Tuesday, July 30, 2013
UFO Shows Up In Video Footage Of Tornado
Video link
Whatever it was, the 'object' was at least 30 feet long, traveling at over 9,000 miles per hour.
Light Over Three Rivers, Texas
I received this report through LITS South Texas Lead Investigator, Connie C.
Object: steady white intense light, larger than nearby Arcturus,steadily moving from the west to the east.
After a few seconds, it reached due south in the sky and turned to the north.
At this time the witness expected to see navigation lights, but did not.
The light actually started slowly blinking off and on for a total of 3 times as it moved north. After the third blink it never came back on. It just disappeared.
Total time of the sighting: 3-4 minutes.
Time: 10:15 pm Saturday night July 27th, 2013
Absolutely clear night after a heavy rainfall 3 hours earlier.
Three Rivers, Texas
Highway 72 east at the city limits.
Note: This was not the ISS, or any other satellite.
If anyone else saw this, please report it. Thank you.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Flying Cryptids In New Hampshire
Occasionally I receive reports of a flying cryptids, sightings that run the range from thunderbirds to flying dinosaurs (Pterosaurs/Pterodactyls), dragons and even flying manta rays.
Here are two recent reports sent in from Dover, New Hampshire and a previously posted report from Metropolis, Illinois.
Flying Cryptid - Dover, New Hampshire
Third week in June around 11AM. 2013
I live in Dover NH. I was sitting at my desk The window in front of me faces south. I looked up and a huge bird was flying from south to north.
I immediately thought it was the bald eagle that I have seen from time to time over the last couple of years. This bird was just soaring. As it drew closer, I began to think that this was not an eagle. There were no finger feathers at the end of it's wings. No tail and no white head.
What I saw was a dark grey body with wings that were pointed, much like an albatross and the head was just a little bit lighter in color tanish. There was a bulbous rear end, no tail. The wings seemed to be jointed in the middle.
By the time I got my wits about me grabbing the binocs and running out the front door, the creature was gone.
I have gone through the bird book and there is nothing I can compare it to in this area.
Location, about 2 miles from where the Cocheco, Salmon Falls, Bellamy and Piscataqua Rivers converge and about 12 to 14 miles from the ocean.
Though the creature was flying over my house it would have been flying parallel to the Salmon River, south headed north towards Maine.
Believe me I am looking up all the time now. I hope I do see this creature again.
The difference (between this creature and a pterodactyl) would be that there were no legs in the back and the head would have been sitting back towards the body as I looked at it from below. The wings were jointed in the middle. The creature just pumped its wings twice (No flapping). So from the body to the center where the wing was jointed, the wing was still. It was only the wing tip to the jointed center of the wing that moved as the creature gave itself momentum.
The only person I have mentioned this to is my mother. I haven't said a word to anybody else including my husband because they would think I am nuts. I'm really interested in knowing your opinion from the pictures you sent as to what you think. Definitely not a bat.
* * *
Flying Cryptid - Metropolis, Illinois
On August 9th 2012 at 8:31 pm I saw this scary reptile flying up from the river bank in Metropolis Illinois, I have lived here my entire life and have never seen anything like it before or since, about the size of a passenger plane...head like lizard, arms, legs, long tail, with wings like a bat! I yelled for the neighbors to make sure I wasn't seeing things! 7 eyewitnesses, it was truly amazing, and scary at the same time! It was charcoal grey, no fur or feathers either........been looking to the sky on searching the net daily ever since I saw it! I did manage to get 4 30 second videos with my cell phone, but can't really see it, only neighbors voices trying too tell what they think.......anyway if you have any answers at this point....please respond.......lab experience escape.......polar ice cap thawing out the presumed extinct....idk, but if they are mating, we may all be in trouble 7 our 8 years from now!
We are located at the southern most tip of Illinois, about 7 minutes from Kentucky, [Name redacted] of my neighbors may not know how to email......older individuals, but one does for sure, she's 24 with 3 children n another on the way, she described it as a sting ray? My husband.....well just baffled n doesn't want to talk about it for fear of people thinking we're crazy....lol, my 10 year old step daughter says it looked like a big black Angel......? If that was an Angel, I would hate to see the devil! Another one was spotted by a police officer about 3 Weeks ago.....same description......
