Battle Mountain and has carved up cattle with surgical precision.

Lander county lawmen are as baffled as their counterparts around the country. They have few clues, no motive and no suspects.

“It could be considered rustling, which is a felony," says Lander County Deputy Sgt. Keith Altemueller. "There’s no evidence I have of what happened, how it happened or who did it. There are no tracks, no sign of disturbance and generally no blood. The cuts are very sharp -- very unusual!  I’ve lived in the desert all my life; I’ve seen what predators do. This is not what predators do.” 

Former state Sen. Floyd Lamb has been ranching in nearby Lincoln County for most of his life. Twice his prize bulls have been taken, cut up and dumped by unknown perpetrators. Several of his neighbors have also been victimized.

“That's a crazy thing," Lamb says. "I don’t know what it is -- take a bull; cut him up; dissect him. I don’t understand that. Some kook.”

A kook who can immobilize large animals without making any noise, slice them up, drain them of blood, leave no tracks, then disappear.  Nevada cases date back at least to the '70s.

Continue reading here.


NM officer who investigated cattle mutilation, underground bases passes

See video with Gabe Valdez, who was a former New Mexico state patrol officer in charge of the Dulce, New Mexico area. During his tenure, beginning in the 1970’s, he was tasked with investigating mysterious cattle mutilations. After years of research he concluded that a clandestine government agency was responsible and that they used secret underground bases in the Dulce area for their experiments. Valdez passed away on August 7, 2011 in his sleep at his home in Albuquerque.

More at OpenMinds.TV


More Links:


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Will there be a fake alien invasion at the Olympics?

World’s powers will fake alien invasion at the Olympics closing ceremony to keep us living in fear
— Ian Crane at Exopolitics Expo

The Sun- IT'S drizzling on a grey Saturday morning and the leafy university campus is deserted.

That's except for the main auditorium, where hundreds of people stream into a lecture theatre where the air is thick with theories and dire warnings, including that next year's Olympics will be an Independence Day-style bloodbath.

This is the Exopolitics Expo in Leeds last weekend - the UK's largest UFO conference.

Among the 300 attendees at the three-day event are computer programmers, full-time mums, engineers and even a police detective constable.

But they all have one thing in common - they are all fascinated by the idea that governments are covering up the existence of aliens - and other things besides.

There are stalls selling everything from healing aura scent sprays to DVDs explaining how the world is controlled by influential cartels hell-bent on global domination.

The notion that the Government is covering up the truth is the strongest theme in Ian Crane's DVD stall at the expo. Dad-of-three Ian, 55, is hoping to spread the word that the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games on August 12 could be a target for a full-scale "alien invasion".

He said: "I think it will be the perfect setting for a 'false flag' invasion, in other words the event will be made to look like an extra-terrestrial invasion but in fact it will be a deception and really the work of the world's governments, to keep us all living in fear.

"I don't care if people call me a nutter, I hope that by spreading the word about what's going to happen I can help save thousands of lives."

"If enough people know about it in advance then the attack will not be carried out. I'm simply sowing the seed in the mind of the public."

Full-time mum Brigitte Barclay has travelled to the conference from her home in Devon.

She may be recognisable to some Sun readers, as in the late Eighties and early Nineties she was one the paper's most popular Page 3 girls.

Brigitte, 40, also posed for Playboy and Penthouse.

But after giving up modelling she moved to LA where she worked as a make-up artist and, she says, had alien encounters.

Brigitte, who founded a support group for other people who have seen UFOs, is here today to share her story.

She told The Sun: "I've always seen UFOs, since I was a little girl. I've had 17 sightings altogether.

"People write off what I'm talking about as nonsense and one bloke even told me I must be on LSD but my memories and things I've seen were real. The information is out there if you want to read it, and for people to just say this didn't happen to me is ignorant."

Brigitte was driving to a colleague's house in February 1993 when she had one of her most memorable ET encounters.

She recalls: "I'd come off the freeway exit in Brentwood, LA, near the Holiday Inn hotel, when I got a sudden feeling of nervous energy like butterflies in my stomach, and I knew something was going to happen.

"I saw a 50ft craft about five metres away. It had no wings but a glowing orange light underneath it. It was right in front of me and I was gripping the steering wheel very tightly.

"I felt myself being sucked through the car and suddenly I was in a field with three beings and a child. They were around 6ft tall, naked with iridescent, shimmering skin and pieces of white hair. Their energy was amazing and I didn't feel scared. There was no talking or conversation, I just felt a strong bond with them.

"Then all of a sudden I was back in the car."

Conference organiser Anthony Beckett, 35, from Skipton, North Yorks, is one of the few people I meet who hasn't had an alien encounter.

"I don't think we're oddballs, as UFOs and extra-terrestrial life are questions everyone has considered," he explains.

Not that Anthony should care - with tickets selling at £99 for a three-day pass, the organisers are quids-in whether flying saucers turn out to be real or imaginary.

