(No spelling/grammar corrections)
Date/Time: 2009-08-15 13:15
Location: Copperas Cove, Texas
Shape: Circle,Oval
Duration: less than 1 minute
Distance: One mile or less
Report: We were in our vehicle driving north west on Rebertson Avenue when I noticed a very shiny object in the sky. I noticed the object because it was extremely bright. I stated to my family what is that. My fiance and her son and my son all seen the object. Its stayed in the sky for approximately 30 seconds and then went north bound at a very high rate of speed and moments later it vanished. about five minutes later it appeared again for about 19 seconds and then it was gone. The movements was in a vertical and then diagonal movements in a very straight path. It moved extremely faster then anything I have ever seen before. The object was like a bright crome with the sun beating off of it.
Date/Time: 2009-08-15 23:20
Location: Canyon City, Texas
Shape: Disc,Flash
Duration: 20 minutes
Distance: 500 feet or less
Report: I was about to disconnect my extension cords from my boat's batteries located outside the storage area. i heard a humming to a whistling sound looked up it was hovering and at times moving left to right and back again. I reached for my cell phone and took one photo. it was white bright in color with a stream of light coming from the bottom to the ground. then after about twenty minutes it sped away. I thought it was a large commercial plane at first that had it's front landing light on. Once it was closer and hovering moving left to right that is when it became surreal, seemed as if it wasn't really there.
Date/Time: 2009-08-16 21:00
Location: Burleson, Texas
Shape: Lights
Duration: 5 minutes or less
Distance: Unknown
Report: I am just reporting that I saw another set of two REALLY bright lights again tonight just East of I35 W in Burleson. As I was driving home from the store I saw the lights up over the tree tops. I noticed them because they were so bright and close together. It looked like the lights were standing still for about 1 minute and then all of a sudden the two lights got even bigger and brighter and it looked as if they were one big light. I didn't see a red light this time. After a couple of minutes they got dimmer again and I could see two again. It still looked like there was something connecting the two lights. It went off to the north slowly and the lights began to flash
off and I watched it go until I couldn't see it any longer.
Date/Time: 2009-08-16 12:53
Location: Columbus, Texas
Shape: Sphere
Duration: Unknown
Distance: Unknown
Report: I was going to San Antonio from Houston. On the way, I spotted a white object flying from West to East. I thought it was an airplane at first, but it was a white sphere. I quickly took my camera and tried to film it. During the first attempt. I didn't zoom in so the object looked very small in the video. During the second clip, I zoomed in to the max, but I didn't do a very good job getting it in the field of vision. But, I did manage to get a glimpse of it. There was a separate incident in San Antonio, TX. I was staying at Hilton on Westover Hills Blvd. Same date, August 16th, at around 945 pm, I saw a pulsating flying object flying across the sky from South to North. I was roasting mash mallows and watching "Curious George" on the big wall in the courtyard at the hotel. I didn't have my camera then. I observed the sky throughout the night, there was no other aircraft flying through that area (I guess it is not a flying zone). I tried to film the next night, but I didn't see anything in the sky.
Date/Time: 2009-08-17 20:59
Location: Roundrock,Texas
Shape: Sphere,Star-like
Duration: 12:00:00
Distance: Unknown
Report: I was cooking out in my back yard last night and noticed a bright light moving towards my home moving very slowly. Its stopped above my yard and hovered their all night. From time to time it relocated its positon. It appeared to be right below the cloud level. It has been coming back every evening but in different parts of the sky. It can be seen from inside my house tonight through the skylight in ther living room. I lookin at the object with a neighbors telescope and it appears to look likr the moons surface with craters. Sometimes it blinks red and blue colors and changes to a trianle shape. I would really like to take a video of it if I can find one that will show objects that far away. When I first saw the object I thought it was a planet but realised it was too close to be a planet or a star.I watch it desend in the morning when I woke up and it went straight up way past the cloud level untill it was ony a tine spec straight up above me.I was am very excited to find out more of this object and it is visible right now!
