Friday, February 26, 2010
68 years ago this month, the "Battle of Los Angeles"
It was 68 years ago this month- In the dark morning hours of February 25, 1942, less than three months after Pearl Harbor, a million people in Southern California witnessed first hand, the "Battle of Los Angeles".
This was not a drill, nor a practice for war. A very large unknown aerial object appeared over Los Angeles. At the time, it was feared that the Japanese were bringing the war to our western shores.
The next morning, the Los Angeles Examiner's headlines read: “Air Battle Rages over Los Angeles,” followed (in smaller type) by “One Plane Reported Downed on Vermont Avenue by Gunfire”.
What was the object that drew such an intense anti-aircraft barrage that February morning? Here is a riveting account of one eye witness, C. Scott Littleton.
The 'Battle of Los Angeles', Part 1
The 'Battle of Los Angeles', Part 2
Source: The UFO Chronicles
Photo: (1942) Searchlights light up the UFO as the military tries in vain to shoot it down.
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UFO Or BLACK OP Project?
MUFON Case # 22011
Date/Time: 09/11/1998 05:01 GMT
Distance: 100 feet or less
Location: Over South Pacific
Terrain: Ocean
(Click on Case # for original report.)
While traveling to Korea I took a picture of a cloud that to me looks like Abraham Lincoln. The picture clearly shows why I took the picture but what I found many years later was some what confusing.
Now I do know what the two beings in the photo as well as the aircraft is.
In the Army I was a Top Gun M1A1 Abrams Gunner, and until the photo thought I was trained on all vehicles of this world whether foreign or domestic. I did not see this vehicle in broad daylight with the naked eye and it was hovering right next to my plane as we flew over the ocean. The object in question is clearly shown on the picture.
I have been trying to get MUFON to analyze the pic but have been told that unless I have the negatives that my case is of no importance. If MUFON is on a quest to find out the truth not only do I have more evidence but I have also been visited by the visitors and now dream dreams of end of the world destruction and things to come.
I have had white liquid leaking form my eye sockets from being visited and objects around me being picked up by the visitor who presented themselves to me invisible. My son has also been contacted by the visitors. He since seeing them has been confused ever since.
I am not trying to make a name for myself but am interested in what MUFON opinion is of this photo. The object is blue/ black/ and white. The beings on the picture have double eyelids bird like features and the look somewhat like humans. In my dreams they look the same.
All I would like is someone from MUFON to look at the pic. I will even bring the pic to MUFON. This is not a hoax. I am also positive that I can help with your research of dimensional travel as well.
I have given a picture to the U.S. Air force and was told if I value my life, that I will not show the picture. The airforce did tell me that it is one of the military's AUROA PROJECTS and they do not know how I got it. Interesting huh! The bolts from my government vehicle when I was in the Army was also stripped from my vehicle and in an attempt to take my life.
So why am I trying to be silence for coming forward with this truth. I am now a disabled Vet and have nothing else to lose. The people have to know the truth and I have some evidence to help my claim. This Is not a HOAX!
Original Photos:
Photo 1
Photo 2
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Date/Time: 09/11/1998 05:01 GMT
Distance: 100 feet or less
Location: Over South Pacific
Terrain: Ocean
(Click on Case # for original report.)
While traveling to Korea I took a picture of a cloud that to me looks like Abraham Lincoln. The picture clearly shows why I took the picture but what I found many years later was some what confusing.
Now I do know what the two beings in the photo as well as the aircraft is.
In the Army I was a Top Gun M1A1 Abrams Gunner, and until the photo thought I was trained on all vehicles of this world whether foreign or domestic. I did not see this vehicle in broad daylight with the naked eye and it was hovering right next to my plane as we flew over the ocean. The object in question is clearly shown on the picture.
I have been trying to get MUFON to analyze the pic but have been told that unless I have the negatives that my case is of no importance. If MUFON is on a quest to find out the truth not only do I have more evidence but I have also been visited by the visitors and now dream dreams of end of the world destruction and things to come.
I have had white liquid leaking form my eye sockets from being visited and objects around me being picked up by the visitor who presented themselves to me invisible. My son has also been contacted by the visitors. He since seeing them has been confused ever since.
I am not trying to make a name for myself but am interested in what MUFON opinion is of this photo. The object is blue/ black/ and white. The beings on the picture have double eyelids bird like features and the look somewhat like humans. In my dreams they look the same.
All I would like is someone from MUFON to look at the pic. I will even bring the pic to MUFON. This is not a hoax. I am also positive that I can help with your research of dimensional travel as well.
I have given a picture to the U.S. Air force and was told if I value my life, that I will not show the picture. The airforce did tell me that it is one of the military's AUROA PROJECTS and they do not know how I got it. Interesting huh! The bolts from my government vehicle when I was in the Army was also stripped from my vehicle and in an attempt to take my life.
So why am I trying to be silence for coming forward with this truth. I am now a disabled Vet and have nothing else to lose. The people have to know the truth and I have some evidence to help my claim. This Is not a HOAX!
Original Photos:
Photo 1
Photo 2
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British UFO Documents Released, Minus "Insults"
nydailynews- Was it an alien space craft or just a blimp?
The British government has received thousands of UFO reports over the decades, and Thursday it released the largest amount of documents ever concerning UFO sightings.
The documents, made available online via PDF by the Ministry of Defence and The National Archives, included 6,000 pages from 1994 to 2000. (Click here to see list, download files)
The tales found within cover several elaborate sorts of tales, including a woman's telepathic encounter with bizarre lights, as well as one man's detailed report of a "spherical" object captured on video.
With each report received, the Ministry of Defence often had the same response.
"Our only concern is to establish whether or not they pose a threat to the security of the United Kingdom," stated one letter in 1994.
"Unless we judge that they do, and this has not been the case so far, we do not attempt to investigate further, or to identify whatever might have been seen."
In several cases, the Ministry distanced itself from any theory suggesting alien origin of the objects spotted.
"We are not aware of any evidence that would support the existence of extraterrestrial life," stated another letter.
Sources for the reports include individuals, UFO investigators and sometimes police reports.
The Ministry also explained several sightings in 1994 as being a Virgin Lightships airship.
One of these sightings came from a woman who was driving with her son and spotted something strange through some trees.
"In the brightness of the full moon she saw an elliptical shaped object which was displaying four pairs of white lights at its top, bottom and each end," the report stated.
Another, more bizarre report, suggested the sighting created a "feeling of well-being, as if the object was exuding a sense of 'love and compassion.'"
"A married couple from Brighton were attending a concert at Wembly Stadium, when, at 9.25 p.m., a 'plasma/jellyfish' type of object appeared overhead," the report said.
Since 1959, the Ministry of Defence has received hundreds of UFO sightings each year. According to the documents released, these reports spiked in 1978 with 750 reports. Another 600 were received in 1980.
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UFO sightings - MoD 'blanked out' insults about reports
BBC News- Defense officials' insulting remarks about the public had to be blanked out of government UFO files before they were made public, a memo has revealed.
The Ministry of Defense had agreed to publish its full archive of reported sightings in response to a deluge of Freedom of Information Act requests.
But the once-secret memo, published on its website, reveals "uncomplimentary comments" were edited out.
Comments on international relations and defense technology were also deleted.
Thousands of pages from the department's UFO files have been released through the National Archives since 2008, revealing details of reported flying objects and encounters with aliens.
The newly released memo to ministers and defense chiefs, dated September 2007, discusses how to make the largely "low security classification" information public.
It notes they "include references to air defense matters, defense technology, relations with foreign powers and occasional uncomplimentary comments by staff or police officers about members of the public, which will need to be withheld in accordance with FoI principles."
The Ministry of Defense (MoD) recorded UFO sightings from the end of the Second World War until it shut its special investigation unit on 1 December last year.
Officials feared publishing only part of the information would "fuel accusations of a 'cover-up'," the document reveals.
