UFO-like Object Hauled On Flatbed Trailer Causes Stir

Alien invasion? Strange object travels through Cowley County
Arkansas City Traveler- The unusual object traveling through Cowley County, which was the cause of much conversation Monday morning, was a U.S. Navy drone.
Hauled on a large flatbed truck along U.S. 77, area residents got a look at a 32-foot-wide, dull gray, wrapped apparatus shaped like a flying saucer and featuring flashing red lights.
Reports were that the object is a Navy drone, which — after wings are attached — will fly from aircraft carriers.
One clearance location of concern was the bridge north of Winfield, which only is 35 feet wide.
Local emergency management officers, along with members of the Arkansas City and Winfield police departments and Cowley County Sheriff's Department, were on hand to control traffic as the aircraft was transported through Cowley County to Maryland.
OK, so it's a little suspicious but maybe it's identity is more apparent, once it's wings are attached? - SW
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