Saturday, September 29, 2012
Man videos UFO over Cambusbarron Woods, Sterling, Scotland
Video Link
The videographer wrote:
I filmed this ufo over stirling cambusbarn woods. I could not see it with my own eyes only through the viewfinder on my camcorder . The camcorder is infared how is that possible you cant see it with your eyes only infarred crazy how is that possible thanks for watching it lasts 10 mins.
[Editor's Note: IR (infrared) is not visible to the human eye.]
Secrets, Cover-ups and Links: UFOs and Aliens In The News
I've searched and compiled a few links to news stories, which might be of interest. Enjoy!
Are UFOs Studying US Military Bases?
UFOs Are Real, Should Be Studied, Says Ex-Project Blue Book Director Col. Robert Friend
UFOs Spotted Over London Government Offices
Buddhist Iron Man found by Nazis is from space
Can a Foil Hat Keep People (or Aliens) from Reading Your Thoughts?
Extraterrestrials: UFO resembles Star Trek Sci Fi Borg Cube
White House Petition seeks new Roswell UFO crash investigation
Was bizarre UFO sighting visiting aliens, a terrifying vision of Hell - or merely a meteorite?
And finally: UFO on Google Street View?
Um, sorry. That is most definitely a lens flare.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Lit Object Seen Near Three Rivers, Texas 9/24/2012
In the early morning hours of September 24, 2012, an oilfield worker near Three Rivers, Texas observed an unusual object in the sky.
This report was originally submitted to MUFON and is presented here as is, with no corrections. The witness did not provide photographic evidence. The picture above is an artist rendering.
MUFON Case # 42787
Location: Three Rivers, Texas
Date of Sighting: 09/24/2012
Time of Sighting: 04:35 UTC
Viewing Distance: Over One Mile
Sighting Duration: 00:01:00
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Stationary
Object Shape: Unknown
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: Lights moved from my right of object to left. After about a minute, object simply disappeared, as if a switch was flipped.
I work in the oilfield here in Texas. At about 0435 on September 24, 2012, I was standing by my truck being loaded at the Pioneer CGP #41. I looked to the approximate North and noticed a light that was not there any of the other times I had been to this location. I thought it might be a tower, but as I said, I have been to this location many times and the light was never there before. For a split-second I thought it was an aircraft, but I immediately dismissed that notion, since the object was stationary and the lights behaved strangely. Instead of the blinking lights you normally see on an aircraft, this object's lights moved slowly from the object's right to its left. It must have been over a mile away from me, and fairly high up (I was probably looking at it at a 40-degree angle from the horizon), as I couldn't make out any details of the object itself. The object simply hovered there for around a minute, after which time it simply vanished, instantly, as though turned off by a light switch. I honestly felt a bit dumbstruck by what I was seeing and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. By the time I thought to get the attention of one of the other people around, it was gone. I asked a couple of the other people if they had seen anything, but they had not. Directions to the location where I was when I saw the object: Start in Three Rivers, TX Travel NORTH on I-37 to Farm to Market Road 99 (FM 99) Travel EAST on FM 99 until FM 99 curves North and FM 1091 continues East Go EAST on FM 1091 and follow past County Road 233 +/- 1 mile past County Road 233 is a caliche (dirt) road turning South. Go SOUTH on that dirt road and you will come to the Pioneer CGP #41. (In Google Earth it will appear as a large, white, square with storage tanks and other things.)
Blue Lights Form "V" Over Plano, Texas 8/19/2012
A witness in Plano, Texas observed blue lights forming a triangle "V" formation and wonders if anyone else saw this phenomena.
This report was originally submitted to MUFON and is presented here as is, with no corrections. The witness did not provide photographic evidence. The picture above is an artist rendering.