Date/Time: 2009-08-19 23:00
Location: Crosby, Texas
Shape: Triangle
Duration: Unknown
Distance: Unknown
Report: I was in the car with two friends on the way home to Silsbee, Texas from Houston after a comedy open mic night. When we approached Crosby, Texas my friend Justin said something about UFOs. When I asked him about he said that he had seen them there before. The other friend in the car, Kody said he had seen them also. I did not believe them at first, but as we drove down Hwy. 90 we began to see a light. As it came into focus it became clear that it was a triangular craft with white lights on the bottom as well as smaller blinking blue, green, and red ones. The craft hovered very slowly and would make random changes in direction and have sudden bursts of speed. My friends and I decided to follow the craft which we did for nearly an hour and it continued this behavior. At one point we were chasing it and had to stop for a train when the craft suddenly changed direction and flew very low, directly over us. My friend Kody got out of the car to look and I rolled down the window and looked up. Eventually we lost the craft in the treeline and began to head home. When we hit the highway, we saw it again! This is the oddest experience of my life. I have no idea what the craft could be. I also don't know how everyone doesn't know about this, especially if it is common enough that my friend could say "Hey there are UFOs here" and then we end up seeing and chasing one. The craft and its prescence had no negative effects on my physical condition but it really gave me the creeps
Date/Time: 2009-08-19 18:10
Location: Watauga
Shape: Sphere
Duration: 10 minutes or more
Distance: 500 feet or less
Report: I work in Watauga/Keller TX- During my lunch (about 6:20 pm) I was outside and looked straight up to see a small white circle maneuvering into and out of a very small cloud...as we watched it traveled away from the cloud to the east (slowly) and stopped. After about 10 minutes a small jet w/ trail flew close by ( I figured a gov. plane checking it out- I thought it might have disappeared as the plane got close because I lost sight of it watching the plane approach, it may not have though...it was still there after the plane went by) A fellow worker saw it and a friend of his on the phone in the neighborhood also looked out and saw it...the customers at the store didn't see it...it was small and after it moved away from the cloud harder to find in the sky. Balloons do not maneuver like this nor do they stay still for long periods of time like this...it was as high as the small wispy cirrus cloud it had gone into and out of at first- The fellow worker tried to photograph it with his phone, but said it didn't show up. Incidentally, a few weeks ago (at lunch again about 5 or 6pm... a different co-worker and I saw a similar white craft that moved slowly across the sky ...it never stayed still like this one though...just moved too slowly to be any airplane...) I had to go back to work at 6:30 (on the 19th) and it was still stationary in the sky when I went in so I don't know how long it was there. At home last night (the 19th) I went outside with binoculars around 11pm but couldn't find anything unusual except within the period of about 30 minutes I saw 3 meteors(!!!) I don't know how that could be related but I thought it was odd. (the Persieds(?) are over aren't they?)Maybe whoever is flying up there likes to watch the afternoon traffic...it's a very busy area...it's location was approximately above Denton Hwy./Basswood in Fort Worth.(both times)
Date/Time: 2009-08-19 14:07
Location: Fritch, Texas
Shape: Circle,Disc
Duration: Unknown
Distance: 100 feet or less
Report: ok i live in fritch texas and one night me and my friend were outside ufo hunting it was about 11:30 12:00 p.m we seen an object travaling at a high speed we new it wasn't a plane of any kind it was spinning and we see blue red yellow white orange lights on the object so we ran after in for a little while and we see were it landed so we were a little freaked out because it was one of the best sighting we seen in a while so we decided to go check it out the next day when we did we seen that a tree was broken more little trees were bent like they were hovered on we smelled the soil it smelled kinda diffrent thien normal soil would smell like so we broke off a couple of twigs that we though were hovered on and some soil samples and we are still studing the samples we callected it was a pretty cool since i have been into to ufos and aliens when i wasyoung and i will keed looking for ufo and aliens for as long as i live i will tell you sbout every sighting i see
Date/Time: 2009-08-20 12:00
Location: Abilene, Texas
Shape: Orbs, Other
Duration: 00:05:00
Distance: Unknown
Report: Ok, well i've made reports on this before, the planes are going crazy today. At least 100-150 seen leaving trails in criss-cross patterns and checker board type pattern with 2 hours. We're lucky to see a plane here once an hour unless its coming from Dyess Air Force Base but those are B-1's and C-130's. Definately wasn't those. But anyways I got a video with 3-5 orbs in the video. At one point theres 3 orbs in one frame all near the plane. I've shot about 10 videos of the planes today and this is the only video I see these in.