Read more at The Sun


Ian Crane on "Now That's Wierd" Talk Radio

Video Link


Video Link


Note:  Talk about fear mongering.  Just who and what are we to believe?

And now that the cat is out of the bag, maybe it won't happen... or never planned in the first place. - SW


Sunday, July 31, 2011

E.T.s on Earth

Forget telepathy, let's talk bio-communication. 

I've known for years that all humans have the ability to far exceed their expectations and here is A.R. Bordon, telling us what Extraterrestrials have known about us all along?  Who is the bigger threat?  Us, or them. - Sunny

Extraterrestrials on Earth: A challenge we can no longer ignore
A.R. Bordon
By A. R. Bordon
UFO Digest

Santa Monica, CALIFORNIA -- I was quite taken with Brad Steiger’s article "A Pre-Historic Nuclear War? World Before Our Own" and by the two questions that have driven him to date: 1.) Who are we as a species? 2.) What is our destiny?

Brad is an impressive expert, with a breath of knowledge about anomalous phenomena, ancient astronauts and UFOs. And yet, these questions are worth taking very seriously, but in a slightly different context than that in his article. Answers to them represent the outlines of a stance we must learn to take before we can cope with the challenge of Extraterrestrial presence on Earth; a challenge we can no longer ignore. Indirectly, this attempt is also a response to Brad, given our exchange of emails of late. If you all will allow me then, I’d like to contribute my five cents’ worth to the effort.

What I am about to share with you comes from years of exposure to information and to sources both inside and outside of the proverbial “fence.” My participation during my early professional years was modest and relatively nondescript - that is, until the summer of 1981 and a not so chancy face to face encounter with an alien that looked very much like us, and definitely not from the Zeti Reticulum system. (This taught me that not all aliens are 3 feet tall, bugeyed grayish, a most valuable lesson to date.) Since then, my life changed considerably, and the breath of exposure increased by several exponential powers. It is based on this latter phase of my life, that I would like to offer what I’ve been able to put together -- for what it’s worth… So let me tackle the first question then, in order to set up premises for an answer to the second.

Our Destiny

I was told during my initial contacts that there have been “previous worlds” prior to our own, as you state in your article, Brad. To them our notion of the Big Band is the transition from one cycle to the next. Civilizations much older than ours, I was told, have been here since time immemorial. But native life forms to Earth in those times have been at early stages in evolution as bipeds, that most of the evidence (footprints and handprints), including those found in Texas, have been theirs and left by others like them not from their kind, but rather from other advanced humanoid life forms with interstellar travel capabilities. I was also told that some 120 million years ago, sauroid (read, reptilian) life forms performed biotechnological interventions on a strain of life that eventually became what we know as dinosaurs. This was to be the primary life form on Earth to reach maturity as intelligent bipeds like them. We know now what happened to the dinosaurs. But, as everyone of them already knew then, Earth was and is still a relatively unstable planet (astrophysically speaking), given that it is located in the inner part of our solar system and visited periodically by a once transient planet captured by the combined gravitational effects of the Sun and Neptune, drawing it into the solar system at an angle of some 30-plus degrees of inclination. (Zechariah Sitchin reported on this in his books of the 'Earth Chronicles', but the data on which he drew is incomplete, according to this source.)

At any rate, the presence of this planetary body in the inner part of the solar system has been known to create considerable havoc in Sol’s inner planets, especially Earth. See the book by Derek S. Allan (a specialist in paleogeography and cartographic evidence for climatic and land form changes in recent geological times, particularly the Artic) and J. Bernard Delair (a geological surveyor with special interest in the present distribution of animal and plant life and attendant geophysical problems of early Holocene times) titled, When the Earth nearly died: Compelling evidence of a catastrophic world change in 9,500 B.C. (Gateway Books, UK, 1995), republished in 1997 as Cataclysm: Compelling evidence of a cosmic catastrophe in 9,500 B.C).

Allan and Delair have done a masterful job of presenting data difficult to argue with concerning the events on Earth which are due to these periodic encounters. According to the 1981 source, and several other off-world sources since, this has been and continues to be a 

serious concern to survivability of intelligent life forms on Earth; yet, interest continues in very high degrees about Earth and its biological garden of genetic expressions on the part of extraterrestrial visitors -- both friendly and hostile.

The transition of the mammalian life form that became complex enough to express intelligence, that is, us as homo sapiens sapiens (or Thinking Man) has not entirely been left to nature and to chance. There is considerable archeotechnical and archeoanthropological evidence that, not only did we come out of eastern Africa, but that a “lab” existed both above ground and underground north of the Ngorongoro area in Tanzania. I was once part of a team examining these remnants, and very interesting pieces of evidence were found at these sites. The work done by the Leakeys was a kind of semifinal nail on that cross, followed by mitochondrial DNA evidence of an Eve some 250,000-plus years ago, and the distribution of genetic haplogroups across the Earth simply went far in convincing us (especially me) that it all started there, and went out from there.