MUFON Case # 41897
Location: Plano, Texas
Date of Sighting: 08/19/2012
Time of Sighting: 09:45 UTC
Viewing Distance:Over One Mile
Sighting Duration: 00:00:20
Object Features : Unknown
Object Flight Path: Path with directional change
Object Shape: Star-like
Weather Factors: Unknown
8/19/12 - Went out to my patio to relax and think about a song arrangement I was working on. Lied down on my spa edge looking up into sky directly above my house. I have a fairly broad view of the sky from this specific vantage point (watched meteor shower last week from here)... Our home is on an approach for planes landing at Love Field, so planes are often in the sky at various elevations. This was NO plane event. Directly in my line of sight, I saw what at first appeared to me to be a triangle-shaped object silently moving across the sky. After about five seconds I realized that it was multiple (separate) objects moving together in a triangular or V-shaped formation (think boomerang). They were moving at a fast, consistent speed, completely silent. The V-shape formation was broken however, meaning that one of the points of the V was missing a lighted object. Then I saw 2 additional lights further back and off to the side a bit that were also moving consistent with the V-formation group of objects. Again, the whole group was absolutely silent. Based on my viewpoint and calculations, the objects were significantly high in the atmosphere. All of the objects emanated a blue color (about the size of medium-lit stars). At about the 10-second mark of watching, one of the 2 objects (that were out of the formation) literally 'dashed' into the formation (completing the V-shape), darted about, then 'dashed' back to join the other single object. What was really, really freaky is that this object dashed abruptly at an extremely fast speed, darted erratically, then back to its original position. I estimate the whole group of objects were moving around 4-5 times the speed of any plane. We have a lot of planes so elevations and speeds of planes are routinely easy to gauge. I watched the whole group for about 20-seconds before they moved beyond our tree line. This was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Ever. It was nothing short of unbelievable. In checking this morning in the news, no reports have surfaced. I cannot possibly be the only person who witnessed this in a city of millions. Even if military, the speed and movement of one of the objects was WELL BEYOND anything we know of in the public realm. NORAD, the control towers for two major airports in the area HAD to have tracked these objects!
Monday, September 24, 2012
A photo of the shuttle, one you may not have seen
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Image credit: Paulo Nespoli/NASA/Discovery News |
NASA's Shuttle Endeavour has arrived safely at the Los Angeles International Airport and will soon be displayed at it's new home, at the California Science Center's Samuel Oschin display pavilion. There have been thousands of photo opts on it's final trek, however, this is one photo of Endeavour that you might not have seen.
On May 23, 2011, Expedition 27 Commander Dmitry Kondratyev and Flight Engineers Cady Coleman and Paolo Nespoli un-docked from the International Space Station, heading home aboard the Russian Soyuz TMA-20. That was the perfect time to take video and photos of a sight we've never had a real chance to see, a shuttle (Endeavour) docked to the orbital complex.
See (NASA) video here.
See more photos and story here.
To all the shuttle pilots and crew; to Mission Control and all involved, good job and thanks for the memories. "Roger, out."
- SW
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Triangular or Polyhedron-shaped Object Over Corpus Christi
On September 21, 2012 a Corpus Christi, Texas resident observed a triangular, or polyhedron-shaped object in the sky.
The report was originally submitted to MUFON and is posted here "as is", with no corrections.
MUFON Case # 42755
City: Corpus Christi, Texas
Date of Sighting: 09/21/2012
Time of Sighting: 11:40 UTC
Viewing Distance: Over One Mile
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Patterned Surface
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path, then hovering
Object Shape: Circle, Triangle
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: ufo moving steadily, quietly decked with orange glowing,non-blinking lights arranged in a geometric pattern.
I was walking my friend's dogs while she was out of town at 11:40 pm. I looked up at a dark and cloudless sky to see a rather large craft "float" or glide through the air. The lights aboard the craft were not typical aviation lights...they were neither red or white nor were they blinking. The orange lights "glowed" and were arranged in a polyhedron, or a series of isosolese triangles. The craft appeared to be located about a few thousand feet high and about a mile away at a 40 degree angle. It traveled for 4 - 5 minutes before apparently stopping its eastward direction...then it disappeared from view. I strained my ears for some sort of sound, but detected none. Finally, I should mention that I could see a faint "matrix" or outline of a body beyond the patterned lights. I don't know why I look up, but I love to stargaze. When I saw it, I stood transfixed and amazed at the silent and "non-mechanical" movement. When the object disappeared from view, I hurried back to the house to get my camera/phone.
Note: Witness did not submit a photo. The image above is a depiction. -SW
Editor's Note: The witness informs me that the correct date and time is September 25, 2012, @ 9:30 p.m
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Jellyfish-like UFO Over Dallas, TX - 9/15/2012
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This picture is an artistic rendering. There is no photo of the object. |
I received an email from a witness in Dallas, Texas, who saw something strange in the sky.
Please note that the email is "as is", with the exception that the person's name has been removed.
Location: Dallas, Texas
Date: September 15, 2012
Time: 10:45 p.m.