"Contrary to what many members of the public may believe, MoD has no interest in the subject of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the UK, only in ensuring the integrity and security of UK airspace," it says.
"The MoD is aware of no clear evidence to prove or disprove the existence of aliens, and consequently the files are considerably less exciting than the 'industry' surrounding the UFO phenomena would like to believe."
The fifth installment of MoD UFO files was released last week, revealing reports of a large triangular UFO hovering in the skies above former home secretary Michael Howard's home near Folkestone, Kent, in March 1997.
Read here.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
What Craft Was Photographed Over Wisconsin?

MUFON Case #21985
Event Date: 02/22/2010 15:35
Location: Hazelhurst, Wisconsin
Shape: Bullet/Missile
Summary: Bullet shaped aircraft screams across northern Wisconsin sky.
I was traveling southbound on US-51 when I saw this aircraft screaming across the sky from east to west. I was about 5 miles north of Hazelhurst. I know the photos aren't the greatest but I had little time to react and got lucky because for the most part it was very cloudy. It didn't look like a jet or a rocket. It looked more like a bullet shaped aircraft and had a very thick and solid contrail with a line down the center of it.
At first I thought it was just spraying a chemtrail but afterwards it seemed more like a high speed space plane to me.
It wasted no time on getting out of there and the last photo shows what it left behind.
Original Photos:
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
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Could the Wisconsin photo actually be an image of the B2-"Spirit" Stealth Bomber?
(See photo below.)
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Unknown Object Shown Beam of Light on Truck in Seabrook
Date/Time : 12/25/2009 00:30
Location: Seabrook, TX
Shape: Unknown
Duration:5 seconds
Summary: A rather large yellow laser beam tracked from 20 feet behind my truck over my truck and down the hood.
My guy and I were out for a drive about 12:30 am December 25th 2009 on Nasa Parkway in Seabrook, Texas.
We both were startled when I looked in my rear view mirror and noticed a rather large yellow laser beam track from 20 feet behind my truck going over my truck and down the hood. There was nothing in the sky when we looked up.
I keep going over what it could be in my mind and I have no idea. It was directly overhead where it came from and the possibility of how it could have been so precise is beyond me.
I wasn’t going to report it but I think it is more important to report an incident when it happens just in case any others saw it as well.
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Note: Well, this occurred on NASA Parkway, located along the Gulf Coast. Could this have been perpetrated by an alien craft, or was it a test pilot using civilians as target practice?
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Date/Time : 12/25/2009 00:30
Location: Seabrook, TX
Shape: Unknown
Duration:5 seconds
Summary: A rather large yellow laser beam tracked from 20 feet behind my truck over my truck and down the hood.
My guy and I were out for a drive about 12:30 am December 25th 2009 on Nasa Parkway in Seabrook, Texas.
We both were startled when I looked in my rear view mirror and noticed a rather large yellow laser beam track from 20 feet behind my truck going over my truck and down the hood. There was nothing in the sky when we looked up.
I keep going over what it could be in my mind and I have no idea. It was directly overhead where it came from and the possibility of how it could have been so precise is beyond me.
I wasn’t going to report it but I think it is more important to report an incident when it happens just in case any others saw it as well.
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Note: Well, this occurred on NASA Parkway, located along the Gulf Coast. Could this have been perpetrated by an alien craft, or was it a test pilot using civilians as target practice?
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Sunday, February 21, 2010
Shuttle Endeavour scheduled to land on Sunday, Feb. 21, 2010
On Sunday, February 21, 2010, you may see a bright light pulling a comet-like tail, headed West to East and low on the Southern horizon. Not to worry, it's the Space Shuttle 'Endeavour' (STS-130), on it's gliding flight back home to Kennedy Space Center.
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER - NASA will try to get space shuttle Endeavour back home Sunday night, but the weather may not cooperate on both sides of the country.
The shuttle’s first landing attempt is 10:16 p.m.EST, on Sunday, February 21, 2010 at the Kennedy Space Center.
Final preparations are under way for landing, but mission managers said low clouds and showers could keep Endeavour from touching down in Central Florida. Edwards Air Force Base is the next option, but the forecast there also predicts clouds and rain Sunday night.
Endeavour Landing Opportunities (Eastern Standard Time) are as follows:
1. Kennedy, 10:20 p.m. Sunday
2. Kennedy, 11:55 p.m. Sunday
3. Edwards, 1:25 a.m. Monday
4. Edwards, 3 a.m. Monday
Mission managers said the shuttle may end up spending another day in orbit, but a final decision on landing will not come until later Sunday night.
“We’re really not going to know until we get down to the wire tomorrow,” said flight director Norm Knight. “I anticipate about an hour before the deorbit burn, we’ll make a decision on what we’re going to do.”
NASA said the forecast at the Kennedy Space Center gets even worse for a landing attempt Monday night, but the weather in California is expected to be much better.
A third landing site is available in White Sands, New Mexico, but NASA only plans to use it as a last resort, due to a lack of equipment and facilities at that installation. There was only one mission that ended with a landing at White Sands was STS-3, when space shuttle Columbia touched down there on March 30, 1982.
Mission managers said they will not consider a landing in New Mexico Sunday night, but it could be an option Monday. NASA prefers Florida landings, because the cross-country ferry trip from California eats up $1.7 million and more than a week.
The shuttle flight path will cross the Gulf Coast, to the Space Coast.
If weather permits and you want to view the shuttle as it crosses over Texas, please check out the list of times these viewing opportunities may occur in your area.
For viewing opportunities in Texas.
All other states.
All other countries.
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Endeavour Landing Times Updated
Space Shuttle Mission: STS-130
Sat, 20 Feb 2010 10:19:19 PM CST
STS-130 mission managers opted to forego a planned orbit adjust burn, changing space shuttle Endeavour's deorbit and landing times by a few minutes.
Weather permitting, Endeavour's deorbit burn will occur at 9:14 p.m. EST Sunday, leading to a landing at Kennedy Space Center at 10:20 p.m. There is a second Kennedy landing opportunity at 11:55 p.m. There also are two opportunities at Edwards Air Force Base in California early Monday at 1:25 a.m. and 3 a.m. Ground tracks for Endeavour's landing opportunities are posted on NASA's Web:
Forecasters are predicting a chance of showers within 30 nautical miles of Kennedy's shuttle landing facility and a cloud ceiling at 6,000 feet, both violations of landing flight rules. The forecast for Edwards also predicts violations for showers within 30 nautical miles of the runway and low cloud ceilings.
Earlier Saturday, Endeavour's astronauts completed the standard day-before-entry checkout of the shuttle's flight control systems and reaction control system jets.
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CSETI Claims 'First Ever' Photo Of Extraterrestrial
The shot was taken at Joshua Tree National Park in California, November 17, 2009, during a CSETI contact event overseen by Dr. Steven Greer.
This photograph offers extraordinary evidence of interstellar, transdimensional technology, and the efficacy of CSETI contact protocols.
Click Here for Full Set of Photos and Measurements
NOTE: These photos look much clearer when viewed on a High Definition computer screen or a High Definition TV screen.
Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Director, CSETI and The Disclosure Project
Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Director, CSETI and The Disclosure Project
Each year since 1996, CSETI has conducted an intensive training event in Joshua Tree National Park to contact extraterrestrial civilizations. From November 15 through 21, 2009, CSETI staff and a group of 40 national and international students spent six nights deep in the park, learning and practicing the contact protocols.
Late the night of November 17, 2009 a series of remarkable--and historic--events transpired, including the visit of an extraterrestrial being within a few feet of the contact team, photographed by a senior team member.