Interestingly, there is sufficient evidence too, now, that our genome is not only evolving at high speed, but that it also has commonalities with those of other intelligent life forms that have relationships (as TTP or technology transfer programs) with various organs of our government (and others across the world). It seems that, once upon a time, there was something of a pristine, “genesis DNA” of sorts. But that’s beyond the scope of our little discussion here. What is not, however, is the set of differences in rate and range of expression between DNA from off-world intelligent life forms (some, not all I know about) and ours. Even among us humans today, the rate of expression is a significant factor in discriminating between people who live sanely and healthily, and people who live driven by fear and self-repression.

We know now that interaction with our own DNA involves a similar, if not identical, set of access means driven by common or natural language sets -- that is, we can talk our DNA into contracting its coils or relaxing and expanding them at will, with significant differences in the quality of life and health of people who do either one or the other. This is a factor currently being massively manipulated by hands both invisible and powerful enough (my own conclusion) to set up social and psychological environments highly propitious to instrumental conditioning and response set development on our part that are convenient and necessary to their control and manipulation.

This is especially true of the economy and expectations of the citizenry. We are not only being suppressed in overt expression of opinions, views, personal lifestyles that do not promote and contribute to the seemingly established goal of “social instability and psychological chaos,” as one informant of mine put it, but also in our internal rate and range of genetic expression of our own DNA!

Unbeknowned to us, it turns out that both FAVs (friendly alien visitors) and HAVs (hostile alien visitors) have expressed interests in our continuing to suppress ourselves on a mass basis; however, I have reason to believe now that the kids programs (so-called Star Children and others of that ilk) are sources of harvest and study by both types on how these kids are so ably turning on and off expressions that result in some amazing abilities and capacities, some of which not even the C-I, C-II, and C-III (Civilization types I, II, and III) EBEs (extraterrestrial biological entities) can. Thus, therein lies one of the clues to our destiny.

I will tie things together with other aspects of this at the end. Suffice it to say here that Earth offers a smorgasbord of DNAs at various stages of linear evolution of great interest to these folks. We happen to be one of such foci of interest, especially in our expressed abilities to love, to connect (without the need for external, technological assist) in modes the Russians had baptized as biocommunication and the Chinese as extended human functions, while we continue to be stuck on telepathy and clairvoyance. (It is this the primary reason a few of us got together and formed a scientific cooperative to loosen such conceptual and organizational restrains to reach for a much larger paradigm in which to evolve scientifically, an effort I helped spearhead since the early 90s.)

Who we are?

Now to your first question, Brad. As a species, or more properly, biokind (biological kind), we humans of Earth have a most promising future indeed, if left to our own devices. But we are not, and won’t be, so long as powerful offworld interests already merged with certain national interests in the form of TTPs (technology transfer programs) continue unabated. The answers to what and who we are and why we won’t be allowed to manifest our full regalia of capabilities are closely intertwined and must be considered together.

We are complex oscillating biological entities of broad horizontal connectivity (connectivity in our own 4-space/time) and unusually deep vertical connectivity (or the ability to extend in octavials damn near to the doors of heaven itself). One of the things we keep being reminded of by hyperversals entities (or people who actually live in space/times that are completely orthogonal, or off-phase to us here) is that, while we have yet to traverse a still longer evolutionary pathway, we are at this stage quite capable of the feats they are (i.e., travel in space and time without having to use a vehicle in space or leave our bodies behind in time), but don’t know how because we have told ourselves it is impossible, or worse yet, a sin.

Yet, we are told that these capabilities are literally inscribed in the still relatively pristine DNA of the kids being born today, and in the DNAs of adults who have guarded closely the preservation of the internal child. Knowing then who and what we are, it is obvious that this is not in the best interest of biokinds who either have suppressed their own range and rate of genetic expressions such that they are not able to do what we can, or have become dependent (some would say, addicted) to external means of interconnectivity (which, I’m finding out, is also a means of control, correction and suppression). We have in us partial DNA sequences from another life form that came to Earth 450,000 years ago; this we know with considerable certainty now. What is not known about them, is that their dependence (no, addiction) to ORME gold has contributed to a considerable densification of genetic sequences (i.e., the need to artificially induce the re-growth and slowed shortening of telomeres between genes [a kind of biological clock to our cells] to induce a kind of artificially supported longevity, which we are now trying to copy for ourselves). We do not yet realize that this is possible by means open to what our children today are capable of doing, which is to set up induction protocols that lead to the same results without dependence on any external technology or substance.

Thus, then, we are and have become objects of intense interest on the part of off-world groups here and in our solar system. We’ve been even told some of these groups have technologies capable of minimizing the gravitational and electromagnetic interaction effects between Earth and Nibiru, when the latter is in our solar system. This raises another concern in us, namely, that if that is indeed possible, the withholding of said means indicates a less than beneficent intent on the part of TTP participant groups, or that technologies the likes of HAARP (with its induction of a an electromagnetic “heating up” of the upper atmosphere) is not enough (which we have known for some time now).