* * *
Note: If you see something similar to these reports, or see an unidentified flying object (UFO), please feel free to contact me. Thank you.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Daylight Sighting of "Pill-shaped" UFO Near Milton, Delaware
I received this sightings report from the witness. He and his wife saw an object near Milton, Delaware. This is his unedited report.
Reported to Lights in the Texas Sky
Location: Milton, Delaware
Date of Sighting: 07/16/2013
Time of Sighting: 20:15
Shape: Pill-shaped, Disc, Delta, Oval
Color: White/silver
Duration: 2 to 3 minutes
Object Elevation: 8,000 to 10.000 feet (AGL)
Object path: Travel with course change
This was Tuesday, July 16th 2013 at approximately 8:15 pm. My wife and I were fishing in a pond near our house when my wife saw something in the sky. She alerted me and I focused on the object, it was a pill shaped object, shiny white metallic in color. We were mesmerized by it, it moved smoothly and with purpose as it changed headings twice in the short time we watched it. It was about 8-10k feet in elevation, which is much lower than commercial craft will fly, it also moved slower than a traditional civilian prop aircraft. We were looking at the side of the craft initially, it was shaped like a pill, pretty much the same dimensions as your typical pill, just larger in scale. To call it cigar shaped would be erroneous, because it wasn't that long compared to the width and depth of the body. It had no visible wings, it was a delta shape, it had no tail or lights and it didn't make a sound. It was a clear blue sky, and the craft was reflecting the sunlight as it moved out of the north traveling south/southeast. It made a slow turn to the west, bringing perpendicular to our line of vision where we could see the craft from the "rear" view, it was a perfect circle. Again no wings, contrails, sound or anything resembling a recognizable airplane of any sort could describe this craft. We watched the craft for about 2-3 minutes as it changed course twice to finally vanish over the trees heading in a south east direction. At the elevation it was flying we would have definitely heard the engine as we have regular air traffic over our area due to Dover Air Force Base, multiple international airports in the region, crop dusters and civilian aircraft as well. We have never heard of this type of UFO, and your site was the only one we can find that had something similar. The gentlemen from the Bronx with the story on this site described exactly what we witnessed. Thank you for giving us a forum to tell our story, most of our friends think we're crazy now!
[Name withheld by SW/LITS]
Monday, July 15, 2013
Retired Cop Reports Lights And Triangular Object Over Tinley Park, IL - July 4, 2013
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Artistic rendering by Sunny Williams/ LITS |
While watching a fireworks display, a retired police office, his wife and 2 friends observed more than just fireworks.
This report was originally submitted to NUFORC.
NUFORC Case # S99727
Location: Tinley Park, Illinois
Date of Sighting: 07-04-13
Time of Sighting: 20:00
Shape: Triangle
Duration: 03:30:00
Summary: Numerous bright red, yellow,and green glowing objects that moved at a steady speed with no sound. Observed an explosion of one.
Am a retired police officer and myself, my wife, and two friends were watching forth of July fireworks. We live in Tinley Park Il. and was watching in the direction of Frankfort IL which is South of us . we had an unobstructed view of the fireworks over a small lake when all of a sudden I observes three bright red glowing circular shaped objects on the South horizon. The objects rose up and proceeded in a steady speed in a North East direction . The objects continued to glow from red to yellow and sometimes green. Over the next three hours we saw numerous objects, sometime in formations of three or four and one time in a "V" formation of three and one following. All of the objects originated from the South and continued in a N/E direction. At one point, as one of the objects were about to travel directly over us, the object lost it's glow and I was able to see the object in a stealth type mode as it went over us. The object appeared to by fairly l! arge and looked triangular with rounded edges. I saw three large circular shapes in the center of the object. there was absolutely no sound and the object continued overhead Northbound. We saw at least 20 to 30 of the same objects during the course of the night and at another point I observed and videoed what appeared to be one of the objects blow up and split in two. This caused a large bright "explosion" and sparks.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Sparkler-type Object Observed in Plano, Texas

A Plano, Texas witness reports of having seen an object that looked like a large fireworks 'sparkler.'