Some background: Since 1996 we have had an increasing level of contact in Joshua Tree. (See the new book "Contact: Countdown to Transformation" for a full history of CSETI contact experiences, including many at Joshua Tree.) In 1996, while conducting a similar expedition in Joshua Tree, we were visited by a very large disc-shaped ET craft that descended quickly from space and merged into the earth. This craft was 200+ feet in diameter, flat on the bottom and rose to a tapered point, much like a Hershey's Kiss. It was teal green in color, sparkling and not fully materialized, but very brilliant and visible. As it approached the earth, the desert was illumined very briefly as if it were daytime, and the craft rapidly entered the earth.
We noted the exact spot of entry, which is very deep in the center of the nearly 800,000-acre Joshua Tree National Park, and have conducted our contact expeditions at that site since 1996.
This site is also where the Orion Transmissions occurred. These are a series of electromagnetic signals downloaded via the CSETI radar detectors, which began in 2007 and continued intensely during our 2008 and 2009 expeditions. (See "Contact: Countdown to Transformation" and accompanying DVD for interpretations and recordings of the transmissions.)
On the night of November 17, 2009, a series of remarkable events transpired. Upon setting up at the site, The Orion Transmissions recurred, with full lock-on of electromagnetic devices, including magnetometers, tri-field meters and radar and laser detectors. During a break, a group of us walked east from our contact site out onto the high desert plain where the craft in 1996 had entered the earth. We observed a strange, scintillating light in the shape of a circular craft, associated with soft, nuanced areas of vertical moving lights which we knew to be ET beings. Suddenly, a brilliant white laser-like light emerged from the ground and shot into space at a 45-degree angle. At this point we knew a 'vector' had been set up for further contact.
After some time, we turned to go back to the contact circle and suddenly there was an emerald green burst of light in the north, which illumined the entire park area. It appeared to emerge from the ground and go upwards, like a fountain of light, evolving through a number of beautiful colors: gold, pink, and magenta. Around this time, a meteor was reported over Utah, and it is not known if this light was associated--or coincidental--with that meteor.
As we walked back to the circle, I observed a soft white orb, about 3 inches in diameter, appear to the north of the path about 10-15 feet from us. It blipped into linear space/time briefly, then vanished, but while it was present it was moving with us back towards the group.
We returned to the group, all of whom were remarking on the brilliant display of light in the north. As we re-established order and were about to re-form our circle, a number of team members heard 3 or 4 voices speaking, from the direction of the path where the white laser light and orb were observed. I distinctly heard 1 male and 2 or 3 female voices. These voices were not speaking a known language and were emanating from an area where no human team members were standing!
At this point, we knew that there were ET beings very close to our contact circle. It was then, around 11:30 pm, as I was asking people to begin to be seated, that Raven Nabulsi took a remarkable photograph of an ET being floating above our chairs to the east, looking directly at the camera. She also took several photos before and after the one that showed the ET being, but all the other photos were completely black. Read More Here
Please, see all photos at
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Note: I just received this email and need to share it with you, our friends.
As for the photos themselves, I respectfully reserve judgment at this time and encourage readers to form (and share) their own opinion.
- SW
Debbie Foch a Senior CSETI administrator ask we make sure that if people post or talk about this astonishing photo to please not to just post the one photo. It is important to post all of the information provided.
"It is a really big step for us to post this report, but we felt it was important to keep the public informed of our progress despite the repurcussions.
If anyone is participating in the online forums such as Disclose.TV or Above Top Secret, etc, we would appreciate your letting those people in the forums/blogs know that they really need to read the report on our web site and to view all of the photographs we have available including the high resolution Original ET Photo, and the one with all of the measurements marked on it. A lot of them have just the one enlarged photo posted and people can easily try to dismiss or debunk it without getting the rest of the information. We went through a lot of trouble to do this, to try to anticipate the questions from the skeptics, and to be scientific about all
of this."
If anyone is participating in the online forums such as Disclose.TV or Above Top Secret, etc, we would appreciate your letting those people in the forums/blogs know that they really need to read the report on our web site and to view all of the photographs we have available including the high resolution Original ET Photo, and the one with all of the measurements marked on it. A lot of them have just the one enlarged photo posted and people can easily try to dismiss or debunk it without getting the rest of the information. We went through a lot of trouble to do this, to try to anticipate the questions from the skeptics, and to be scientific about all
of this."
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Saturday, February 20, 2010
Former Navy SeaL/Navigator Witnesses Huge Triangular UFO
A sighting was recently reported to NUFORC, in which a former Navy Seal and navigator living in Cleburne, Texas saw what he believes was not any "earthly aircraft".
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Date/Time: 12/25/2009 19:46
Location: Cleburne, TX
Shape: Triangle
Duration of sighting: 4 - 5 min.
Summary: Huge, silent aircraft seen under 500 feet Xmas night by trained observer for 4 to 5 minutes
Huge UFO seen from the rear on Christmas night, 12/25/2009! At around 7:40 pm CDT, I drove to a corner store, about one mile from my house, for a package of little cigars and a coke to see what remained of our first ‘white Christmas’ in 83 years (before I was born!).
As I returned to my car from inside the store where I had visited with the owner for a few minutes or so, something caught my eye low in the due northern sky: a yellowish/white broad light that was not shining at me, or out in front of the object, but was ‘glowing’ downwards, but not casting a ‘beam’ of light! I thought, how strange, but then the brisk cold air got to me so I hurried on home to see if I could get a better look at this, thing.
Less than five minutes later, or, about 7:46 to 7:48 pm CDT, I parked my car at home and walked to my porch and looked up to the lower southern sky and saw this HUGE rear end of what could not have been an airplane, as it was only a few hundred feet off the ground, and the rear lights were perfectly huge! There were four of them, two yellowish/white and two reddish/white, perfectly circular, spaced one after the other (white, red, white, red) in a roll in shape with a red blinking light in the middle or, possibly in the bottom area, when I thought it was likely an airplane, but I heard no sound whatsoever.
What I was looking at, that was gliding so slowly that if it had of been some known aircraft; it would have fallen from the sky, seemed to me to be the rear end of a triangle-shaped UFO I have seen graphics of and some videos of from eyewitnesses.
These lights were not bright, did not give off a ‘brightness glow’ nor were they hard to look at, yet they were soft in their illumination.
The huge object was almost hovering as it was gliding so slowly. I watched it moving towards the due south, and I know where the due south is from my front yard, having a compass watch that I calculate with every season, plus I know my star charts, being a former Navy SeaL and navigator.
These four lights were perfectly round and did not blink at all: only the small red light blinked in an odd manner unlike the belly lights found on traditional aircraft that blink in a continuous series as a warning. I know this from having once worked for Delta Airlines as a Fuel Service Agent. This little red light would blink real fast, and then stop, and then blink real fast a few seconds later, and stop.
I was very awed, despite my past in witnessing and videotaping such oddities we call UFOs, standing out in the 30F odd degree cold night air, as I truly believed that I was seeing the rear end of a triangle shaped UFO gliding southwards, ever so slowly.
The area where the large lights were located was a perfectly boxed-in area, or squared off with the lights within.
Now, I had my camcorder just inside my house on the coffee table, as I had been taking footage of the very rare snow that we had gotten yesterday afternoon, 12/24/2009, for the first time since 1926, as the TV news had related.
When my camcorder came to mind, the object had traveled farther away to the due south, although I thought I could get some footage of it.
I decided to watch it instead, as if I had of gotten footage by that time of watching it for about four minutes, it would have been seen as simply colored lights that I described above in the cold night air, becoming smaller as it traveled slowly away.
CONCLUSION: This object was too huge and flying too low and silently to have been any known, earthly aircraft! Because of the placement of the huge circular lights to the rear of the object; rule out any earthly aircraft.
These were not ‘fixed winged lights’ that shine out in front of airplanes, as this object was heading away from me to the south, plus the fact of its slow rate of speed and freezing night air; rule out a horizontal hot air balloon of any type based upon little to no wind and the object was moving in such a fixed position that it did not vary even slightly! I affirm that the above is true and correct as I have described.