And this raises a third, unasked, question that we must deal with now, at this stage of the game:

What Must We Do Now In Our Own Defense?

Again, answering this questions will be a task of layering ideas into a bootstrapping set of protocol that can presumably help us overcome the challenges we face with Nibiru, those presented to us by the presence of ET groups in TTPs with “official” groups on Earth, and those presented to us by HAVs (hostile alien visitors), to whom we are less than cattle and more like a genetic pool they can tap at will with complete impunity.

First, we must recognize plainly what we are, who we are, and what we have that we can use in our own defense. It must be clearly understood by us (as it is similarly understood by all off-world groups today) that each biokind is responsible for the evolution, upkeep/maintenance and defense of its own biology. It is time we assumed such a stance as well.

In this last section, let me draw and paint on a limited canvass, because I don’t yet want to fully disclose what all is involved in a proposed campaign yet under argumentation and intense discussion by colleagues of mine, including myself. But let me point out two powerful elements (one internal to us, the other external) which are elemental aspects to any campaign of self-defense of our biology and our planet. Let me also say up front that both of these elemental aspects are neither fully understood and sometime openly rejected by standard science and scientists, nor acceptable even as “scientific.” Yet, the working model of a physics of life we’ve been generating points out not only to the modeling validity of the processes involved but also to the engineering reliability of the uses implied therein.

The first phenomenon is what we’ve come to call the 3 percent protocol. (By the way, this is something no one wants us to know or connect the dots about!) This is the recognition that when 3 percent of the population of a given life form (monkeys, fireflies, rats, dogs, cats) acquires and manifests a new behavior, the remainder acquires and expresses same as if by magic, regardless of distance or generational lineage. The second phenomenon, an external one to us yet actually an entraining one of us all, is the existence of seven centers of resonant harmonic entrainment located in all continents. We know now the location of four of them, and working at locating the remainder. We have a fairly clear notion of how they work, and what our part is, in the process that entrains us human beings.

Much of this was already known to us in the early 90s, several years before Jamisson Neruda let the cat out of the bag to a journalist named Sara. Moreover, as a linguist, Neruda’s direct contributions to the present effort have not extended beyond his initial exposition of the matter in his interviews with Sara and through the website subsequently set up to publicize the findings.

We have controlled experimental, and field quasi-experimental evidence that the 3 percent protocol leads to very interesting physical manifestations, material and phenomenological simultaneously. For instance, in the 01-02 winter in the Chicago area, an experimental protocol used by a group of shamans instructed on how to intervene upon weather systems led to the absence of snow in Chicagoland from the early part of November 01 through the middle of February 02 -- well within the period of applications of these protocols by the group. The result was no snow whatsoever in the area - the object and intent of the applications.

Another example was the presence of 3 percent effects upon the manifestation of another phenomenon by children, ages 8 to 11, in an experimental set up conducted in 03 by colleagues of mine using a protocol I had developed in 02. The result was that when 3 of the 10 participating children produced the targeted effect desired, the remainder began and did produce the same targeted effects within days. This experiment was conducted by two members of my group, and proprietary video evidence exists of the targeted effects being performed by the children. I won’t go into what the targeted effects were; suffice it to say that it definitely fell within what the Chinese refer to as extended human functions, and in fact it was a replication of an experiment done in China in the mid-90s.

How do these phenomena help us as a biokind? Well, to understand how, we must place it within the overarching notion of a HumanOrg - that is to say, the sum total of biominds on the planet. Three percent of it would place the numbers at approximately 193 million souls. To get to this, we are presently quietly working with organizations on the net from all over the world to see if a field experiment specifically focusing protocol effects on something measurable can be seriously considered, carried out and studied. These, my fellow human beings, are but a few of the things I’ve dedicated my retirement life to.

This latter endeavor is fully designed to help us all to train ourselves to use our combined vector-intentions for things that matter and that do produce results - a kind of gigantic, serial “prayer effect” experiments, if you will. The applications of such a coherent expression of vector-intention deployment skill are myriad, and their projected effects nothing short of astounding, if we are to trust the predictions of our working model. But we are yet years away from anything like that.

Well, this has been my 5-cents’ worth, for whatever it is worth to you. At least you’ll know that there are people that care about us all, not that you don’t, Brad, because I know you do. I’m referring to the use of scientific knowledge for more than just weaponizing things for someone else’s benefit and in detriment of humankind. As a Johnny-come-lately off-world contact remarked to two of us once, a year or so ago, “you need to learn to speak as one, know yourself, and exert your will as one.” Well, we’re trying desperately to learn how to do just that…

In high regard of you, and yours, I remain

Your brother in the journey.

