Showing posts with label Author's UFO Sightings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Author's UFO Sightings. Show all posts

Friday, April 7, 2017

Cigar Shaped Object Seen North of Breckenridge, Texas- April 7, 2017

Click on an image for larger view.


Time: 13:22
Location: Breckenridge, TX looking North.
Shape: Cigar
Duration: Approx. 5 seconds

I saw an unidentified craft this afternoon. It went from shiny white to smokey black in an instant. I managed to get one picture before it completely disappeared.
It was not an airplane.

I was letting my dogs in and head a small prop plane.  While I was looking for the small plane, I saw a glint of light to my North.  The sound of the small plane disappeared (I assume it was landing at the county airport, south of (behind) me, because when I heard it, it sounded directly overhead.

I focused on the bright white object and saw that it was a cigar shape with no wings.  It also made no sound and it was moving faster than a commercial jet at that altitude.

I ran and grabbed my camera but by the time I had it focused, the bright object was gone and only a shadowy form appeared.   That is what is in the photos above.  I enlarged and cropped the image to see it better.

-Sunny Williams

Saturday, March 5, 2016

UFO Amongst Texas Chemtrails

On March 4, 2016, at 10:00 a.m., I took 2 photos of chemtrails over Stephens County, Texas.

10:00 a.m.
Stephen County, Texas (Breckenridge area)

In the 2nd photograph that was taken mere seconds after the first, I captured what appears to be some type of disk.

Click on image for larger view
Photo by Sunny Williams- copyright.

Here is a closeup, with enhanced insert of said object.

Click on image for larger view
Photo by Sunny Williams- copyright.

It appears to be a disk with a flattened top.  Whatever it is, the object must have been traveling at a high rate of speed, as it did not show up at all in the 1first photo.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Sunny Williams of LITS on Unknown Origins Radio

SW of LITS on Unknown Origins Radio (1/20/2014)


I've been asked to be a guest on a great radio program, so be sure to tune in Monday, January 20, 2014 (9:00 EST/8:00 CST), to Unknown Origins Radio, hosted by Dark Matter Radio.

Join me, Mark Johnson and his co-hosts, as we discuss the UFO phenomena.

I hope you'll be there!



Wednesday, June 26, 2013

White Sphere Over Eastland, Texas, 6-25-2013


I had a personal sighting and here is the report.  The picture is a representation of what I saw.  I didn't have time to take a photo of the object.

Location: Eastland, Texas
Date of Sighting: June 25, 2013
Time of Sighting: 2:55 p.m.
Shape: Circle, Orb, Sphere

It was 2:55 p.m. and we were just leaving Eastland, headed home on Hwy 112.  I was riding in the passenger seat and just happened to glanced out to the East. We were headed North and had just passed the airport.  It was then that I noticed something in the sky that made me do a double take.

When I first noticed it, the object looked similar to a small round cloud but focusing on the object, I realized it appeared solid, was white, round and had slightly fuzzy edges.  "What the heck?"  I said out loud.

I looked away for only a couple of seconds, prepared to see a puffy cloud but when I looked back, the object had completely disappeared.

I told my husband what I had just seen, pointing out other small clouds amid the wispy clouds in the sky.  The normal clouds lingered for some time and did not just disappear.

In retrospect, the object looked like a bright moon, in a bright afternoon summer sky.  The object was about the size of a nickle held at arms length.

The object I saw wasn't the sun, as the sun was much farther to the West.  It's something I can't explain. 



Thursday, March 21, 2013

UFO Investigator Observes Brilliant Orange Orb of Light

Although the image above is an actual photo of the location just after the sighting, the orange dot is merely a rendering and not the actual object.  Photo taken with my Samsung Infuse Smart Phone.  -SW/LITS
Click on image to enlarge.


OK folks, I saw something unusual, early this morning.  Here is my official report.

Location:       Breckenridge, Texas

Date of Sighting:  March 21, 2013
Time of Sighting:     02:30 (AM)
Duration of Sighting: Approx. 2 minutes
Object shape:  Orb
Object characteristics: Brilliant orange ball of light
Object Path:  Straight line path

Distance: Over 1 mile
Size of Object:  Unknown

Summary:  Brilliant orange light moving across and above the Northern horizon.

The date was 3/21/2013.  I was letting my dogs in at 2:30 am, when I noticed a brilliant orange light ball of light approximately 4 to 5 degrees above the Northern horizon.  I could just make it out over the top of some distant trees.

When I first noticed the light, it was approximately 10 degrees West of True North.  When the light disappeared, it was approximately 5 degrees West of True North, having traveled more or less 5 degrees (level path).

At first I thought it was a new guard (pole) light I had not noticed before but then as I stared at it, the light seemed to be moving very slowly towards the East.