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Note: I myself, saw something similar last year but the object I witnessed had a string of alternating red and white lights. Whatever the object was, as the witness from this report stated, it was "huge"! -SW
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Date/Time: 12/25/2009 19:46
Location: Cleburne, TX
Shape: Triangle
Duration of sighting: 4 - 5 min.
Summary: Huge, silent aircraft seen under 500 feet Xmas night by trained observer for 4 to 5 minutes
Huge UFO seen from the rear on Christmas night, 12/25/2009! At around 7:40 pm CDT, I drove to a corner store, about one mile from my house, for a package of little cigars and a coke to see what remained of our first ‘white Christmas’ in 83 years (before I was born!).
As I returned to my car from inside the store where I had visited with the owner for a few minutes or so, something caught my eye low in the due northern sky: a yellowish/white broad light that was not shining at me, or out in front of the object, but was ‘glowing’ downwards, but not casting a ‘beam’ of light! I thought, how strange, but then the brisk cold air got to me so I hurried on home to see if I could get a better look at this, thing.
Less than five minutes later, or, about 7:46 to 7:48 pm CDT, I parked my car at home and walked to my porch and looked up to the lower southern sky and saw this HUGE rear end of what could not have been an airplane, as it was only a few hundred feet off the ground, and the rear lights were perfectly huge! There were four of them, two yellowish/white and two reddish/white, perfectly circular, spaced one after the other (white, red, white, red) in a roll in shape with a red blinking light in the middle or, possibly in the bottom area, when I thought it was likely an airplane, but I heard no sound whatsoever.
What I was looking at, that was gliding so slowly that if it had of been some known aircraft; it would have fallen from the sky, seemed to me to be the rear end of a triangle-shaped UFO I have seen graphics of and some videos of from eyewitnesses.
These lights were not bright, did not give off a ‘brightness glow’ nor were they hard to look at, yet they were soft in their illumination.
The huge object was almost hovering as it was gliding so slowly. I watched it moving towards the due south, and I know where the due south is from my front yard, having a compass watch that I calculate with every season, plus I know my star charts, being a former Navy SeaL and navigator.
These four lights were perfectly round and did not blink at all: only the small red light blinked in an odd manner unlike the belly lights found on traditional aircraft that blink in a continuous series as a warning. I know this from having once worked for Delta Airlines as a Fuel Service Agent. This little red light would blink real fast, and then stop, and then blink real fast a few seconds later, and stop.
I was very awed, despite my past in witnessing and videotaping such oddities we call UFOs, standing out in the 30F odd degree cold night air, as I truly believed that I was seeing the rear end of a triangle shaped UFO gliding southwards, ever so slowly.
The area where the large lights were located was a perfectly boxed-in area, or squared off with the lights within.
Now, I had my camcorder just inside my house on the coffee table, as I had been taking footage of the very rare snow that we had gotten yesterday afternoon, 12/24/2009, for the first time since 1926, as the TV news had related.
When my camcorder came to mind, the object had traveled farther away to the due south, although I thought I could get some footage of it.
I decided to watch it instead, as if I had of gotten footage by that time of watching it for about four minutes, it would have been seen as simply colored lights that I described above in the cold night air, becoming smaller as it traveled slowly away.
CONCLUSION: This object was too huge and flying too low and silently to have been any known, earthly aircraft! Because of the placement of the huge circular lights to the rear of the object; rule out any earthly aircraft.
These were not ‘fixed winged lights’ that shine out in front of airplanes, as this object was heading away from me to the south, plus the fact of its slow rate of speed and freezing night air; rule out a horizontal hot air balloon of any type based upon little to no wind and the object was moving in such a fixed position that it did not vary even slightly! I affirm that the above is true and correct as I have described.
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Note: I myself, saw something similar last year but the object I witnessed had a string of alternating red and white lights. Whatever the object was, as the witness from this report stated, it was "huge"! -SW
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Fire and Clouds- Two UFO Reports
Two totally different, yet equally interesting reports were recently submitted to MUFON. Though miles apart, both sightings occurred on February 19, 2010.
From a tear-shaped cloud that appeared to contain more than water vapor, to a bright light that caused a tree to burst into flames, these two reports may have more in common than the mere fact that they were witnessed on the same day and reported to the same agency.
What lurks in our skies that can so often illicit such a differing range of emotions? For some witnesses these sightings are awe inspiring, while others experience fear and bewilderment.
We continue to seek answers to these questions and so much more.
One answer is becoming more clear: We are not alone.
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MUFON Case # 21940
Date/Time: 01/19/2010 17:30
Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Shape: Teardrop,Unknown
Summary: Teardrop Moving cloud with dark shape in center moving east at sunset
I walked out onto my deck in Harrisburg Pennsylvania as the sun was setting.
As I looked at the sun setting, I noticed only one cloud could be seen in the sky just above and to the left of the sunset. However the cloud moved at a consistent speed from west to east.
In the center of the teardrop shaped cloud was a dark shape. I believe the sunset caused the cloud and shape in the center to be visible.
It could have been a man made vehicle, but it definitely was under control and was definitely enclosed with a teardrop shaped cloud.
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MUFON Case # 21941
Date/Time: 02/19/2010 07:50
Location: Overland Park, Kansas
Shape: Flash
Summary: flash of light followed by the top of a tree catching fire
I was driving down 435 going west changing lanes to take highway 10 to DeSoto. There was a bright light on the eastbound lanes. I thought it might be a giant truck with bright, bright lights about the size and brightness of 25 headlights. There was an accompanying humming sound.
Then the top of a tree in the middle of all the highways burst into flames and as I drove by, it continued to burn.
Then the light was gone.
I just drove on to work and everybody else kept driving too.
So did anybody else see this?
I was startled by the light and the fire. I thought everyone saw it but was ignoring it. I was a little scared but I just drove on to work, like everyone else. When I drove by the spot after work, I didn't think about the spot and didn't look for the tree. :(
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Reports contain few corrections. See original reports by clicking on the corresponding case numbers.
Depictions by SW- LITS
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From a tear-shaped cloud that appeared to contain more than water vapor, to a bright light that caused a tree to burst into flames, these two reports may have more in common than the mere fact that they were witnessed on the same day and reported to the same agency.
What lurks in our skies that can so often illicit such a differing range of emotions? For some witnesses these sightings are awe inspiring, while others experience fear and bewilderment.
We continue to seek answers to these questions and so much more.
One answer is becoming more clear: We are not alone.
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MUFON Case # 21940
Date/Time: 01/19/2010 17:30
Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Shape: Teardrop,Unknown
Summary: Teardrop Moving cloud with dark shape in center moving east at sunset
I walked out onto my deck in Harrisburg Pennsylvania as the sun was setting.
As I looked at the sun setting, I noticed only one cloud could be seen in the sky just above and to the left of the sunset. However the cloud moved at a consistent speed from west to east.
In the center of the teardrop shaped cloud was a dark shape. I believe the sunset caused the cloud and shape in the center to be visible.
It could have been a man made vehicle, but it definitely was under control and was definitely enclosed with a teardrop shaped cloud.
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MUFON Case # 21941
Date/Time: 02/19/2010 07:50
Location: Overland Park, Kansas
Shape: Flash
Summary: flash of light followed by the top of a tree catching fire
I was driving down 435 going west changing lanes to take highway 10 to DeSoto. There was a bright light on the eastbound lanes. I thought it might be a giant truck with bright, bright lights about the size and brightness of 25 headlights. There was an accompanying humming sound.
Then the top of a tree in the middle of all the highways burst into flames and as I drove by, it continued to burn.
Then the light was gone.
I just drove on to work and everybody else kept driving too.
So did anybody else see this?
I was startled by the light and the fire. I thought everyone saw it but was ignoring it. I was a little scared but I just drove on to work, like everyone else. When I drove by the spot after work, I didn't think about the spot and didn't look for the tree. :(
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Reports contain few corrections. See original reports by clicking on the corresponding case numbers.