A. R. Bordon

Read more here.

Also by this author:
Topological Thinking


About A. R. Bordon:

A. R. Bordon is a retired itinerant scientist, traveling the roads of America in search of people talented in extended human functions. He is a former deputy director of a corporate research centre, former executive director of the American Association of Remote Viewers, and contributing writer to a couple of blogs, one Spanish language website and a Portuguese (Brazilian) website. He is also author of FIREBALL, a science fiction novel, and of over twenty-five screenplays and teleplays. In the early 90s, he was also instrumental in the formation of a scientific cooperative (the Life Physics Group – California, LPG-C) that does research in extended human functions, interface with extraterrestrials, and other anomalies. Since his retirement in 2001, he has devoted himself full time to writing, as editor of limited circulation publications of the LPG-C LINK -- and is traveling the USA. 


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dinosaurs and Aliens, oh my!

T-Rex is dropped off by "aliens"- Depiction by SW/LITS


This article was posted in 2008 but that being 4 years ago, perhaps scientists have already succeeded and there are living dinosaurs among us!

Just because someone is exceptionally smart, does not mean they have any "common sense".

I've said for some time now, that I feel this has been done and is still going on today. As seen in the movie, Jurassic Park was a huge mistake and life could imitate art here.

I also believe that "aliens" could also have a hand in re-introducing extinct flora and fauna to this planet. Evidently I am not alone in this "theory."

We ourselves transfer alien species from one location to the next, by accident, or by design. On the downside, the cane toad and others.

On the good side, giant tortoises.

Aside from all that, hypothetically speaking, what if extinct species were brought back, say the Wooly Mammoth and the Pleistocene Ice Age, steppe wisent (Bison priscus). No big deal, right?

Well what if the predators were brought back, those Carnivorous Monsters better left in nightmares and movies, the Sabre Toothed Tiger (Smilodon), the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Allosaurus and the exceptionally smart Utah Raptors.

Brought back in enough numbers, who do you think would become extinct? We would no longer be at the top of the food chain.

With people seeing flying Pterosaurs, water monsters like "Nessie" and "Champ", Mokèlé-mbèmbé and Bigfoot, just to name a few, is it just imagination, or is it a growing reality?

I may not have the answers in my lifetime but my grand daughter might. I hope it will be answers she can live with...

And if all this isn't enough, Men in Black II (also MB1 & MB3) director Barry Sonnenfeld, in collaboration with comic book writer Grant Morrison and Liquid Comics, is writing a novel and screenplay entitled Dominion: Dinosaurs Versus Aliens. Oh, I can't wait.

-Sunny Williams


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Experience at Dulce Base

My friend and colleague Lon Strickler of Phantoms & Monsters, received a very interesting email today, concerning the D.U.M.B. (Deep Underground Military Base) and genetics lab in Dulce, New Mexico.
Here is an exert from that email. -SW

Reader's Experience at Dulce Base

Lon, I read the letter you posted recently about the Dulce Labs genetics experiments and wanted to share my experiences with your readers. When I was an undergraduate studying genetics in the mid-1970s, I did a 10-month internship at Dulce Labs. My primary duties were on level 1, that is where I spent almost all of my time. But once a week I accompanied one of the junior researchers to levels 5, 6, and 7 to collect data tapes and other documentation. I never got past the "clear zone" on those levels, but on a couple occasions I heard inhuman shrieks and wailing noises on level 6. I was told that level 6 was a psychiatric facility for especially disturbed patients, and that they were known to have emotional outbursts.
On one occasion while we were waiting for someone to bring out the tapes, I heard part of a message come through the intercom, and the words are burned into my memory.


After a pause a second voice came over the speaker:


Read the rest of the post at Lon Strickler's Phantom's & Monsters.

Related Links:

Dulce and Other Underground Bases


Memory of  Phil Schneider Survivor of 1979 Fire Fight in Dulce, New Mexico


Monday, January 10, 2011

UFO Disclosure- The UFO UnCover-up

UFOTV Presents...:  Roswell: The UFO UnCoverup - Feature Length Presentation

Video Link

UFOTVstudios- See actual UFO crash debris tested and found to be truly extraterrestrial. The Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and the ensuing military cover-up set the stage for this explosive documentary about America's reaction to our planet's encounter with ETs. Going beyond the question "Did it really happen?", this program counters 60 years of Air Force denials and focuses on the more compelling aspects of this cosmic mystery: scientific evidence, physical proof, personal testimonies, expert analysis and the cosmic implication of an alien presence here on Earth. Includes: photos, videos, documents and an amazing arsenal of spellbinding interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses and the best-known, most credible UFO authorities in the world today.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Press meets "UFOs and Nukes" Sept. 27, 2010- Disclosure

At the Washington, D.C. NPC Press Conference "UFOs and Nukes" on Sept.27. 2010, Robert Salas, Charles Halt, Robert Hastings, Bruce Fenstermacher, Dwynne Arnesson, Patrick McDonough, Gerome Nelson, Robert Jamison all give testimony about their UFO encounters, while they were on official duty in the US military.