Shape: Oval, jellyfish-like, Circle
Good Afternoon-
My name is [name redacted]. I'm not really sure if what I saw was a UFO. Ive searched for days now to see if there were any other sightings in Dallas,TX the night of September 15, 2012. It was about 10:45-10:50 pm. I expected to see a news report or something on tv talking about what we saw. It was pretty big. But nothing. I read a lot about sightings and honestly, im not even sure if what i saw fits the description. I am a religious person, and I'm not sure if what i saw was alien or super natural. There were about 10 of us that saw this. I wanted to know if you could give me any suggestions on trying to see if there were other reports in my area.
[Name withheld by SW/LITS]
My name is [name redacted]. I'm not really sure if what I saw was a UFO. Ive searched for days now to see if there were any other sightings in Dallas,TX the night of September 15, 2012. It was about 10:45-10:50 pm. I expected to see a news report or something on tv talking about what we saw. It was pretty big. But nothing. I read a lot about sightings and honestly, im not even sure if what i saw fits the description. I am a religious person, and I'm not sure if what i saw was alien or super natural. There were about 10 of us that saw this. I wanted to know if you could give me any suggestions on trying to see if there were other reports in my area.
[Name withheld by SW/LITS]
After replying and asking for a detailed description of what they saw, the witness replied:
Thanks for the quick response. I was inside a mechanic garage when the others first spotted it outside. A little boy about the age of 5 started pointing up to the sky and asked his dad to look at. When he did this, everyone that was standing outside looked up and saw a very bright "thing" in the sky. They said that it came over the top of the garage and it was huge. It was very low and looked like it was going to land on the ground. They said it appeared to be very bright on the bottom and around the sides and at first appeared to pulsate going from small to large. At one point it looked like it was flapping wings-but not in the shape of wings. Someone yelled for me to come outside and look at this and when i got to front of the garage (where the door was pulled up)I looked up into the sky and I saw something that looked like a jellyfish without the tentacles. It freely flowed in the sky in a shapeless form (very large). It then formed a circle and ascended up. It did not have the typical movement described by others as a appeared to move slowly (like a jellyfish) upward; but faster than an airplane. It ascended up in the shape of a circle. You could see the circle form until it disappeared.
It frightened some people there. I think because when it first appeared over the top of the one story building, it was extremely large. For some reason, I wasn't afraid. I was convinced it was something not natural to our world. I felt it was more of a spiritual nature. Once I started looking online to see if there were any other sightings, I found that some have reported seeing UFO that look like jellyfish. I asked if there could have been something chemical that created what we saw. The fact that everyone said that at one point it appeared to flap like wings made me dismiss this theory.
I saw a meteor streak back in February 2012. It was widely reported here in Dallas. I was walking my dog and it flew right above my me in the sky. It moved very quickly. Whatever it was that we saw did not move fast like that. It almost seem to float. Anything you can do to help is greatly appreciated.
Note: If you saw this object over Dallas on September 15, 2012, or have had a similar sighting, please report it. -SW
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Recent UFO Sightings in Oregon
There has recently been a number of UFO sightings reported to MUFON, from witnesses in Oregon.
Here are those unedited (as is) reports.
MUFON Case # 42640
Location: Tigard, Oregon
Date of Sighting: 09/18/2012
Time of Sighting: 03:45 UTC
Viewing Distance: 501 Feet - 1 Mile
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Window(s)
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path
Object Shape: Cigar, Cylinder
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: zero sound, very slow, very low. Quite clear.
Sighting Details:
I was awakened by a food service oil truck (recovering used fryer oil from nearby Jack In Box) and got up to have a smoke. As the truck was leaving I was looking to make sure of what kind of truck it was. I was a little upset because it was 3:45 AM and I had been sleeping well and wanted to know for sure what had caused the sound. As I was watching the truck move from West to East, lights from what I assumed to be an airplane caught my attention. The craft was moving North/Northwest and was within a quarter mile of me. It was almost directly overhead; perhaps 5 - 10 degrees to the East and almost 90 degrees above at first sight. I estimate the height of the craft to be below 1000 ft. There was absolutely no sound and it moved as if gliding. Steady lights (rosy/red) at the tips of the craft and random red lights blinking across the body of the craft between the two constant lights. It seemed that the center part of the craft may have been a window; possible occupants visible. Speed was reasonably slow, perhaps 50 - 100 MPH? I watched it for about a minute and a half until it was obscured by nearby trees/buildings. As stated above, my first reaction was airplane. But, then I noticed that there was no tail section, that it was just a cylinder with lights on both ends and =perhaps= a window through the center with lights blinking (not flashing if the distinction makes sense?) and I may have seen the movement of an occupant. It just made me shake my head in a sort of disbelief as I realized I was seeing something that I absolutely can not identify as a normaly viewed aircraft. Feel free to contact me if there are any other questions.