Depictions by SW- LITS
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
Video Of Possible UFO Near San Augustine, TX
MUFON Case # 21921
Date/Time: 02/16/2010 00:00
Location: San Augustine, Texas
Duration: 04:00:00
Distance: Over one mile
Summary: Orange orb Lights in sky 16Feb10 from 7-10 pm
Just like the people that saw this in Vernon Lake in Louisiana…they got pics and I got some video… hope they get to see this…
Walked outside of our home and saw an orange looking orb to the east from HWY 21 in Geneva TX...went back in and got my camera and my wife and got some video…this thing would fade out for a long time and then the light might be 1 or 2 and then fade again…I waited and filmed what I could from about 7 pm until about 10 pm…the videos are shaky because I am free holding the cam and not on a tripod…
Phoned 3 friends and they saw it also…one of those said she saw it until 11 pm. I think that the best video on here is 4285 when a truck passes our home and it helps to see how large it is and you can see what we are seeing on the horizon to the east from here…I saw a triangle (1/2 to 1 mile wide) in 2003, missed catching it on camera and now I have a camera near me since then and I’m always looking up…
We have ruled out that this was a natural gas flare because it moved from 90 degrees to about 100-110 degrees within 3 hours from where I was standing…possible comet but it is to now unidentified…
I’ll be looking up again tonight.
I'll do my best to upload the 3 videos since i am on Satellite Internet.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Enhanced video capture.
(Click on images for larger view.)
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Video captures by SW - LITS
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
More UFOs Over Hiniton, GB

MUFON Case # 21903
Event Date: 2010-02-16 14:37
Location: Honiton, GB
Longitude: -2.0
Latitude: 54.0
Shape: Disc,Star-like
(Click on images for larger view.)
I was checking out the recent local hot spot and i caught this on camera. Here's what happened, i was on the top of roundball hill checking the area when i saw a light in the distant next thing i know it shot straight over me and i naturally tried to grab a picture of it it was moving very fast but i got one relatively good photo (Zoom in on photo1 and it's straight ahead)then moments later a helicopter zoomed by also got a photo of that it was very low at its lowest i could touch it if i jumped.
Original Photos:
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Previous Reports:
Honiton, Great Britain A Hotspot For UFOs
More On Honiton, GB UFO Flap
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Monday, February 15, 2010
Daytime Photo of Bright Object in Texas Sky
Case Number: 21894
Event Date: 01/26/2010 16:54
Region: Texas
Summary: I take pictures of cloud formations as a hobby, found this ufo? object during a review of the pics
As a relaxing hobby, I enjoy taking pictures of various cloud formations, storms etc.
Event Time:
Jan 26th 2010 at 4:54pm
Event Location:
Addison Texas at the Intersection of Arapaho and Monfort
I parked in the lot across from a Walmart to snap a few cloud photos. I did not see or notice any planes /crafts or lighting in the sky, all normal. Only later that day, as I reviewed the photos, I found the ufo? object on one of the photos.
Original Photo
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Missle-like Object Videoed From Passenger Plane
Video capture of object streaking by passenger jet.
MUFON Case # 21882
Event Date: 11/30/2008
Location: Cypress, California
Shape: Bullet/Missile
Summary: Interesting Video
This video was shot out the window of a passenger jet flying from Washington state back to California. The camera was aimed at a cloud formation, When you see an object fly by at the top of the screen.
It was noticed only later while watching the video. I didnt take this video my coworker did and he never noticed this until I pointed it out to him.
Another Jet? Missile? Rocket? In either case it looks like its moving pretty good notice that after he pans back with the camera the object and its trail is totally gone.
Video Link
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Video Link
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Saturday, February 13, 2010
Red Lights over Texas- Februay 8-9, 2010
Note: I apologize for not having posted these reports sooner but due to a family crisis, I have been 'out-of-pocket'. -SW
Monday, February 08, 2010
19:15 hrs.
Weather: 35 degrees F, Cloudy, Windy
City/State: Breckenridge, Texas
Location: Near powerlines
Terrain: Farmland
I was on the phone with our friend Walter. My husband had just left in the pickup to go to town.
As I was talking to Walter, I was looking out our front livingroom window, which faces North. The County Road in front of our property, is slightly over 100 feet from our house.
As I looked through the window, I noticed what appeared to bright taillights of some type of vehicle. But instead of thinking the lights were over the road, I at first thought they were on our property. These lights were huge! I had never seen any lights like these before.
The lights were well below the main power lines that are directly in front of our home (crossing East/West), on our fence line.
There were 4 huge red lights that looked like elongated brake lights, each one just above the other, then just behind those 4 lights, there were 4 more.
I told Walter what I was seeing and he asked if it was a big truck. I said "No." After seeing these lights, I rushed to the front door, which took all of 2 seconds. The lights were gone.
At the speed they were moving and since they were directly in front of the house, they would have still been visible if they were attached to a truck. There was nothing. No sound, no lights, nothing.
Walter and I tried to figure out what it was that I had seen but could come up with no rational explanation.
I got off the phone because my stomach started hurting and I felt nauseated. I went to the bathroom and became sick. The illness was over as soon as it started.
After my husband returned from town, I asked him if there had been a vehicle behind him on our road and he said that he saw no other cars or trucks behind him.
When I was watching the lights through the window, I recall that I did not see anything (aside from the lights themselves) that blocked the lights on the highway that is 1 block North and runs parallel to our road.
It was as if there were 8 lights that were apparently not attached to anything, or the object(s) were invisible.
Later the next day I looked out towards where I had seen the lights and could estimate that the line of lights were over half the height of the power pole across the road and approximately the length of the pole's cross-tie.
The entire sighting only lasted about 5 seconds. I saw the lights moving above the road and then they vanished. There was no helicopter, or any other aircraft in the vicinity.
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(MUFON Reports are "as is".)
MUFON Case # 21852
Date/Time: 02/09/2010 21:00
Location: Mullin, Texas
Summary: Two red lights appeared in the southwest sky above our barn.
We were driving into our property and saw two small red lights in the sky above our barn. The sky was dark so the lights showed up well. They looked a bit like tail lights on a car but up in the sky. There were also some small blinking white lights that appeared when the red lights had gone off. We saw the same lights a couple of years back, in the same spot. Do not remember the date but the time was about the same - somewhere between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. When we stopped to look at the lights, they went out. We started driving again and they came back. Our sons girlfriend, who is staying on the property, said she has been seeing the same lights. My husband made the comment "look how fast they are moving". I didn't see them move because I was alternating between the lights and making sure my husband didn't hit anything while driving and looking at the lights. In trying to keep our 15 year old calm - we didn't make a big deal about it. He wouldn't go back outside by himself after we got to the house. The time before when we had seen them there were more lights, maybe 5 or 6, that just hung there then split and left in different directions. This time I only saw 2 red lights.
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MUFON Case # 21853
Date/Time: 02/09/2010 19:55
Location: Denton, Texas
Summary: Four red lights flying in formation.
Just before 8pm I was outside for a cigarette looking west over the pond behind my house and noticed four red lights moving in formation low across the horizon.The unusual thing about this was first that they appeared to be flying in a single line formation at the same speed on the same course for as long as I could see them.Even with a great deal of private air traffic in this area I have never seen air planes flying in formation before.the second thing that stood out was a lack of white light that you would normally associate with a private air craft.I did not see any strobe or green light only red,while other aircraft were in the same vicinity and showing both red and green lights in addition to the common strobe.I was not close enough to hear any sound or determine a shape,the objects must have been at least a couple of miles away.While I cannot say this was a UFO sighting it was certainly unusual and I would like to know if any other reports have been made.