Attached Media
Date/Time: 2009-08-20 23:50
Location: Austin, Texas
Shape: Shpere
Duration: 00:10:00
Distance: Over one mile
Report: I saw a bright object over downtown Austin Texas last night around midnight 20090820. The object was hovering around, I took a 30 second shutter speed picture on my camera to take a view of downtown and noticed the object. I though it was an aircraft at first but couldn't see any FAA lights, and flight pattern is different from a plane or helicopter. The object just got brighter and when I went to get a timestamp for the TV, came out it was gone. When I first saw the object, I ran inside to grab my camera and call my girlfriend out, she said she had to see to believe, she and believe now. She couldn't control her feeling, saying scared and excited at the same time. I was just excited, didn't feel scared at all. If you look at DSC_0042.nef you will see the shutter speed was set at 30 seconds, and DSC_0045.nef was set at 18 seconds. The object in the right of the picture, just hovers straight line back and forth and when towards the left a bit more. I can see planes and helicopters in the background, didn't come up right on the camera. I'm a n00b with cameras. Give me a weapon and I can snipe a person in between their eyes at over 600m away. So basically I gathered everything I can on video to *fill out a DD* form, what information is needed to make a report, timestamp, date, location/area and what happened.
Date/Time: 2000-07-01 16:00
Location: Killeen, Texas
Shape: Sphere
Duration: Unknown
Distance: Over one mile
Report: I was staring at the clouds, while I was laying on my towel at the public pool. It was a partly cloudy day, and the clouds were moving North-east I believe. Then I noticed two side-by-side metallic spheres moving the opposite direction that the clouds were moving. They seemed as if they might have been 15-25 feet in diameter. I blinked my eyes several times, and I even looked off to the side to make sure it wasn't bubbles in my eyes. It wasn't bubbles in my eyes because I could still see them with my peripheral vision. I watched them until they disappeared behind the treeline. I did a little research finding out that there were no weather balloons which looked like that. Then I wrote it off knowing the truth wouldn't be disclosed anyway, anytime soon.
Date/Time: 2009-08-19 00:35
Location: Breckenridge, Texas
Shape: Lights, Other,Unknown
Duration: 5 to 10 seconds
Distance: Over 5,000 ft.
Report: It was August 19, 2009, at 00:35 (12:35 a.m.). I opened my front door (facing North) and saw what at first appeared to be a commercial jet, heading West to East. However, it looked to be at least 3 times the size of a jumbo jet, if it were at the same cruising altitude. All I could see was a string of perhaps 15 red and white lights (like a string of beads) all the way across, from what would be wingtip to wingtip. Two of the center white lights seemed to flash alternately, once every second. There were no lights fore or aft, no green nav light. If there was a fuselage, I could not see it, there just weren't any other lights. The string of lights appeared to be moving at about the same or slower speed as a commercial jet. The object(s) continued on to the East and I stepped back inside to grab my camera, which took all of 5 seconds. When I looked again, the object was gone. Just before this sighting I had seen a jet far to my NE, putting it far ahead of the unidentified object. I hear jets passing overhead all the time, as we are in the flight path to DFW. There is also a local airport not far behind our property, with an Aviation Museum. I have video of a vintage military airplane flying directly over my house (close) and then landing at the airfield. I hear the normal aircraft activity each day but I did not hear any sound from the lights. 1. I was at home and opened my door to look outside. 2. I noticed a jet (far to my NE) and then saw what appeared to be a string of lights in the sky directly North of me. 3. I first thought it was an odd jet but it had way too many lights and none fore, or aft. Could not see a structure/frame/fuselage. 4. Up to 15 alternating red and white lights in a row, like string of beads. They were in a perfect line (North to South), moving West to East. 5. I felt perplexed, then I knew this was not a normal aircraft. 6. The lights disappeared while I grabbed for my camera.