Full Video Link

Be aware that the video clip is more than an hour long.

You can also see clips on YouTube (below)

Enjoy! -SW

Part 1

Video Link

Part 2

Video Link

Part 3

Video Link

Part 4

Video Link

Part 5

Video Link

Additional links:

Robert Salas

Dwayne Arneson

Note: This is rather like bailing a sinking ship with a teaspoon but every bit helps towards getting the word out.  Like the man said, "don't expect them to land on the White House lawn."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Humans and Reptilian Aliens - Alpha, Omega

Called the R-Complex (Reptilian Complex), and largely unchanged by evolution, the innermost in our brain is what is called the reptilian brain, the oldest and most primitive part.

We share this commonality with all vertebrates (animals that have a backbone). The R-Complex controls body functions required for sustaining life (breathing and body temperature). It is also responsible for behavior relating to survival of the species (sexual behavior, fight or flight responses, rage, territorial behavior, etc.).

If you follow evolution, we evolved from a single celled life form, then a fish, to a type of amphibian, then to a small mammal, next an ape type creature and then us.  This supposedly took place over several million years of evolution. 

We know there are always naturally occurring mutations, some work and some do not.  What works might move on to the next level.  What doesn't work, dead ends and dies out.

As humans, we are still evolving, changing.  Average height of humans is now taller, we live longer (due to better medical treatments and better food), and just over the last few years, more subtle changes have been taking place. What might those changes be?

Are aliens responsible for creating us?  I am at least, open to that possibility.  I am fairly sure they would like to take all the credit but Nature herself, has her ways as well.  But who knows, maybe the aliens themselves, are our 'missing link'.

Do the aliens (the many varied species) mean us any harm?  I believe some do, most definitely but it isn't to eradicate us, it's to use us, though there may be some that would like nothing better than to see us all die, much like the aliens in the movie "Independence Day".

Are there benevolent aliens, those who would help us, shepherd us along towards a better existence?  Probably so but I just haven't met any, at least none I am aware of.

How many times has a new "millennia" rolled around and people claimed the end of the world was fast approaching, only to have the appointed time slip by without even a tremble, or a tiny tug on the web of life?  Well,  2 for millennias and the 3rd "end" may be 2012.  Are the aliens coming to save us, annihilate us, or are they even out there?

Is our reptilian brain a shared common with reptilian aliens?  Well, duh!  Even so, I rather doubt they see us as long lost 'kin'.  Probably  more like an entree'.  Disclosure needs to happen soon, before that option is void and we're caught with our collective pants down.

What will happen in December of 2012?  Will it be the end, or a new beginning and if the later, at who's expense will it all begin?  Is an armada of invading reptiles headed our way, or is a rogue planet known as Nibiru about to enter our neighborhood, changing us forever?  Might we be falling prey to paranoid reptilian brains...

If we spend all of our time preparing to "die", we will not be prepared to "live".  There is a big change coming but it will not be what so many expect.  Maybe we won't like the change but it has already begun.  I wonder which brain will save us.

Look around you.  Hear a distant tapping on the door?  They're here.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Reader recounts sightings, encounters, and the Alien Agenda

After posting my personal account, I received several replies.  I wish to thank all well wishers and one reader has graciously allowed me to share his story and information with you.  Here it is:

Hello Sky Watcher,

I read your latest post about your UFO abduction experiences and was quite impressed with your honesty and sincerity to let the world know what is really going on, in this subculture that all skeptics believe is just nightmares, anxiety or insanity! I recently turned 50 and I’m a man who completely understands the traumatic events, constantly weighing heavy on your mind, and the need for answers. I have experienced UFO "Events" for my entire life.

I do not believe that I was abducted... to my knowledge. But, I do remember being whisked away in the middle of the night, by a "Friendly" alien who took me to his world and showed me his home, family and neighbors.

My Fiancee at the time thought I was completely out of my mind, until I showed her a patch of skin on my upper thigh, that appeared over night. This thick layer of skin was black as charcoal and was hard as a rock. I could not remove it and I could not scrape off any part of it. This black "Elephant Skin Patch" did not hurt, but scared me to death. So, I went to see my doctor and he tried in vain to get a sample as well. He gave me some antibiotics and said to just watch it for a few days.

Well it disappeared the very next day and left absolutely no scar. But, my fiancee noticed I had some blood slowly dripping from my navel, and when I looked closer I noticed a small hole. That small wound took weeks to heal and tingled constantly. I wasn't about to go back to my doctor and have him commit me to an asylum. So, I just got on with my to speak. This event happened at the exact same time the string of comets were crashing into Jupiter, and I was living in "SEDONA", Arizona!