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MUFON Case # 21855
Date/Time: 02/09/2010 20:15
LOcation: Denton, Texas
Summary: 4 red lights in formation
At approximately 2015 hrs CST I witnessed 4 red lights travelling southeast to northwest, in a cross style formation, approximately 15 miles from my location at the Old Alton Bridge. The craft appeared to fly very slowly and remained in formation during the entire event. I lost sight if the lights in the trees. Approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour later we (2 others and I) returned to the town of Krum. There we witnessed 4 lights approaching Krum from the north. As the got closer I could discern a distinct helicopter type sound. They they closed in close enough that I was able to determine that this was a training flight of helicopters from the JRB/NAS Fort Worth. I videoed the original event and can barely discern that these were aircraft from the beginning of my viewing event. The total time for the event would have been 5 minutes for the original sighting and approximately 10 minutes for the subsequent event.
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Monday, February 08, 2010
19:15 hrs.
Weather: 35 degrees F, Cloudy, Windy
City/State: Breckenridge, Texas
Location: Near powerlines
Terrain: Farmland
I was on the phone with our friend Walter. My husband had just left in the pickup to go to town.
As I was talking to Walter, I was looking out our front livingroom window, which faces North. The County Road in front of our property, is slightly over 100 feet from our house.
As I looked through the window, I noticed what appeared to bright taillights of some type of vehicle. But instead of thinking the lights were over the road, I at first thought they were on our property. These lights were huge! I had never seen any lights like these before.
The lights were well below the main power lines that are directly in front of our home (crossing East/West), on our fence line.
There were 4 huge red lights that looked like elongated brake lights, each one just above the other, then just behind those 4 lights, there were 4 more.
I told Walter what I was seeing and he asked if it was a big truck. I said "No." After seeing these lights, I rushed to the front door, which took all of 2 seconds. The lights were gone.
At the speed they were moving and since they were directly in front of the house, they would have still been visible if they were attached to a truck. There was nothing. No sound, no lights, nothing.
Walter and I tried to figure out what it was that I had seen but could come up with no rational explanation.
I got off the phone because my stomach started hurting and I felt nauseated. I went to the bathroom and became sick. The illness was over as soon as it started.
After my husband returned from town, I asked him if there had been a vehicle behind him on our road and he said that he saw no other cars or trucks behind him.
When I was watching the lights through the window, I recall that I did not see anything (aside from the lights themselves) that blocked the lights on the highway that is 1 block North and runs parallel to our road.
It was as if there were 8 lights that were apparently not attached to anything, or the object(s) were invisible.
Later the next day I looked out towards where I had seen the lights and could estimate that the line of lights were over half the height of the power pole across the road and approximately the length of the pole's cross-tie.
The entire sighting only lasted about 5 seconds. I saw the lights moving above the road and then they vanished. There was no helicopter, or any other aircraft in the vicinity.
* * *
(MUFON Reports are "as is".)
MUFON Case # 21852
Date/Time: 02/09/2010 21:00
Location: Mullin, Texas
Summary: Two red lights appeared in the southwest sky above our barn.
We were driving into our property and saw two small red lights in the sky above our barn. The sky was dark so the lights showed up well. They looked a bit like tail lights on a car but up in the sky. There were also some small blinking white lights that appeared when the red lights had gone off. We saw the same lights a couple of years back, in the same spot. Do not remember the date but the time was about the same - somewhere between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. When we stopped to look at the lights, they went out. We started driving again and they came back. Our sons girlfriend, who is staying on the property, said she has been seeing the same lights. My husband made the comment "look how fast they are moving". I didn't see them move because I was alternating between the lights and making sure my husband didn't hit anything while driving and looking at the lights. In trying to keep our 15 year old calm - we didn't make a big deal about it. He wouldn't go back outside by himself after we got to the house. The time before when we had seen them there were more lights, maybe 5 or 6, that just hung there then split and left in different directions. This time I only saw 2 red lights.
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MUFON Case # 21853
Date/Time: 02/09/2010 19:55
Location: Denton, Texas
Summary: Four red lights flying in formation.
Just before 8pm I was outside for a cigarette looking west over the pond behind my house and noticed four red lights moving in formation low across the horizon.The unusual thing about this was first that they appeared to be flying in a single line formation at the same speed on the same course for as long as I could see them.Even with a great deal of private air traffic in this area I have never seen air planes flying in formation before.the second thing that stood out was a lack of white light that you would normally associate with a private air craft.I did not see any strobe or green light only red,while other aircraft were in the same vicinity and showing both red and green lights in addition to the common strobe.I was not close enough to hear any sound or determine a shape,the objects must have been at least a couple of miles away.While I cannot say this was a UFO sighting it was certainly unusual and I would like to know if any other reports have been made.
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MUFON Case # 21855
Date/Time: 02/09/2010 20:15
LOcation: Denton, Texas
Summary: 4 red lights in formation
At approximately 2015 hrs CST I witnessed 4 red lights travelling southeast to northwest, in a cross style formation, approximately 15 miles from my location at the Old Alton Bridge. The craft appeared to fly very slowly and remained in formation during the entire event. I lost sight if the lights in the trees. Approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour later we (2 others and I) returned to the town of Krum. There we witnessed 4 lights approaching Krum from the north. As the got closer I could discern a distinct helicopter type sound. They they closed in close enough that I was able to determine that this was a training flight of helicopters from the JRB/NAS Fort Worth. I videoed the original event and can barely discern that these were aircraft from the beginning of my viewing event. The total time for the event would have been 5 minutes for the original sighting and approximately 10 minutes for the subsequent event.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010
More on the Honiton, GB UFO Flap
Someone else has taken notice of the UFO activity around Roundball, Honiton, Great Britain.
What these objects are, is a mystery... for now.
MUFON Case # 21848
MUFON Case # 21849
Event Date: 2010-02-10 00:00 GMT
City: Honiton
Country: GB
Longitude: -2.0
Latitude: 54.0
Shape: Disc,Oval
Summary: Checking out recent hotspot-Picture
Since there has been a few reports in the Honiton area recently and as i live near by i thought I'd go check out the area and see if i could see or capture anything after an hour in the area nothing i took some photos up the roundball and caught something unexplainable JPG. attached. it was a 2 discs i saw them briefly with my naked eye zoom across the sky. I'm going to try and get a web cam set up there asap.
Original Photos:
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
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Previous Posts:
Honiton, Great Britain A Hotspot For UFOs
Photo Of UFO Over Leeds, Great Britain
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What these objects are, is a mystery... for now.
MUFON Case # 21848
MUFON Case # 21849
Event Date: 2010-02-10 00:00 GMT
City: Honiton
Country: GB
Longitude: -2.0
Latitude: 54.0
Shape: Disc,Oval
Summary: Checking out recent hotspot-Picture
Since there has been a few reports in the Honiton area recently and as i live near by i thought I'd go check out the area and see if i could see or capture anything after an hour in the area nothing i took some photos up the roundball and caught something unexplainable JPG. attached. it was a 2 discs i saw them briefly with my naked eye zoom across the sky. I'm going to try and get a web cam set up there asap.
Original Photos:
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
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Previous Posts:
Honiton, Great Britain A Hotspot For UFOs
Photo Of UFO Over Leeds, Great Britain
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Photo Of UFO Over Leeds, Great Britain
This is another report submitted to MUFON, from the United Kingdom. This time it is from the town of Leeds, GB and the report includes a photo.
The object in the photo does not appear to be a 'Chinese lantern'.
MUFON Case # 21818
Report Date: 02/08/2010
Event Date: 06/15/2009
City: Leeds
Country: Great Britain
Longitude: -2.0
Latitude: 54.0
Shape: Disc,Egg,Fireball,Oval,Sphere
Distance: 500 feet or less
Summary: A moving orange ball
I was on holiday at my dads who lives right next to the sea in norfolk uk. I was called out side to see and orange ball which at first I thought was just another lantern. but this thing was moving south to north and the it stopped above us and was rotating left and right. it then shot out to sea within seconds. then further down the coast it came back and towards us before shooting straight up out of sight. I had a standard 5 mp camera with no night feature but in this event started snapping away hoping to capture a small glimpse of what this might be, however when I put these pictures on my pc all I got was a green static screen except for one great picture.