I grabbed my binoculars but still could only see a brilliant orange light; no structure or craft was visible.  The object momentarily moved behind a larger group of trees, then reappeared for perhaps 10 seconds.  Before I could take a photo, the light vanished as if it winked out.  

I stood watch for several minutes to see if it would return but it never did.

I also want to note that this object was apparently over large power lines, which run north of my location.


As I stated in the report, I honestly thought at first it was a new guard light.  However, it was a degree or two higher than any of the guard lights (at that distance), in the photo that I took afterwards, plus guard lights on poles do not move

I placed the orange dot on the photo to represent how I saw it, though the dot cannot come close to showing how brilliant this object was.  If I had been standing near this object, it would have been too bright to look at.

The image above is an actual photo of the location just after the sighting but the orange dot is merely a rendering, not the actual object.



Friday, August 3, 2012

How it began: The Search For The Truth About UFOs

Click on image for larger view.

I am often asked why I decided to become a Ufologist.  Here is why:

The photo above is one that I took on May 14, 2008. 

Location: Off Hwy 206, between Cisco and Cross Plains, Texas.
Time: 5:14 p.m. (17:14 hrs).

I was taking photos of clouds after a storm and captured more than I expected.

The photo was thoroughly analyzed by independent experts,  confirming that it is some type of disc-like object, traveling at considerable speed.

In all my years, I've seen some odd things in the sky but this object literally changed my life.

I'm sure there are many of you that have had similar experiences, so it's possible that you understand what drives me to seek the truth concerning "unidentified flying objects."

- Sunny Williams

[Note: This sighting was not long after the 2008 Stephenville UFO Flap.]


Friday, July 13, 2012

Surveillance Camera Captures Orb Near Breckenridge, Texas



I was checking the videos from my surveillance camera and aside from the usual bug zipping by the lens, looking exactly like all the flying rods I've seen on countless videos, there was nothing much of interest, until...

Suddenly I began noticing that several videos were void of the usual bugs and there seemed to be no movement, that would lead to the triggering of the motion activation.  As I watched each video, I suddenly came upon the one that you see above.

In the video, you see an orange light at the far left of the screen.  It appears to drop down over the top of the fence, pause, then move out of frame.

The light appears to be an orb that is generating light.  The light is reflected off of the chain link fencing and the T-post.  The post is 5 feet high.The object appears to be approximately 1 foot in diameter.

I did not see the video as it was being recorded, however, shortly after that, I let my dogs out into the fenced area.  The dogs began barking and my usually tough older, larger dog started barking like he was afraid.  I open the door and he nearly knocked me down trying to get into the house. 

I stepped outside and looked around, thinking maybe our cat was in the yard.  I saw nothing to indicate that anything was around.

After examining the video, I watched each subsequent video.  None of those videos had any indication that the object was still in the viewable area.  Whatever it was, it had vanished, or simply flew away.

What this object is, I am not certain but it does seem to match the many orbs and spheres witnesses are reporting.

Have you seen an object like this?  If so, please report it.

-Sunny Williams, LITS

Note:  Cameras and program - Uniden Wireless Surveillance System.


Friday, December 23, 2011

A personal account: Humming Sound and Being Immobilized

Depiction of what I felt caused the humming sound in 2009. - SW


November 2, 2009, near Breckenridge, Texas.
Time:  05:52
Duration:  Less than 10 minutes

I got up from bed and went to the bathroom. When I came back to bed, the clock on the nightstand read 5:52 a.m.

As soon as I got in bed, my dog started barking and crying. Suddenly the dog stopped and the cell phone by the bed was "activated",  then the clock radio near the cell phone started making a throbbing static noise, somewhat like a short burst of Morse code.  That finally stopped and then I began to hear a deep rumbling, "thrumming" sound.  At first it was very faint but grew louder and louder as it passed very slowly, directly over the house. 

The sound was much like the hydro electric generators at the powerhouse, where my spouse had worked for 20 years before retiring.  The only difference was that this humming sound was more subdued and I could feel it, as well as hear it.

There were no lights involved.  I don't recall seeing anything but I "envisioned" a dark, triangular-shaped craft moving slowly over my house.

I felt a pressure in my chest, like I was being pushed down into the bed and it actually felt like I was being scanned.  I wasn't paralyzed, my arms were free to move but I just couldn't get up.  I tried.  I also flung my arms, striking my husband's arm several times.

The object passed on over, I was released, the sound faded and I laid there knowing that I had just received a "passing visit".

My spouse said he was awake but all he remembers is the dog barking, also the cell phone and the radio making noise.  He never moved, though I desperately tried to rouse him, hitting his arm with mine and asking him, "Can you hear that?  Listen!  I can't move!  Wake up!"  I called his name to no avail.  As far as I could tell, he was unconscious.