I have several incredible stories about events that happened during my time in Sedona, and most involve UFOs. Some of those incredible events are so unbelievable, that I sometimes can't believe they happened myself!

Sedona is a New Age Vortex and UFO capitol of the world... trust me! You can actually sit and watch F-14 and F-16 jets from Luke Air Force base in Phoenix, escort UFOs right to one of the many Vortices and watch them travel through the portal in the sky. Then, they slowly fade out of sight and the jets head back to their base.

The "Phoenix Lights" UFO event is just one of those such episodes. That one simply made world headlines because of the number of witnesses. I saw the craft as it passed over Sedona, on it's way to Phoenix. I also witnessed possibly the most incredible UFO event in the history of this world, and gave a speech at the National UFO conference in Sedona, back in 1997. I was the closest witness to this event and darn near lost my life, because of a panic stricken woman, who was frantically trying to escape this encounter, and did not see me at all. She would have hit me with her car at high speed, if I didn't leap from the road.

I will be happy to tell you about this amazing encounter in a future email. But, I will require about 10,000 words and several pages to adequately describe the events, which transpired over days. I will tell you however, they just wrapped up shooting the scene from "X Files", where Fox Mulder discovers the pile of dead aliens in the buried train car, and cigarette smoking man orders the soldiers to throw a Satchel charge in the car and kill Fox, along with all the evidence. They were at the base of Thunder mountain shooting that scene, just the day before this event...and the epicenter for this UFO Nightmare was Thunder mountain. Every one at the UFO conference was in Shock and Awed at my little speech and diagrams I drew on their chalkboard. The scientists lined up in mass numbers for interviews afterwards..... and for the next two years, I had people coming from all over the world, to specifically take a tour with the Guide named Roi, and listen to his story about those three days, that literally changed the way we investigate UFO reports. I did not advertise my experience and neither did the tour company. These people heard about me through the UFO underground channels and networks, and purposely sought me out. But, I never received a tip less than $100 for those tours, and possibly made over ten thousand dollars. I was the most popular tour guide in Arizona and my colleagues were becoming quite jealous. I could talk for hours about my Sedona Experiences. But, on with my reason for contacting you.
Now, you mention the "REPTILIANS" in your recent abduction experiences. That is quite possibly who implanted the memories of my experience I mentioned earlier, about the "Friendly" alien who whisked me away to his planet. I can tell you for a fact... I have extremely reliable insiders at NASA... that the Hubble Telescope was not placed in orbit around Earth, simply to open this wonderful portal to the Universe. That telescope... "if you remember"... had many other missions, taking up about 35% of it's viewing time, by government contractors. They desperately needed the flawed lens to be fixed. Not for the posterity of humankind.... But, for the sake of humankind!

There is a massive Armada of ships heading towards Earth right now, and originally that discovery was mistaken for an Asteroid. Until Hubble gave them the images and answers they were desperately searching for. This armada is the size of our moon and possibly contains millions of Mother ships. They are Reptilian and their destination is definitely planet Earth! They have a small fleet based either on the moon or Mars, and they are simply the scouts, sent ahead of the Armada. They have been here for hundreds of years now and been abducting humans for that same length of time. The Grays are also a scout fleet and tried to work with the U.S. government, trying to help us prepare for the coming onslaught! Until our government within the government decided they were full of doo doo, and used force to take their technology. Now, we have destroyed our mutual trust and they are simply trying to fulfill their agenda, and depart before the armada arrives.

Hubble made our government realize what a horrible mistake they made!....... By now, you are probably saying to yourself. This guy is an absolute Nut Case! He is just one of those 2012 end of the world fanatics. Well, I can at least prove my case for an alien base on Mars, if you would allow me to.

I have downloaded images from the European Space Agency. Specifically, the Hale Crater images and used my Arcsoft Photo editing tools to reverse the filter washing by their technicians. These images clearly show signs of a civilization, that possibly numbers around ten million inhabitants. You can even search youtube and verify my story. Where a scientific conference by experts willing to disclose this discovery, is trying to let the world know about these facts. I followed their directions and downloaded the images for myself. Then, I conferred with my NASA insiders and other photo editing experts... applied my editing magic, and WHAM! Right before my eyes appeared definite signs of intelligent life! The famous writer Arthur C. Clarke saw these exact same images a few years before he passed away and said: "I was 95% sure there was life elsewhere in the universe. Now, I have to say that I am 100% sure!".

I am willing to send you my edited images of the Hale Crater satellite photos, taken by the joint European Space technicians working mostly out of Berlin, Germany. But, I need you to say "YES" I am willing to explore this discovery with a fellow UFO researcher, and these files are quite large. I do not overload another persons email account folder, without permission or their approval, and they definitely need to have the ability to handle these images with white gloves. Should you agree, and you have the email ability to handle large picture attachments. Just reply to this email and I will send them...... or you can follow the directions from youtube, and be shocked by the results too.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, when I was finally able to see the vast number of geometric patterns on the Martian landscape. They are not... I repeat... NOT pixelization effects, satellite communication errors, or flaws in the camera. You can easily download all the Mars images in their gallery and distinguish for yourself the actual pixelization errors and image flaws, with many of the other images. But, there is also a few other images that clearly show markers of civilization too! I was able to discover a monolith on the surface of Mars that matches exactly the monolith discovered by the Russian satellite Phobos, on the moon of Phobos, before it was destroyed by an alien mother ship.