Date/Time: 2009-08-19 01:29
Location: Breckenridge, Texas
Shape: Cylinder,Fireball,Sphere,Square/Rectagular,Other
Duration: 1 minute
Distance: Within 30 feet
Report: Aug. 19, 2009 - 01:29. I had just fed our big dog, who will only eat at night. I was standing on the deck, looking at the sky. I was looking through binoculars at a cluster of stars at approx. 80 degrees above the horizon, Southwest. Suddenly something large, red and reflective passed through my field of view. It was traveling exceptionally fast, close and it startled me. I stepped off the deck and into the yard, where another object, then another flew overhead. They were not birds or bats. Such creatures do not usually produce light. These objects seemed to be rectangular and had a dim, reddish glow. I became unnerved by these objects and was about to go back inside, when I looked up and to the East. There was a brightly lit object moving due West to East at 80 degrees. By the time it got to 40 degrees East AGL (my vantage point), it
vanished. The object was like two orbs connected by a rod, much like a dumbbell/barbell. The light was pure white, with what appeared to be a short flame at the end of the rear orb. There was no meteor-like tail. It did not disappear like a meteor does when it burns up. It was more like disappearing into a dark tunnel. There was no sound associated with this object but as I recall, something might have been "dripping" off the rear orb. That could explain the orange-like flame. It seemed to me, that the object was very large and within close proximity to me, between 500 and 1,000 ft. The Object in the depiction I am sending is close to actual size of the object as I witnessed it for 2 brief seconds. I can say that if my spouse had seen this with me, I'd have had to shovel his bottom jaw up off the ground. He has only seen one strange object in the sky (he was alone at the time), and still isn't sure what it was. Total time of sighting these objects, approx. 1 minute. 1. I was outside with my dog, looking at the sky 2. I saw the first object when it passed through my field of view, while I was looking through binoculars. Something made me stop from going into the house, to turn and look at the dumbbell shaped object. 3. My first thought was, "Oh, No!" Fear. 4. The first objects were extremely fast, yet close to me, within probably 30 feet. They moved so fast I only caught glimpses. The white object moved in a straight trajectory from West to East and vanished. 5. My first reaction was to get back into the house as quickly as possible. Why I stopped, I do not know. After I saw these objects I felt very uneasy, still do. 6. The bright white dumbbell shaped object vanished and I beat a hasty retreat into the house. Where the other objects went, I don't know.
Date/Time: 2009-08-19 13:00
Location: Archer City, Texas
Shape: Aeroplane, Diamond
Duration: 5 seconds +/-
Distance: Over one mile
Report: Aug. 19, 2009 13:00 Location: Archer City, TX Archer City is located near Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls. My spouse and I were on our way to Wichita Falls. We stopped in at the Dairy Queen off of Hwy 79 in Archer City. I was sitting at a booth by a North facing window, sipping on a malt and watching what I assumed was a small white plane. The plane (?) was moving from my NE to ENE (West to East) at approx. 5,000 ft AGL. It appeared to bank it's wings to the right, then there was a brilliant flash of light which I assumed was a refection from the sun. However, at that instant the object took on a diamond like shape. It flew a short distance further and vanished, as if it flew into a hole in the sky. I looked all around that area of the sky and never saw it again. I told my spouse "after the fact", after his having seen the perplexed look on my face. At the time of sighting, my mind was trying to process what I was seeing, so I didn't say anything. My spouse could not see the object, as he was seated facing me and had a wall to his right. I was facing him, with a clear view out the window, North and East. I assumed it was a plane, because the object 'appeared' to be a small plane. I should have been able to view the object for quite some distance, as the sky was clear, with just a few puffy clouds. The object was in open sky and not near any of these clouds. I was inside the Dairy Queen and could not hear any outside noises, except for occasional traffic on Hwy 79 and inside the Dairy Queen. This sighting lasted at most, 10 seconds. 1. Having lunch at the Dairy Queen in Archer City. 2. I noticed a small solid white plane headed East. 3. I thought it was a Piper Cub. 4. The supposed plane was traveling West to East, banked to the right, flashed a brilliant white, then took on a diamond shape. 5. My feeling during sighting was one of wishing I was piloting the plane and after, astonishment. 6. I lost sight of the object when it simply vanished, like flying into a hole in the sky. I am sending a depiction of what the object looked like from my perspective (looking through the window at object), just as it began to tilt to the right.