As the humming sound receded, becoming more faint and indistinct, I immediately fell back to sleep.

I've experienced this at night, on two other occasions.  It has never occurred during sunlit hours.

I'd like to note, that the very next year a contact called me one evening, saying that a triangle UFO was seen being escorted by military helicopters, headed in my direction  from south to north.  I watched but never saw, nor heard this "aerial convoy".

Was it of extraterrestrial origin, or is it something that our military is using, hiding in 'plain sight'?


            *               *               *

Related cases:

Hutto, TX- Couple Hear Humming Sound Overhead

Triangular-shaped craft emits buzzing sound over a Stafford, VA home


Monday, October 31, 2011

LITS UFO Investigator Has Sighting Near Breckenridge, TX- 10/30/2011

My depiction of object, looking East from my back door.
My personal account of sighting:

October 30, 2011, 19:38 (7:38 pm)
Location: East of Breckenridge, Texas

I let my dogs out in our fenced in front yard.  I had just sat down to watch a bit of television (internet was down), when I had a sudden extreme urge to look out the back door (patio door faces south).

I had a confident feeling that I was about to see something and I did.  It wasn't much, just a large white light in the Eastern sky.  I would have assumed it was Jupiter, however, I knew that particular planet had not risen high enough over the trees for me to see it.

The object (light) that I saw was about the same size and magnitude of Jupiter.  It's elevation was at a best guess, 15,000 to 20,000 feet AGL and approximately 95 degrees ESE.

When I first saw the it, it was the brightest object in the Eastern sky.  I observed the bright white light for about 10 seconds and then it began to move North.  Within 2 to 3 seconds of travel, the object disappeared.

My thoughts when I first saw the object was, "There you are."  When the object disappeared, it simply vanished from sight.  It did not return.

There was no sound accompanying this object, nor were there any navigation, or beacon lights.  It was just one solid white light.

Hey, I know it isn't much but the fact that I knew it was going to be there has to count for something...

-Sunny (SW)

[Note: If you were in the North Texas area and saw the same thing I did, please contact me. -SW]


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lights Zig Zag Across North Central Texas Sky - Author's Personal UFO Sighting- 7/26/2011

Depiction of how object moved across the sky. By SW/LITS


I have to admit that lately, I've not been spending much time outside.  Temperatures here in my area have exceeded the 100° (degree F) mark each day, for almost 3 months now. 

The Three Amigos
Photo taken in Fall of 2010
When I do go outside (other than trips to town, etc.), it's to take my dogs out on their potty breaks.  As of today, my spouse and I have living with us, 4 amazing dogs.  The 3 inside dogs are Pomeranian and the outside dog (Howard) is a Coon-hound (mixed with what, I have no idea).

 My Poms range in age from 17, 3 and 1 year old.  The oldest (bless his little heart), has gone blind from a stroke he had a few months ago.  It is he, who I have to carry outside and then wait for him to finish.  It was during one of these potty breaks, on the 26th of July, 2011, that I had the opportunity to personally witness something unusual. 

Here is my report:

July 26, 2011 (Tuesday), 12:41 a.m.
Location: East of Breckenridge, Texas
Visibility: Clear
Winds: light and from the South

I stepped out into yard with one of my dogs who is blind.  As he did his business I noticed a red light appear to my Northwest, at approx. 25 degrees above the horizon.  Suddenly multiple colored lights began to flash in rapid succession.

When I first saw these lights, I believed the object to be an airplane but it was traveling fast and began to drop down about 3 degrees, then rise rapidly 5 degrees, drop and rise, then zig and zag as it dropped and rose.

The object traced an irregular arc across the sky from Northwest to South, to Northeast before it disappeared behind trees on the Northwest side of my property.

When I first saw the object, I saw a single red light.  As it's path brought it closer to me, I saw that it had multiple lights (red, amber and white), aligned in a fairly straight line and close set.  The lights did not strobe as beacon lights would on a jet or helicopter.  Instead, they appeared to pulse.  There were no red and green navigation lights and no sound. [Note: I have seen a medical helicopter with similar lights (all white) but this was not a helicopter.]

Distance from object to my location was over 1 mile, most likely 2 or 3 miles.

I assumed that the object was either disc or cigar shaped.  At that distance and with only the lights visible, shape and size was speculative, at best.

I did not see any other craft in the sky during this event, although afterwards I did see a commercial jet coming from the east (DFW area), on a different course, which took it slightly south of my property, heading west.

Total observation time: approx. 2 minutes


If you were located in North Central Texas after midnight on June 26, 2011 and you saw this object, please contact me.  Thanks.  - Sunny



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