MUFON Case # 42630
Location: Portland, Oregon
Date of Sighting: 09/16/2012
Time of Sighting: 12:00 UTC
Viewing Distance: Unknown
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Other
Object Flight Path: Path with directional change
Object Shape: Sphere, Star-like, Other
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: Saw orange & yellow light disappear when in flight path of plane
Sighting Details:
I was standing on my backyard deck smoking a cigarette when I noticed a very bright star that was pulsating, then I realized it was actually moving North to South. When I first saw it, I thought perhaps it was a plane, but the lights just didn't look right, the color was off. I then noticed that there was a plane (very recognizable) moving south to north directly at the object. I was concerned because I thought maybe they would hit each other as they were both pretty well lined up, but as the plane got closer, that is when the object dulled then I couldn't see it anymore. I was then thinking ok, not an airplane, maybe a really bright satelitte? I then went inside the house to tell my husband what I saw, then I went right back outside and notice that there was a very round and transluent object that appeared to me about the size of a nickel or so at about a 60 or 70 degree angle, at this point, I am asking my husband... not quite calmly to come outside and look because I thought maybe I was seeing things. He came outside and he also saw it moving from the north to the south going directly over our heads. It looked very much like a jellyfish. It at this point had a pale white light emminating from it, It was very round. It went behind the trees, and my husband ran through the house out the front door to see if he could see it anymore, I went inside to see if I could find my phone so that I could take video. I found my phone, headed out the front door and saw my husband standing in the road, he said he couldn't see it anymore. My husband said that he saw it from the front of the house when it changed shape to more of a crescent, like it morphed and headed east. He said he thought he saw it turn red as it did this, and that he thought he saw 6 pale white lights around it, but not like they were attached to the outside, more like they were just a part of it. It moved like a living thing. He said he was thinking to himself "did I just see what I think I just saw?" Once it changed direction and headed east, it went past the trees in the neighbors yard and he could no longer see it, he said he wasn't sure if it was decending, or it just looked like it was since it was moving, as it was deceptive. We discussed this for a while after we saw it, and were trying to decide what we had seen, we thought of balloons and parachutes, ultralights, but nothing we have ever seen before, compares to what we saw last night. I do have to say that my husband thought it was more like the size of a pea, whereas I thought it was more like a nickle, I would more likely trust his judgement, because I think I might have been more excited about it than he was. He tends to keep his cool better than I do in highly excitable circumstances.
MUFON Case # 42627
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Date of Sighting: 09/16/2012
Time of Sighting: 9:00 UTC
Viewing Distance: 101-500 Feet
Sighting Duration: 00:04:30
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Hovering then path
Object Shape: Square, Rectagular, Teardrop
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: Ascended from Skinner's Butte treeline, looked like giant burning paper bag, flew over my apt., giant panel was visible when over me.