Date/Time: 0001-08-23 02:30
Location: Monahan, Texas
Shape: Sphere
Duration: 5 minutes +/-
Distance: 500 feet or less
Report: I was at a friends house, attending a cook out. We were all sitting around talking and having a few cold ones, when we all heard this loud whoosh sound, that got louder and louder. From about 200 yards away, we saw four bright red spheres rise out of the brush one by one. The speheres were about the size of a large pickup truck and were glowing a bright red that lit up the surrounding area, including the back of the house we were at. My friends horse all began rearing up and nervously whinnying and runnning around the corral as the objects rose. They all rose quietly into the sky, when the last one got to about 100 feet off the ground they slowly headed off to the east, towards the electric plant that sits outside of Monahans. They then seemingly hovered over the plant for about 4 minutes. Then they all rose in unison and zoomed off in a near vertical ascent, About 3 seconds later, there was a loud clap of what sounded like thunder, but sounded like a sonic boom. It took about 15 minutes before the animals all calmed down and quiet returned to the countryside. We all watched in completely and utter amazement,
about 1 minute passed by before someone said anything, even then we couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation. Alot of us grew up in Monahans and many of us have seen the strange glowing lights that seem to be attrated toward the plant, but we've seen them from a long way off, usually at night as we are driving back home from Odessa or Kermit. They usually are seen only rising up and disappearing into the night sky. We stayed up most of the night talking about it and we still couldn't come up with an explanation to what we witnessed. But I know that I would have doubted what I would have seen if there had not been 8 other people there with me that night.
Date/Time: 2009-08-25 23:50
Location: Selden, Texas
Shape: Other
Duration: 00:20:00
Distance: Unknown
Report: Saw a strange aircraft from my home to the south-west then it moved to my south-east and turned from two into four lights and flashed several times before disapearing into thin air!? Very scary, I have never seen anything like it. this was all spotted from 4 miles south-west of Stephenville, Texas. This all happened in about twenty minutes.
Date/Time: 1980-12-15 23:00
Location: Crosby, Texas
Shape: Disc
Duration: 30 seconds
Distance: 500 feet or less
Report: Woke at approximately 11 pm to see room was filled with orange/yellow light. Thinking it was a fire outside I looked out the window and saw a yellow disk approximately 50 feet long and 15 feet high at the thickest point. It was the color of steel in a furnace and glowed in a similar manner. It was approximately 100 to 120 feet away and traveling at approximately 50 feet above the ground and flying slowly to the south. Lost sight of it after about 20 to 30 seconds. This occured in the Newport subdivision in Crosby Texas.
Date/Time: Not listed
Location: DFW Area, Texas
Shape: Blue Beam on Highway
Duration: Unknown
Distance: Unknown
Report: August, 2009 - This is a sighting my roomate had. I feel this matter should be addressed. On her way home tonight (she was on 75 most likely between the Mockingbird and Walnut Hill exits) she and her boyfriend saw what appeared to be a neon, blue beam about a mile ahead from their location. I do realize there was a storm around that time, but it was not a lightning bolt. The way she described it and the genuine look of shock in her face and body language makes me believe that this was indeed some kind of UFO activity.