Original Photos:
Photo 1
Photo 2
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UFO-OVNI Photographed in Giardino, Cordoba, Argentina
This photo, video and report was posted to LITS and I decided to run with it.I have translated the report to English and posted the original text below.
Hello Friends:
Desire to share with you, this photo of a UFO taken during my holidays in Village Giardino (CORDOBA, ARGENTINA) in January of the 2006. Photo taken January 11, 2006 to the 11:21 AM, with a camera digital Canon TO-95 (5 mpixel) in automatic way. ...

VIDEO on YouTube
Link to Photo
Information: GRUPO G.A.B.I.E.
Thank you very much,
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Original Email:
Deseo compartir con ustedes ,esta foto de un OVNI tomada durante mis vacaciones en Villa Giardino (CÓRDOBA ,ARGENTINA) en enero del 2006. Foto tomada el 11 de Enero del 2006 a las 11:21 AM ,con una cámara digital Canon A-95 (5 mpixel) en modo automático....
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Hello Friends:
Desire to share with you, this photo of a UFO taken during my holidays in Village Giardino (CORDOBA, ARGENTINA) in January of the 2006. Photo taken January 11, 2006 to the 11:21 AM, with a camera digital Canon TO-95 (5 mpixel) in automatic way. ...

VIDEO on YouTube
Link to Photo
Information: GRUPO G.A.B.I.E.
Thank you very much,
* * *
Original Email:
Deseo compartir con ustedes ,esta foto de un OVNI tomada durante mis vacaciones en Villa Giardino (CÓRDOBA ,ARGENTINA) en enero del 2006. Foto tomada el 11 de Enero del 2006 a las 11:21 AM ,con una cámara digital Canon A-95 (5 mpixel) en modo automático....
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Sunday, February 7, 2010
Honiton, Great Britain A Hotspot For UFOs
Here are just three (3) of the reports that have been submitted to MUFON recently, concerning UFO sightings in and near Honiton, Great Britain.
Please note the photograph (case # 21804). The disc shaped object looks oddly like a flying mushroom. It seems lately that UFOs of all shapes and sizes, even those like "flying carpets" have been seen.
I myself, have seen something that looked a lot like pontoons lashed together, including multiple objects that looked like rectangular pieces of card board, or sheets of plywood.
Honiton, Great Britain seems to be a hotspot for UFOs lately. It is a terrible shame that the M.O.D. no longer investigates sightings. Imagine that...
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MUFON Case # 21804
Submitted Date: 2010-02-07 11:40 GMT
Event Date: 2010-01-27 00:00 GMT
Location: Honiton, GB
Longitude: -2.0
Latitude: 54.0
Shape: Disc
Summary: Vacation snap, Honiton England
While vacationing with my family in England we went to the town of Honiton, we ventured up Roundball hill which over looked the town, we took some photos and when we got back home we looked at one and saw a strange object in one of them, we didn't see it at the time and have no idea what it is?
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MUFON Case # 21782
Submitted Date: 2010-02-05 13:56 GMT
Event Date: 2010-02-02 20:30 GMT
Location: Honiton, GB
Longitude: -2.0
Latitude: 54.0
Shape: Bullet/Missile,Cylinder,Sphere,Star-like
Duration: 00:18:00
Summary: Bright lights Rounball Hill, Honiton
We were walking home from Tesco when we saw some strange light at the top of Roundball Hill it was a blueish colour we thought it was just a torch light but then it shoot up and hovered for a while then it split into two and circled the top of the hill and clashed back together and pulsated an orange colour then shot straight up out of sight.
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MUFON Case # 21769
Reporting Date: 02/05/2010
Event Date: 02/02/2010
Location: Honiton, GB
Longitude: -2.0
Latitude: 54.0
Summary: Bright lights Rounball Hill, Honiton
I was out in my garden looking up to Roundball hill (clearly visible over my fence) when i saw a blue light come down on it at slow speed i was baffled for a minute an just assumed it was a Chinese lantern or firework but then it shoot back up and split into two on was more of a green colour they then hovered there for about 3 minutes then started circling then both clashed and they shoot straight up and that's when they vanished.
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Strange Lights and Black Ops In North Carolina - 30 Years Ago
Is, or was there a secret underground military installation under or near Pond Mountain, North Carolina? That might explain some of the unusual sightings in and around North Carolina.
Report is "as is", but original report can be viewed by clicking on case number.
MUFON Case # 21803
Reporting Date: 02/07/2010
Event Date: 6/15/1976
Location: Pond Mountain, NC
Longitude: -76.5163
Latitude: 34.7313
Shape: Other
Duration: 03:00:00
Summary: We never figured out what it was...
These incidents happened between 1976 and 1978.
During my childhood, my family and friends traveled to nearby Pond Mountain every Saturday evening in the summer months to view a strange situation that nobody has ever been able to explain. Pond Mountain is one of the tallest peaks in the Appalachian Mountains and is very secluded.
My friends father was a preacher and he commonly held outdoor sermons in a field near Pond Mountain. The congregation spotted red lights, off in the distance, rising into space every 3 minutes.
We would go to this field every Saturday night and sit in a field atop a knoll just off of the dirt road and watched the red lights rise vertically high into the night sky. They couldn't have been cars or vehicles driving up a mountain because the lights continued to rise up into the stars until they dimly faded out of sight. The lights would launch every three minutes (to the second) and would continue to do so for hours. There was no noise associated with these lights...they were just small red lights rising into space.
Upon returning home after one night of viewing, I was riding in a car with my friend. We topped a hill on the way back home and a huge glowing green light came out of nowhere and blinded my friends father to the point where he had to stop the car. We didn't hear any noises with the lights and the lights disappeared as quickly as they appeared. Everyone was visibly shaken and my friends father turned to ask if we had seen the bright light. Our hearts were pounding as we told him we had witnessed it as well. We sat and discussed what it could have possibly been (swamp gas, hunters spot lights, helicopters) but couldn't agree on what it might have been. We never returned we felt endangered.
I left the area upon graduating high school and returned 20 years later. I was telling one of my childhood friends of the sightings and he had something to add. He explained that he had witnessed those same lights and returned several times during daylight hours to investigate. He told me of a brick outhouse looking building just off the road in the woods near the area where we used to view the strange lights. He said he watched two U.S. government vehicles park near this small structure and the individuals would enter the outhouse and not come out for a full day. He suspected it was an elevator shaft leading to an underground facility.
After hearing what my friend had to say, I suspected it may have been a top secret military project...but I don't know.
Maybe you can combine this with other stories and conclude what this mystery was/is.
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Report is "as is", but original report can be viewed by clicking on case number.
MUFON Case # 21803
Reporting Date: 02/07/2010
Event Date: 6/15/1976
Location: Pond Mountain, NC
Longitude: -76.5163
Latitude: 34.7313
Shape: Other
Duration: 03:00:00
Summary: We never figured out what it was...
These incidents happened between 1976 and 1978.
During my childhood, my family and friends traveled to nearby Pond Mountain every Saturday evening in the summer months to view a strange situation that nobody has ever been able to explain. Pond Mountain is one of the tallest peaks in the Appalachian Mountains and is very secluded.
My friends father was a preacher and he commonly held outdoor sermons in a field near Pond Mountain. The congregation spotted red lights, off in the distance, rising into space every 3 minutes.
We would go to this field every Saturday night and sit in a field atop a knoll just off of the dirt road and watched the red lights rise vertically high into the night sky. They couldn't have been cars or vehicles driving up a mountain because the lights continued to rise up into the stars until they dimly faded out of sight. The lights would launch every three minutes (to the second) and would continue to do so for hours. There was no noise associated with these lights...they were just small red lights rising into space.