Sighting Details:
I live in Eugene, Oregon at the base of Skinner's Butte. I was taking my laundry from the laundry room to my apartment, so I was heading north. I was looking at the top of the butte because it is a spectacular sight; ancient trees from the Sequoioidae family (same as the redwood). Then, I see something that looks like a giant paper bag on fire ascending above the treeline. I'm not sure if the UFO was landed because the trees are covering my view of the top, but it was definitely ascending. It start heading directly towards me, making me think that someone was playing a really intricate, cruel prank and trying to catch my apartment complex on fire. But then, it never descended, it continued over my apartment complex. It flew almost directly over my head, but not quite, if I'm facing north, it was a bit east of me, but still flying directly south. As it flew directly over me, I realized that the flame was an EXHAUST changing with the wind and that there was also a large rectangular ship trying to blend in with the nights sky. The ship was changing it's colors from dark blues to black. It was trying to imitate a chameleon, but I'm not sure why the ship was fine with such a noticeable exhaust. The ship was also pretty slow moving, I cannot relay the speed exactly, but it seemed to me like it was moving around 5 mph. Another thing I am unsure about is the size of the rectangle/ship and how high above me it was. I know for sure that it was not high in the sky at all, my guess would be from 250-300 ft high in the sky. Also, I believe the rectangular ship to be about 40 ft long and around 15 ft wide. There was also a WOM WOM WOM WOM sound that I heard, however I am unsure of whether or not that was coming from the UFO, so I have been leaving that out when I tell family/friends about it. After it was around 100 ft away from me (heading south),I had two friends inside so I dropped all my clean laundry on the parking lot and sprinted to get them. By the time they got outside it was around 150 ft away, but it was still pretty magnificent because we all were lucky enough to watch it fly away. The UFO headed south across all of Eugene, so I am a bit confused why there was no news articles on it. I always tried to tell myself that the evidence was there for UFO's because of video's, articles, TV shows, accounts from two separate people whom I know very well, and people in the world who dedicated their LIFE to investigating them. However, there was something in my heart that doubted them still and I couldn't shake it for whatever reason. I researched military drones today (the day after) because I know that they are able to camouflage themselves well. I have learned that this was definitely not a drone or anything man has made. I also considered the possibility that the government has many very impressive weapons and ships up their sleeves that they are keeping secret, but I don't understand why a secret ship would be in Eugene, Oregon and why it would be flying so slow. Everyone that reads this, I SAW A UFO!!!! PS I'm sorry I don't have any video to show everyone, I'm just not the type of girl to take my cell phone to the laundry room.
MUFON Case # 42599
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Date of Sighting: 08/20/2012
Time of Sighting: 10:30 UTC
Viewing Distance: Unknown
Sighting Duration: 00:01:00
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Hovering then path
Object Shape: Star-like
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: Saw what looked like a bright star just stationary, it went sharpe left down then off to right, two other sightings as well
Sighting Details:
About 10:30 pm I went outside to smoke looked, to the north east, up at what I thought was a bright star, a little brighter than jupiter was last spring, all of the sudden it move sharpley to the left (north) in a downward motion quickly then it slowly moved to the south then the veiw was blocked by a tree. I text my daughter about it! Next night about the same time went out to smoke and saw same object to the west, they are pretty high in the horizon. Wasn't sure it was the same until it moved, called my grandchildren out and we whatched it slowly move to the south east then stoped and suddenly got brighter and shot up into space and as it did so it turned to an orange ball just before it vanished, we saw a fast moving jet shortly after headed towards the exit spot. There was no objects blocking our line of sight, it makes absolutely no noise and I live by an airport and know very well the sound and looks of planes at night. Two nights later I went out again about the same time just in time to see it to the north get brighter and shoot into space. when it shoots into space it moves at a rapid rate of speed it only takes a split second, when it travels across the sky it's slow and almost as if it's floating and does change speeds, but always maintains the bright star like apperance, it is able to change directions suddenly, not sure of the distance away but it's up there. A week later I found out that some one I know that live a few miles away has seen the same object with her twin sister, she had told me the story before I told her what I saw. Have not seen it since that last week in August
MUFON Case # 42593
Location: Portland, Oregon
Date of Sighting: 09/15/2012
Time of Sighting: 10:00 UTC
Viewing Distance: 101-500 Feet
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path
Object Shape: Fireball
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: 4 Red/Orange orbs flying in a straight path with no noise.
Sighting Details:
My wife and I were walking around the Pearl District looking for a place to get some dessert. As we got to a four way intersection I looked up and seen this single red/orange light traveling somewhat slowly coming from the 405 bridge heading in a SE direction. I pointed it out to my wife because it wasn't blinking at all and had no noise. We both thought I was a helicopter because it looked like it was low and slow. Two more lights of the same kind and size were came into view following the same path and they were traveling closer together than in relation to the first one. We listened for sound thinking they were helicopters. No sounds at all. As the two flew over our heads they never changed dslistance from each other and travelled at the same rate of speed. A fourth came into view and was further behind about the same distance the first one was to the second two. As these three were now very close we started to hear a helicopter so we thought that the notice was coming from these lights but then we seen the helicopter was over 405 bridge and was 5 or so times bigger than these lights and it was a typical helicopter with flashing lights etc. The middle two lights past over head by now and would have been behind buildings but at the rate of speed they were going the fourth one should still have been in view. We looked back up after noticing the helicopter and the lights were gone. We went down a block to be a longer view between the buildings but all the lights were gone. It could have been nothing. My wife thinks it was r/c planes but there was no noise and how boring would flying r/c planes in a straight line be? Just a very weird sighting.
