UFOs can be seen on any given day of the year, somewhere in the U.S. and/or around the world. However, I decided to focus mainly on Christmas Day, 2011, a day which yielded a number of UFO sighting around the U.S.
Here are a few December 25, 2011 UFO sighting reports submitted to MUFON (Mutual UFO Network).
These reports are unedited. -SW
Ruidoso, New Mexico (See photo above)
MUFON Case # 34316
Date: 2011-12-25
Time: 22:00
Status: Assigned
City: Ruidoso
State: New Mexico
Shape: Other
Distance: Unknown
Summary: Lights Over Ruidoso
Last night my wife and I went to bed shortly before 10 PM. At 10, my wife got up and went to the window of our upstairs bedroom. She observed a glowing object in the southern sky. It faded out. I got up and went to the window and a second object appeared. It was about 40 degrees above the horizon, and it appeared to be moving from north to south. It was much larger than a star and its surface was covered with twinkling red/yellow/orange lights. It had an irregular outline. We watched this object for a couple of minutes, and then it also faded out. A third object then appeared. I got the camera and started getting dress to go on the downstairs south patio. The third light faded, and a fourth appeared. I went on the patio and took a nice picture of this object shortly before it faded.
We are near Holloman AFB, and we have seen the strings of orange flares which the Air Force uses. These were distinctly different. The picture shows two objects one above the other. They are connected by a fuzzy irregular tubular structure. I concede that the lower object could be a burning smoking fragment sloughed off of a main flare, but, if so, then it is like no flare that I have ever seen before. Also, these were close enough and bright enough that we should have seen the supporting parachute. I hope to see them again.
The camera is a Panasonic DMC-ZS3 in the Sports Scene Mode and 12X zoom.
Original Photo
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
MUFON Case # 34310
Date: 2011-12-25
Time: 08:30
Status: Assigned
City: Valley Forge
State: Pennsylvania
Shape: Egg,Sphere
Distance: One mile or less
Summary: UFO over Valley Forge National Park
My girlfriend and I were on our way to visit family Christmas morning. I was driving ? she was the passenger, and we were traveling South East on Route 23 through Valley Forge National Park. As we approached the intersection near the park's Visitor Center, I looked up (towards the Visitor Center and over the outer line defense of the park) and saw a shiny, reflective, almost chrome looking object in the sky. It was spherical, maybe egg-shaped and appeared to be stationary in the sky. It looked a little like an old bubble-style helicopter fuselage...but not. I asked my girlfriend jokingly if she wanted to bet if the object was an aircraft or a UFO. We watched the object for a few seconds. I had to keep an eye on the road since I was on a curving hill coming up on an intersection, but my girlfriend was watching the object while fumbling for her camera phone. Small tree tops obstructed my view for less than a second, and then the object was completely gone. I think it shot off in a North Western direction, but I cannot be sure. It was there one second and completely gone the next. My girlfriend was not able to get a shot off with her camera phone before the object took off/vanished. It should be noted that this sighting took place less than 2 miles from a Lockheed Martin facility.
Mount Laurel, New Jersey
MUFON Case # 34331
Date: 2011-12-25
Time: 21:15
Status: Assigned
City: Mount Laurel
State: New Jersey
Shape: Disc,Fireball,Oval
Distance: 100 feet or less
Summary: saw 7 lights following one another in a mostly straight line. flew across the sky for about 3-4 minutes and one by one disappeared as they had appeared one by one.