The report was submitted to MUFON and is re-posted here, unedited.
Note: The picture above is an artist rendering.
MUFON Case # 48739
Location: Plano, Texas
Date of Sighting: 06/15/2012
Time of Sighting: 03:00 UTC
Viewing Distance: 20 Feet or Less
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Other
Object Flight Path: Hovering then path
Object Shape: Sphere
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: very similar to the Sparklers, but real big
i was asleep in my bedroom around 3 am , then i was woken up by a loud noise it sounded like a real heavy rain, like a storm, but there was no rain at all so i looked outside my window and there it was a big bright light, it looked just like a sparkler, like the ones you buy at the fireworks store, just very loud and bigger, after i looked at it for a few seconds, i got dressed and went outside to see what that was it did not take me but a minute to go outside and the object was gone, after that i went to sleep the next day i looked at the grass and it looked dead,i like to know if this is something anyone has encounter before,i seen a ufo before but nothing like this.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Fourth of July 2013 Sees Spike In UFO Reports
One of the best times to witness a UFO is during a Fourth of July celebration, and this year did not disappoint.
Not everyone reports what they've seen but some witnesses have. Dozens of reports have come in to MUFON and here are just a few examples from Texas and other parts of the nation.
Please Note: These reports were submitted to MUFON and are re-posted here, unedited.
MUFON Case # 48690
Location: Lubbock, Texas
Date of Sighting: 07/04/2013
Time of sighting: 11:10 UTC
Viewing Distance: 501 Feet - 1 Mile, Unknown
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Stationary,Hovering then path,Straight-line path,Path then hovering,Other
Object Shape: Circle, Oval
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summay: The object flew across the sky changing flight paths abruptly and elevation and color also changed
The object was first spotted through my windshield as I approached a fill in station, I watched the object cross the night sky and was amazed how its color and speed and lack of flashing lights drew my children and myself in. I was hoping that the object be just a helicopter or plane but the longer we examined what was in the sky the more clear it became that we could not explain what we were seeing. I filled my vehicle with fuel and headed to the hotel in which we were sleeping for the night which was about 5-8 miles from the gas station. As we approached the hotel we noticed the object again and this time we had time to stand outside the vehicle and try and get video footage with my iphone and ended up with a little over 3 minutes of footage of the object changing colors,elevation and direction within seconds. The object had strange patterns of flight path and colors and was extremly fast but could stop on a dime and remain stationary prior to redirecting and/or changing colors. AMAZING!!!
MUFON Case # 48685
Location: Texas (city undisclosed)
Date of Sighting: 07/04/2013
Time of Sighting: 09:13 UTC
Viewing Distance: 101-500 Feet
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: None
Object Flight Path: Hovering then path,Path with directional change,Path then hovering
Object Shape: Circle, Fireball, Flash
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: Happened 2 hours before main firework display. These were not fireworks!
At 9:13 I noticed a flashing white and blue orb for about 32 seconds then kept seeing 2 green orbs flying somewhat side by side for about 4 minutes. I was watching the orchestra perform and spotted them overhead. Since I have had 2 other UFO sightings, I immediately knew there were UFOs. The green orbs were moving very randomly everywhere until they disappeared. The blue and white flashing orb was flashing very rapidly and was not flashing in any sequence. Since I have seen UFOs before I was not frightened or disturbed in any way. I lost the green orbs as they departed west into the treetops. I lost the orb when it disappeared into the trees. ( Not shown in film)
MUFON Case # 48667
Location: Cypress, Texas
Date Submitted 07/05/2013 12:22 UTC
Date of Sighting: 07/04/2013
Time of Sighting: 12:00 UTC
Viewing Distance: 21-100 Feet
Sighting Duration: 00:05:30
Object Features: Patterned Surface
Object Flight Path: Path with directional change
Object Shape: Flash, Other
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: greean and red lights the once it hovered over us it made a buzzing sound.