MUFON Case # 42588
Location: Gresham, Oregon
Date of Sighting: 09/15/2012
Time of Sighting: 08:41 UTC
Viewing Distance: 501 Feet - 1 Mile
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path
Object Shape: Flash, Sphere
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: I have a green laser and i often point at stars to show people planets and so fourth. Well every so often something takes off leaving a long streak behind. these are NOT shooting stars. I have a feeling they do not like the laser. So they get out of dodg
Sighting Details:
I have a green laser and i often point at stars to show people planets and so fourth. Well every so often something takes off leaving a long streak behind. these are NOT shooting stars. I have a feeling they do not like the laser. So they get out of dodge. The interesting thing here is that these sightings are followed by silent what looks like mini planes. Very strange they appear out of no where traveling the opposite direction.
* * *
[Editor's Note: If you use a laser pointer for astronomy, please use it wisely. Never point lasers at aircraft in the sky.
If you shine a laser at an aircraft and it happens to shine on the cockpit, or into any window, there is a real possibility of blinding the pilot (or passengers) and therefore, shining lasers on aircraft is very illegal (a felony). -SW]
Sunday, September 16, 2012
UFO Confrontation Over Mansfield, Ohio, 1973
Video Link
On October 18, 1973, four military helicoptor crewmen had a dangerous encounter with a cigar-shaped UFO, over Mansfield, Ohio.
The UFO shown a green beam of light onto the helicopter as it descended, in an attempt to avoid a collision. At 1700 feet AGL, the helicopter was stopped in it's descent and lifted back up into the air, stopping at an elevation of about 3800 feet, where the alien craft held it firmly in place, apparently scanning the helicopter.
Meanwhile, the DeLong family was driving on the outskirts of Mansfield, when they saw the encounter between the helicopter and the UFO. They were interviewed 3 years later.
Twenty years later, Detective John Healy, one of the helicopter crewmen, stepped forward with his account of what had transpired. The encounter was re-enacted on the popular paranormal documentary TV series, "Sightings". The episode "UFO over Mansfield, OH" originally aired on 11/13/1994.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Oval Light Over Killeen, Texas - 9/9/2012
An observer in Killeen, Texas reported to MUFON of having witnessed a light traveling across the sky on September 9, 2012, early morning.
This report is as is, with no corrections.
MUFON Case # 42539
Date of Sighting: 09/09/2012
Time of Sighting: 06:47 a.m.
Location: Killeen, Texas
Sighting Duration: 00:01:00
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path
Object Shape: Oval
Summary: Solid Oval Light
As I was watching the weather report and gathering the trash in the house (as it was trash day) I was about to leave for work. So I went outside to take the trashcan to the street. I had been monitoring the phases of the moon for the past few mornings just because, and noticed the position of Venus. As I was heading in the house to get my things to go to work, I was glancing up curious about the direction of cloud movement because i had noticed for a brief moment it seemed that the clouds were moving due to a light in the sky , which I figured was a star. So I looked straight up and thought the clouds were moving fairly quickly but wasn't sure how fast. So I stuck my thumb up in the air to make a non-moveable reference point to see how fast they were moving and noticed it wasn't the clouds moving at all. It was the light I had seen briefly that I thought was just a star. But upon a closer look it was brighter than the star and even the planet Venus. I ran inside as quickly as possible to get my Ipad as it was the nearest camera accessible camera at the time and started filming. I didn't hear any sound or see any beacon lights (red) as I normally do when I see a plane. I live by the airport and hear and see planes, of all types, all the time. Especially when its dark, during one of my sky observation times. I didn't notice anything else as I was filming and was trying to make sense of what it COULD be. After the experience, I went to work and shared the video with a few others. One thing I did notice tonight, as I am sitting here typing and reviewing the video, is that the sky seems to be brighter than it actually appeared outside this morning. I don't know if that is due to the camera capturing more light than the human eye sees or what. I also noticed a blinking light at the beginning of the video that I didn't notice when I started to actually record the footage or when I was sharing the video with coworkers. The light started in the south to southwest and moved in a straight path to the north, northeast. Once again, I didn't notice any sound. I'm still not sure what it was, but I think its worth sharing. My feelings about seeing this was one of excitement and nervousness.