I was out on my front porch with my sister and it faces the north and east. I saw what at first assumed was a plane because i see them all of the time. I immediately noticed the object was a bright orange color that has no definite shape other than being smallish and round-oval. as soon as i noticed the color of the object, i then saw another similar object come into view right behind the first one. it all happened pretty quick, but i was saying to my sister as I'm trying to figure out exactly what it is I'm seeing, Kate, what the heck are those things? As I'm saying that another identical object comes into view behind the first two. Then another, then another, totaling 7 of these identical orange lights flying in a line, one after the next, moving in the direction of West to East. It seemed each one came out of nowhere to join the line. They made no sound as they moved across the sky in line formation, they didn't change colors or anything like that, they stayed orange. They were approximately 10-20 feet between each one. They flew across the sky and one by one disappeared as they flew up to what seemed like a higher altitude. We had called our whole family out to witness these lights and not one person could come up with an idea for what we saw. It was pretty incredible, strange and scary all at the same time. I think we will definitely remember this Christmas in my family!
Belfry, Kentucky*

MUFON Case # 34333
Date: 2011-12-25
Time: 19:50
Status: Assigned
City: Belfry
State: Kentucky
Shape: Circle,Fireball,Sphere
Summary: Orange/Red Ball of light, Very Noticable in Night Sky
3 witnesses, Large Orange ball of light that came in a straight path, stopped and hovered, and then went in a 45 degree angle, then stopped and turned quickly in on 90 degree angle. Event was followed by 3 military planes going in the direction of the object.
Original Photo
Overland Park, Kansas
MUFON Case # 34340
Date: 2011-12-25
Time: 22:30
Status: Submitted
City: Overland Park
State: Kansas
Shape: Unknown
Distance: Over one mile
Summary: Innumerable lights moving north to south 10:30 PM 12-25-11 Overland Park KS area
At approximately 10:30 PM on 12-25-11 my son came running into the family room urging my wife and I to look out the back of our house which faces West. We looked out and saw innumerable lights off in the distance moving from North to South along a relatively straight path. We proceeded out onto the deck and continued to observe these lights. As they moved to the South, they then appeared to head more West and appeared to climb and then disappear rather rapidly one by one. As we looked to the North, more lights continued to appear. This was a constant stream that we saw for at least 10 minutes, lights disappearing into the sky to the South and West and more lights appearing from the North. I would estimate that several hundred of these objects passed by during this time all taking the same path before turning to the West and up into the sky and disappearing. I had grabbed my cell phone on the way out to the deck and tried to record the objects but the quality is not great. In fact, some of the objects which I could see with the naked eye did not appear on the camera screen while others did. I am attaching the video clip. There are some Christmas lights from a few nearby houses along the bottom of the screen, not to be confused with the moving lights which appear much smaller. We could not make out any sound from these objects.
Sandpoint, Idaho
MUFON Case # 34345
Date: 2011-12-25
Status: Submitted
City: Sandpoint
State: Idaho
Shape: Sphere
Distance: 500 feet or less
Summary: There were 5 other family member witnesses. Looked like a very large candle flame in a sphere, no sound slowly moving across the lower sky.
Five of us family members went outside for a smoke during our Christmas day dinner when one of us noticed what only can be desribed as a spherical candle flame moving silently across the sky. It was maybe the size of a car?, and close but moving slowly and no light change. It hovered briefly then continued. We saw it from a couple different angles as it moved and my son and nephew who are in their 20's said it looked like a mini hot air balloon, but we all concurred that was not the case as it moved in a straight line except for the occassional hovering. After it stopped and hovered for a second time it went in a 90* turn from a hover-stop and that's when we all looked at each other and really knew that was a UFO! I personally have had other encounters, but 2 of the others were totally non-believers of anything out of the ordinary and they were blown away by this. After it took off then it was gone and we went inside.
Chandler, Arizona
MUFON Case # 34351
Date: 2011-12-25
Time: 20:30
Status: Submitted
City: Chandler
State: Arizona
Shape: Square/Rectagular
Distance: 500 feet or less
Summary: Unknown craft appeared and flew over us.