We were all sitting outside to watch fireworks because it was the 4th of July, and a friend and I were on a waterslide and saw this bright object. So we go and get out family and it was bright green flying North, then we pointed at it, and it started coming torwards us, and turned red. After a few seconds of watching it, the object turned neon blue, and split into 2 objects It only lasted for a few seconds before it returned into one big green and red object. My uncle syarted recording it but the video only came out as a tiny white ball thay gradually becomes larger as it flew over our house. Once over the house we ran to thw front door, and within 2 seconds it was very far. So everyone but a few people went inside and as we were talking about it, we started hearing a weird peircing noise that gradually became louder and started to sound like soundwaves. It would go in one ear and out the other and it made us just sit their for a few seconds before we jumped up to get the rest of the family. Once we all calmed down we went outiside at about 3 am. Nothing more happened, but it was a very weird inncident! Nobody of the people that experienced it really believed in aliens, but we are firm believers. now
MUFON Case # 48676
Location: Calvert City, Kentucky
Date of Sighting: 07/04/2013
Time of Sighting: 09:05 UTC
Viewing Distance: Unknown
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Path with directional change
Object Shape: Circle
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: While watching Fireworks noticed object come from west and circle area, then return to west and fly out of sight. Was very bright orange and pulsated bright red. Was circuler in shape.
Was watching Town Fireworks Display at approximately 9 PM and noticed this very bright object that was definitely not Fireworks related. It had a flight path and came in from the West and circled the area, then flew back toward the West and I observed it until it was out of sight. It was circular in shape, although not a perfect circle. It glowed a very bright Orange which pulsated to a very bright Red aura around it. I did not mention it to anyone else because I was afraid that they would think I saw Fireworks and was mistaken.
Photp link:
MUFON Case # 48686
Location: Exton, Pennsylvania
Date of Sighting: 07/04/2013
Time of Sighting: 09:25 UTC
Viewing Distance: 501 Feet - 1 Mile, Over 1 Mile
Sighting Duration: 00:10:00
Object Features: None
Object Flight Path: Hovering then path,Path with directional change
Object Shape: Cylinder
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: Flaming red cigar shaped object
Walking outside to attempt to get fireworks photographs from a dark field near residence. Partner and I observed an object in the southwest that appeared to be a firework at first, but soon realized the object was hovering. There were active fireworks to the south and some small fireworks in the community area adjacent to the park. The object hung in the sky literally for a couple minutes, which ruled out the possibility that it was a rocket type firework. The object then moved almost directly above as it traveled very slowly to the northeast from our location. When the object came closer, it was apparent the object appeared to be on fire and had a cylinder type shape to it. The object then continued slowly to the northeast and according to my partner it took an abrupt 90 degree turn in the sky (which I did not observe) and it was gone. The initial spotting of the object was about 21:25 and the even lasted to about 21:35. Personal Observations: 1. I initial thought the object was a rocket/firework. 2. The object's bright red coloration was the first thing that we observed. 3. The object appeared completely out of place in the area. The height of the object appeared to be the same height as planes that are coming in from the west that travel east along the glide path for commercial aircraft that land in Philadelphia International Airport. 4. Lost sight of object as it traveled Northeast. In my opinion it was literally gone in a flash. 5. Gut reaction after realizing the object was not a firework was it's a UFO! 6. I have seen a number of commercial and private aircraft fly above, and none had a solid red color on them that appeared like flames. There were no navigational lights or landing lights.