[No video was provided.]
Editor's Note: Could this have been simply a sighting of the International Space Station (ISS), or was it something else?
When you observe a bright light traveling across the sky, one possible way to identify it, or to rule it out, is to check with NASA:
(Choose city nearest you)
(Choose your state)
Mystery Spheres on Mars Have Scientists Scratching Their Heads
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PHOTO CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./ USGS/Modesto Junior College and |
Strange Mystery Spheres on Mars Baffle Scientists A strange picture of odd, spherical rock formations on Mars from NASA's Opportunity rover has scientists scratching their heads over what exactly they're looking at.
The new Mars photo by Opportunity shows a close-up of a rock outcrop called Kirkwood covered in blister-like bumps that mission scientists can't yet explain. At first blush, the formations appear similar to so-called Martian "blueberries" — iron-rich spherical formations first seen by Opportunity in 2004 — but they actually differ in several key ways, scientist said.
"This is one of the most extraordinary pictures from the whole mission," said rover mission principal investigator Steve Squyres of Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., in a statement. "Kirkwood is chock full of a dense accumulation of these small spherical objects. Of course, we immediately thought of the blueberries, but this is something different. We never have seen such a dense accumulation of spherules in a rock outcrop on Mars."
Continue reading at
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Possible Discovery of New Anomalies On Moon by Ken Pfeifer
by Ken Pfeifer
I have been researching the Moon and Mars photos for many years. I have discovered a few things that have no explanation. NASA has made all of this information available but they have made it very hard and confusing to find it. There seems to be hundreds of NASA sites covering many things. Finding the hi-definition photos of the Moon has been the hardest part. Many times you will find blurry photos of certain areas on the Moon. Even Google Moon has many of these blurred areas on the Moon. Of course they are trying to hide something. One of my many sources as been the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS [NASA]. The Lunar Astronautical Chart (LAC) series divides the Moon into 144 quadrangles (36 Mercator, 106 Lambert Conformal, and 2 Polar Stereographic quadrangles).
I noticed something very strange while viewing the hi-definition photo. There are many X marking on many photos and I found what looks like a enormous wall on the moon. At first I thought it is markings from a photo device that joins photos together but this is not the case.
Photo 1 is from the Moons surface. Zeeman-e crater. Strange X and wall. I discovered this on 9-12-12 8 pm est.
Photo 2 is from the Moon surface. Ashbrook crater. Another X and wall object. I discovered this on 9-10-12 9.11 pm est.
Photo 3 is from the Moon surface. Drygalski crater. Large building. I discovered this on 9-3-12 8.41 pm est.
Photo 4 is from the Moon surface. Malapert-a crater. Enormous V shaped object. At first I thought this was a reflection of the sun but its too defined to be that. I discovered this on 9-5-12 9.25 pm est.
Photo 5 is from the Mars surface. Newton crater. This is not a natural formation. Looks like a definite man or alien made object. I discovered this on 11-23-11 7.49 pm est.
These are only a few photos of the many strange objects on the Moon and Mars. I feel that we need to investigate the hi-definition photos released by NASA and the European Space Agencies. Our governments are spending billions of dollars to see if life exist on other planets. DUH. The answers exist on the Moon. Maybe we can use some of this wasted money for important things. Personally I could care less if someone once lived on Mars. I care more about all the pollution, disease and the poor children in third world countries.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
* * *
Never forget those who died on September 11, 2001.
I won't.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Crescent-shaped Craft and "Flying Wing" Seen Over Killeen, Texas 9/8/2012
A Killeen, Texas witness filed a UFO sightings report with MUFON, stating that they observed both a crescent-shaped craft and a "flying wing."
That report is re-posted here, as is, with no corrections.
Note: Is it possible that what was seen were actually secret military craft?
MUFON Case # 42410
Location: Killeen, Texas
Date of Sighting: 09/08/2012
Time of Sighting: 08:45 UTC
Shape: Boomerang
Straight-line path
Summary: Low fly over of reflective crescent followed by low flyover by flying wing
A friend of mine while having friends over noticed an object flying well below cloud coverage and very fast, the object seemed to match the same colors as the night sky and clouds as it flew. This Object was described to me as crescent shaped. about 20 seconds later the object vanished. THEN 20 minutes later, a flying wing object passed overhead with pulsating dim lights, it was flying much slower than the first object, but in the same path.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Ben Hansen of SyFy's "Fact or Faked" will be on Beyond the Edge Radio
Ben Hansen, former FBI agent and team leader for the SyFy Channel's Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files will be the guest on Beyond the Edge Radio, this Sunday, September 9, 2012, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern (7:00 Central, 5:00 Pacific).