At approximately 8:30 to 8:40 p.m. on Dec. 25, 2011, I was standing and looking out at the sky from my ground floor apartment patio, talking on the phone. I saw a light grey, roundish, filmy substance moving toward me from the southeast, traveling northwesterly. The substance appeared to be unsolid - possibly gaseous. I had absolutely no idea what it could be as I had never seen anything like that before in my life. It grew larger as it approached and then took the shape of a craft. It was an oblong, six-sided craft with rounded ends. I saw a dull light grey and metallic-looking craft - my husband saw gray and black. It moved slowly, perhaps no more than 20 mph and no less than 10 mph. It moved very smoothly and as it continued to approach I noticed two appendages protruding from the closest end to me. They appeared to be something like very long antenas pointed downward. I was describing what I saw to the person I was talking to on the phone. Then I yelled for my husband to come out and he saw it as well. The craft moved steadily and was completely silent. There were no exterior lights. The end farthest from me had windows and they seemed to contain one small golden light in each window. I think there were 4-6 windows. The craft flew over the parking lot and was approximately 300-500 ft. in altitude and approximately 300 ft. away from me at the closest point. It was hard to tell how high it was or how far away but it was very, very close. My husband said he wished he would have had a flashlight to shine on it because it probably would have reflected. My husband saw geometric shapes on the outside bottom of the craft. This was not writing, but black, wide lines that appeared to be more for functionality. My husband ran into the apartment and out the front door and out through the back parking lot to watch it. I went out the front door straight to the west. The craft soon went back to the original shape of a roundish, unsolid object. I saw the craft for about 30 seconds - my husband saw it for about 10 seconds. During and after the sighting I felt very peaceful and loving. During the sighting I was also very excited and all I could say was, "Oh my God!", over and over again. This sighting was in Chandler, AZ.
Leahwood, Kansas
MUFON Case # 34357
Date: 2011-12-25
Time: 00:00
Status: Submitted
City: Leawood
State: Kansas
Shape: Unknown
Duration: 00:04:00
Distance: 500 feet or less
Summary: two amber/orange lights moving towards us.
At midnight on Christmas, 12/25/2011, my son and I decided to take our dog for a walk. We were walking south in the 13000 block of Roe in Leawood, KS. when we spotted two amber/orange lights approaching approx 30 degrees in the sky, as if they were from an aircraft. We thought the color was odd for an approaching aircraft. The lights were fairly close together and horizontal from one another. They then grew a little further apart and then became vertical in their positioning with one another, as if the craft was in a 90 degree banking position. We thought that wasn't possible if it was an aircraft. The lights then moved next to one another and stopped and hovered for about 15 seconds. At this point they were about 30 degrees off the horizon and made no sound. It was eerily quiet. We were stopped in our tracks in awe wondering what in the world we were experiencing!! It was definately not an airplane! Initially we thought it was one craft with two lights, but now we believe the lights are on two separate craft. At this time of night there is no traffic on the street at all. All of a sudden the lead light starts to fade and appears to change direction to the south so the light disappears. Seconds later the second light does the same. Just at that moment one car (the only car we saw that night) headed south on Roe stops and the two occupants asked if we just saw what they saw. They were excited like us and we talked for approx 30 seconds. They couldn't believe what they saw as well and had no explanation for the sighting. We all thought that what we saw was crazy, unbelievable and incredible!! I contacted the local FOX affiliate the next morning and they advised me that there were no other reports of sightings on Christmas night.
Delray Beach, Florida
Video link
MUFON Case # 34306
Date: 2011-12-25
City: Delray Beach
State: Florida
Driving north I-95 between Woolbright and Atlantic Ave exits near Delray Beach, FL.
Saw bright lights moving slowly east to west over I-95. Thought why was a string of planes flying so low. Pulled over to shoulder and filmed them from car with cellphone.
Some flew out of sight and some had had lights go out.
Called my dad and mother who witnessed them from their home in Boynton Beach.
* * *
Note: The object in the photo for Case # 34316 could very well be a flare of some sort but just as stated by the witness, I don't see a parachute, or any means by which a flare would stay aloft. I would expect to see at least a hint of light reflection in the photo. You decide. -SW
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