MUFON Case # 48703
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Date of Sighting: 07/04/2013
Time of Sighting: 10:40 UTC
Viewing Distance: Unknown
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: None
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path
Object Shape: Circle, Triangle
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: Multiple lights in string formation & also large triagnle of lights, 3 lights of triangle
4th of July, Pittsburgh PA - downtown on "South Shore" for fireworks. After fireworks were complete we were leaving Station Square, a plaza of restaurants, shops and hotels on the waterfront and that's were the lights came into view. The lights appeared in the East, fireworks had been set off in the West. The lights were over the hills to the east/southeast. I observed a "string" of yellow/orange/red lights with a cluster of lights at one end. I pulled out my phone and told my family to look up. They also saw the lights. I stopped walking and took as many pictures with the camera in my phone as possible. I would walk a few feet and stop to take a picture, the lights appeared to be moving also. The string of lights appeared to descend behind the hills except a few as I walked and stopped. I could not continually watch the lights while I walked. The cluster disappeared and only a couple remained and seemed smaller than what I originally observed. There were thousands of people going to the same parking lot as we were but no one seemed to be observing what was going on in the sky. I kept telling my husband and kids to look up. The last observation I made was of a triangle shape of three lights. It was moving North in line behind a couple of the smaller circular lights. I stood still while the triangle passed overhead. The three lights moved as if attached to a structure, slow moving, silent. The lights moved at the same time, together. I told my husband to look up again and I said " that looks like those lights are attached to some type of craft but I could not see any body of a craft, just dark between the lights. No stars were visible, Pittsburgh and surrounding areas had been under cloud cover for at least seven days. No rain, no lightning at time of observation. No planes or other conventional aircraft were observed at the same time as the lights. Photos attached, enlarge to view lights.
Photo Links:
MUFON Case # 48695
Location: Holiday, Florida
Date of Sighting: 07/04/2013
Time of Sighting: 09:50 UTC
Viewing Distance: Over One Mile
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Path with directional change
Object Shape: Fireball
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: Object was very bright fire like came from NW then headed W. Object made no noise. Plane was in area then object faded.
We were watching fireworks and noticed very bright object that looked almost fire like. Object made no sound. It seemed to pulsate some. We noticed it heading NW then head W. A plane was close by then object faded. This happened right about 9:50pm EST. Event lasted maybe 5 minutes from when we first noticed it.
MUFON Case # 48722
Location: Lansing, Michigan
Date of Sighting: 07/04/2013
Time of Sighting: 10:30 UTC
Viewing Distance: Over One Mile
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Path with directional change
Object Shape: Sphere
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: multiple objects in the sky,..several of us seen this event for more than 15 minutes
me and my mother were watching fireworks display so our eyes where already on the sky...i was on ground level..my mother was on 3rd floor balcony overhead from me..i noticed a red ball in the sky off to my right...which was northeast direction,i yelled up to my mother on the balcony"do you see that?".she replied "i see it" i knew right away what this was because this was the 3rd year in a row i have witnessed this happen..after watching 1 red light for a few minutes hovering in one spot..a second and third red light caught my attention.(looking to the northwestish)..they were moving in a striaght line just above the treetops...once they got directly north from our position they simple dissappeared..a few seconds later they appeared again to the northwest..but this time there were 5 objects..they repeated the same movement process several times while everytime this action was repeated the formation gained an object..when the fireworks stopped the lights faded completly not to be seen again...i have seen this same exact event happen 3 years in a row...i will have video set up next year.
MUFON Case # 48637
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Date of Sighting: 07/04/2013
Time of Sighting: 10:00 UTC
Viewing Distance: 20 Feet or Less, 21-100 Feet
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: None
Object Flight Path: Path then hovering
Object Shape: Sphere
Weather Factors: Unknown
Summary: appeared after firework show ended. Certain was not a firework
I was watching a firework show. When it ended I went to call my dad and then i realized that everyone was looking up at the sky. I turned to look and I saw it. At first I thought it was a firework ember that was still lit. But it wasn't falling like one would. It was descending but very slowly. Then I was afraid it was some kind of meteor or comet that was heading towards us and I drove forward thinking I would get out of the way of it. Then I realized it wasn't far away like I originally thought. It was very close. Possibly a few feet above the building we were next to. It was very bright and orange. It floated towards the building and then disappeared behind it. When we drove around the building to try and see it... it was gone.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
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