I believe you deserve to know the truth about the Alien agendas, since you were brave enough to reveal your nightmarish experiences with the Reptilians. These guys are truly monsters of a caliber that can't possibly be described. They are also carnivores who love human flesh and enjoy eating humans. That would explain the disappearances of people across the world, where there is absolutely no trace evidence left behind. But, the reptilian force that is here right now is small in numbers and are presently trying to learn how to harvest humans. They treat us like cattle and would like to increase our numbers tenfold. That way the armada force would have plenty of food, when they arrive from their very long trip.

I do not believe they are based on Mars. I think they are Grays or an advance colony of humans, that our government has been shuttling to mars for the last fifty years. The elite Illuminati space pioneers building a population of super wealthy human survivors!

Our government being controlled by the Illuminati and the Bildebergers is trying to reduce the population of Earth as much as possible. Because, they made the mistake of not accepting the help of the Grays back in 1947, and they believe that bringing the population of Earth down to about 100,000 will make the Reptilian force detour to another system, where food is more plentiful   All of these events would perfectly describe the Bible prophecies found in the book of Revelations. The Anti Christ.... Armageddon, which leads to the destruction of one-third of the world's population, etc...

That would also explain why our government tried to devastate the population with AIDS, Swine Flue, etc... Look at the millions of plastic Incendiary coffins stockpiled by FEMA around the country. They
expect millions of Americans to die in the near future! By their own hands or the Alien Armada, of that I am uncertain. But, I do not believe it will happen in 2012. The NASA Blue Beam project is also part
of the government within the government agenda tool, being perfected for something big, in our not so distant future, as well. The massive spirals in the sky over Norway, China and Thailand are Blue
Beam tests.

Too much at one time, for you to grasp!......... I apologize for the depth of information. But, I have spent a lifetime researching these Epiphanies.... and believe me, you are having one right now!

Shock, Confusion and total Dismay could also describe what you are experiencing at this moment. But, I assure you "IT IS ALL REAL"... not some dream of an episode of "V" or "Stargate"! I haven't watched television since my Brother passed away back in June of '09...and he was murdered, because he knew too much and opened the wrong doors!

Should you agree to the email I will send with pictures of Mars. I have no problem with you disclosing all of the information I have given you and the pictures. Your website is perfect for disclosure.

I will also tell you about the numerous UFO experiences in my life, including the Texas events. Back in 1977 I witnessed an event with my Brother and Mother in Fort Worth, that blew me away, and still
has many unexplained details. But, it was also like no other UFO case ever reported to date.

Thank you very much for your time...... Mrs. Sky Watcher. By the way, I was an Army Airborne Ranger at one time in my life. Much like your husband I am guessing.

Click on any image for larger view.

UFOs, Aliens and my search for the truth

*        *        *
I wish to thank Roi again, for contacting me, becoming my friend and allowing me to share this with the public. 
There is more to come...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Are there Aliens and an Alien Agenda?

Are there really aliens from another world, that are coming to our planet? Philip Schneider and Milton William (Bill) Cooper thought so. Both men died under mysterious circumstances, Schneider being found in his home, dead for a week, possibly strangled and Cooper was shot dead, by law enforcement officers no less! Before that, Cooper had almost been killed by being run off the road. Sounds like someone was trying to shut him up. Well, "they" succeeded but not before both men got their message out.
Just what was *that* message? The message was that aliens are real and the governments of the world have been covering it up. More specifically, the US Government; That there are over a dozen different alien species, a few who are benevolent, most who are not and that a rogue government group is in cahoots with some not so nice aliens, i.e., the ones who mutilate cattle and abduct humans for their experiments. As for some of the UFOs, they're supposedly Black Ops craft, made from alien technology, bartered for with lives of average citizens, for alien experiments.
There's also supposed to be a hidden alien agenda. Are we to become slaves? Is our DNA being manipulated and are hybrids being born to serve the alien agenda? If so, how do we stop it? If all this were true (which I have no way of knowing at this time), I do have a pretty good idea of how to put a stop on it.

What are we the people supposed to make of all this? I really can't say, as I am no expert but someone once gave me this advice: "When it comes to government, believe nothing you hear, half of what you see... and trust no one." Works for me. Well, both ways actually. I'm more of the "seeing is believing" type. I want proof. That proof is out there, somewhere. Do your part, report your UFO sightings! Be a part of the answers to the big questions.


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