Upon returning home after one night of viewing, I was riding in a car with my friend. We topped a hill on the way back home and a huge glowing green light came out of nowhere and blinded my friends father to the point where he had to stop the car. We didn't hear any noises with the lights and the lights disappeared as quickly as they appeared. Everyone was visibly shaken and my friends father turned to ask if we had seen the bright light. Our hearts were pounding as we told him we had witnessed it as well. We sat and discussed what it could have possibly been (swamp gas, hunters spot lights, helicopters) but couldn't agree on what it might have been. We never returned we felt endangered.
I left the area upon graduating high school and returned 20 years later. I was telling one of my childhood friends of the sightings and he had something to add. He explained that he had witnessed those same lights and returned several times during daylight hours to investigate. He told me of a brick outhouse looking building just off the road in the woods near the area where we used to view the strange lights. He said he watched two U.S. government vehicles park near this small structure and the individuals would enter the outhouse and not come out for a full day. He suspected it was an elevator shaft leading to an underground facility.
After hearing what my friend had to say, I suspected it may have been a top secret military project...but I don't know.
Maybe you can combine this with other stories and conclude what this mystery was/is.
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
Strange Lights Seen In South Texas
Note: This report was sent in as the woman was talking to her husband (witness), on the phone. He was driving a truck South, on Interstate 35 near Millet and Gardendale, which is southwest of San Antonio, Texas.
The location is actually considered 'the Plains of South Texas' and not desert, though the summer heat can sometimes make one think it's a true desert... if it weren't so humid.
I've made a couple of corrections to the report. Original report can be viewed by clicking on the case number.
MUFON Case # 21785
Reporting Date: 02/05/2010 22:45
Event Date: 02/05/2010 21:20
City: Millett and Gardendale
Region: Texas
Longitude: -102.271
Latitude: 34.1059
Shape: Flash,Star-like,Unknown
Duration: 00:01:30
Distance: Unknown
Location: Desert ("plains")
Terrain: Fields
Visibility: Clear
Summary: Saw flashing and extremely quick motion in many directions and then gone
I sent an email as my husband is freaking out over the phone right now. Our email is I will try to copy and paste what I wrote below.
First let me say that my husband is a big non-believer in UFO’s… He drives a truck from Ohio to Laredo, TX every week and has just called me to tell me that while driving down Interstate 35 (South) in TX, he saw a bunch of flashing lights and all of a sudden it started moving quite fast and in many different directions and then took off so quickly he had barely blinked and it was gone.
The closest I can explain as to where he states he saw this UFO out in the desert of Texas is as follows:
Interstate 35 South between mile markers 74 and 77. He stated that it was very close to the interstate by him. He states that he had just passed mile marker 75 when it disappeared a few minutes ago. (10:20pm EST) I believe that is 9:20pm Central time in Texas. The towns I can see on our maps for these mile markers are Millett and Gardendale, TX. If you have anyone else call in or contact you about this sighting we would be appreciative as he is freaking out about what he thinks he actually saw. As I said before, he is a non believer until now.
He thought it was an airplane until it started moving in all different directions as it (he) got closer.
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The location is actually considered 'the Plains of South Texas' and not desert, though the summer heat can sometimes make one think it's a true desert... if it weren't so humid.
I've made a couple of corrections to the report. Original report can be viewed by clicking on the case number.
MUFON Case # 21785
Reporting Date: 02/05/2010 22:45
Event Date: 02/05/2010 21:20
City: Millett and Gardendale
Region: Texas
Longitude: -102.271
Latitude: 34.1059
Shape: Flash,Star-like,Unknown
Duration: 00:01:30
Distance: Unknown
Location: Desert ("plains")
Terrain: Fields
Visibility: Clear
Summary: Saw flashing and extremely quick motion in many directions and then gone
I sent an email as my husband is freaking out over the phone right now. Our email is I will try to copy and paste what I wrote below.
First let me say that my husband is a big non-believer in UFO’s… He drives a truck from Ohio to Laredo, TX every week and has just called me to tell me that while driving down Interstate 35 (South) in TX, he saw a bunch of flashing lights and all of a sudden it started moving quite fast and in many different directions and then took off so quickly he had barely blinked and it was gone.
The closest I can explain as to where he states he saw this UFO out in the desert of Texas is as follows:
Interstate 35 South between mile markers 74 and 77. He stated that it was very close to the interstate by him. He states that he had just passed mile marker 75 when it disappeared a few minutes ago. (10:20pm EST) I believe that is 9:20pm Central time in Texas. The towns I can see on our maps for these mile markers are Millett and Gardendale, TX. If you have anyone else call in or contact you about this sighting we would be appreciative as he is freaking out about what he thinks he actually saw. As I said before, he is a non believer until now.
He thought it was an airplane until it started moving in all different directions as it (he) got closer.
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Friday, February 5, 2010
Disc shaped object hovered over Lake Charles, LA in 1995
Note: Report is "as is". Click on Case Number for original report.
MUFON Case # 21779
Reporting Date: 02/05/2010
Event Date: 06/10/1995
City: Lake Charles (at night)
Region: Louisiana
Longitude: -93.0086
Latitude: 31.2634
Shape: Disc, Sphere
Summary: It was a disc shaped object hovering over a lake charles casino's bright as day
We were driving from Texas to Florida for vacation. My Dad was driving the car and woke me up in the back seat asking me what I thought this could be? My mother was in the passenger seat. I we continued to look we all agreed that maybe it was a water tower but that wasn't adding up. All of a sudden it shot across over a lake CLEAR AS DAY and just hovered. I knew it wasn't from earth instantly. I just kept saying [cms/tg/pd]. My parents didn't say anything about the language I was using since they were also completely startled. It was as it was looking right back at us. I don't remember seeing any light around it but it was a disc shaped object. I all distinctly remember is how it took off. I remember something coming out of it as it exited the atmosphere. It was like a spark of some sort and then it vanished. It was a truly amazing and life changing experience that I will never forget. I have told many people this story in which they believe me but can never truly understand the affect of seeing one for themselves. I always bring it up to my parents and we all know what we saw but know we are not alone and that is all. I had a good minute to a minute and a half looking at this so I'm 100% on what I saw. I always am looking up in the sky looking for another craft as My wife and I are driving. I really want her to get to see what I saw when I was a child. It is a life changing experience to say the least. I'm obsessed with UFO's and always have been after this moment!
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MUFON Case # 21779
Reporting Date: 02/05/2010
Event Date: 06/10/1995
City: Lake Charles (at night)
Region: Louisiana
Longitude: -93.0086
Latitude: 31.2634
Shape: Disc, Sphere
Summary: It was a disc shaped object hovering over a lake charles casino's bright as day
We were driving from Texas to Florida for vacation. My Dad was driving the car and woke me up in the back seat asking me what I thought this could be? My mother was in the passenger seat. I we continued to look we all agreed that maybe it was a water tower but that wasn't adding up. All of a sudden it shot across over a lake CLEAR AS DAY and just hovered. I knew it wasn't from earth instantly. I just kept saying [cms/tg/pd]. My parents didn't say anything about the language I was using since they were also completely startled. It was as it was looking right back at us. I don't remember seeing any light around it but it was a disc shaped object. I all distinctly remember is how it took off. I remember something coming out of it as it exited the atmosphere. It was like a spark of some sort and then it vanished. It was a truly amazing and life changing experience that I will never forget. I have told many people this story in which they believe me but can never truly understand the affect of seeing one for themselves. I always bring it up to my parents and we all know what we saw but know we are not alone and that is all. I had a good minute to a minute and a half looking at this so I'm 100% on what I saw. I always am looking up in the sky looking for another craft as My wife and I are driving. I really want her to get to see what I saw when I was a child. It is a life changing experience to say the least. I'm obsessed with UFO's and always have been after this moment!
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