Read more at Phantoms & Monsters
Log in here to listen to Beyond the Edge Radio, each Sunday night.
I received an email from a witness in Panola County, Texas, who observed a disc or rocket/missile-shaped silvery object with a dome on top. This is a daytime sighting.
Here is that report (edited for minor spelling, etc.):
Gary, Penola County, Texas
August 29, 2012 @ 3:00 p.m.
Hi Sunny,
This took place in Panola County Texas on August 29th, about 3 pm. We, my nephew and I were finishing a pest control job and we were both standing outside when I noticed a bright silvery object flying about 5000 feet, maybe less. I thought it was a plane but I noticed it was different and I could not make out any wings, or jet trail. We watched it disappear behind some clouds. It was flying very slow in a northeast direction. Later that day after I had dropped off my nephew he observed 4, or 5 more of the same craft coming out out the same direction. He said his daughter saw them too. Thought you might want to know, Thanks, [Name withheld by SW/LITS]
I asked if he could better describe the object and tell me exactly what town he was nearest, at the time of the sighting. He responded:
Ok, we spotted the craft close to Gary, Texas, just south of Carthage. We watched it for about a minute and a half before it disappeared in the clouds. To the best of my recall it was almost missile shaped, with a slight dome on top. Of course from a distance it was hard to see if it was a disk or cigar shape. When my nephew saw the others he said they were missile shaped as well. Has anyone else spotted, or reported any sightings to you besides myself? Hope all this helps, [Name withheld by SW/LITS]
Note: A disc-shaped object seen edge on, might look like a cigar or missile-shaped object. -Sunny
Monday, September 3, 2012
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Rendering courtesy of Ken Pfeifer, |
Original submitted by the witness to MUFON, this report was forwarded to me by Ken Pfeifer, World UFO Photos and News
Approximately 6 p.m. I was on my patio watching for aircraft (I can observe approach/departure for DCA, DUL, Andrews AFB, Davidson AAF, and Manassas Regional) and enjoy identifying both aircraft and birds (we have eagles, hawks, and vultures.) My patio faces common ground and affords a relatively good view of the sky facing north. Weather was clear, visibility about 10 miles and there were originally no aircraft to be seen. Looking to the NE toward DCA I noticed a dark spec which at first appeared to be an eagle in the distance gliding sideward as they do when hunting. The spec traveled toward me (NE to SW) faster than eagles do and as it approched it began a long smooth turn to its left (toward SE) and I could see it was a soundless dark object (despite it being in direct sunlight) shaped like an oblong "seed" with the narrow point at the rear and the blunt end forward.....apparent size comparable to a grain of rice held at arms length. I followed its turn and then heard the sound of an aircraft approaching from behind me (from SW to NE) which had been shielded by the building behind me. It was clearly an Air Force C-141 which we see a lot of around here. The object continued its turn and fell in trail behind the C-141 at a distance of about 1/4 to 1/2 the length of the C-141 and about the same speed and altitude. I estimated the C-141 to be at about 2000, 180-200 knots clean (no flaps or wheels down). I followed the progress of both until they disappeared behind a nearby treeline. FOOTNOTE: We recently(metro Washington DC) had USAF/Dept. Homeland Defense exercises in which fighters (F-15s F-16s) "intercepted" USAF C-141s. I observed one of those intercepts in about the same location in the sky and I guarantee you a fighter wouldnt position himself in the bigger planes turbulence as this object I observed did. Also, the USAF fighters, while painted a dark flat gray were clearly and instantly identifiable as fighters. My observation of the USAF exercise and the object I couldnt identify were a month apart. There were no exercises announced for the date in question. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
Saturday, September 1, 2012

I took several photos of the Blue Moon last night, August 31, 2012. This was my favorite, a shot of the full moon behind Mesquite trees.
If you took a photo of the blue moon and would like to share it, send it in and I will be glad to post it for others to enjoy.
Note: The next blue moon (2 full moons in one calendar month) will occur July 2nd and July 31, 2015.
To see a complete list of full moons dates between the years 1900 and 2100, go here.
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