Saturday, June 30, 2012

Video of Lights Over Gulf Near Pass Christian, Mississippi


Video Link

While looking through a plethora of YouTube UFO videos, I happened upon this one that I thought was interesting.

The video was taken on Beach Blvd, Pass Christian, Mississippi, at approximately 5:55 pm on February 12, 2012, by YouTube user "TONIamazing".  There was no written info, however, the videographer mentions location, date and time at the end of the video.

The sky is gray, overcast.  The object is apparently some distance away, perhaps 2 plus miles from shore.  According to the Google Map (included below), there are small islands between 5 to 10 miles out.
Satellite image courtesy Google Maps.
Click on image to enlarge.
 The witness presumed that the object in question disappears into the water but instead of keeping his camera on the object, he pans down to the water and remains focused there for several seconds.  When he focuses back to the sky, of course the object is gone.

If the object had entered the water, presumably there would have been indication of some sort.  My theory is that it either simply turned it's lights off, or zipped off into the clouds.

Watching the video, I at first assumed that the lights were simply an aircraft approaching shore but the object does not seem to be moving forward.  However, it banks to it's left and then it's right before disappearing.

I've seen quite a few videos of objects, with what appear to be two headlights.  Many of those craft remain unidentified.  Could this be a case of mistaken identity, possibly a known craft from the not too distance Naval Base or local airfield?  Or is it some yet unknown, or alien craft?  I'll leave this one for you to decide.

-Sunny Williams

Video Capture 1 (Insert contains only "light level" adjustments.)

Click on image to enlarge.

Video Capture 2(Insert contains only "light level" adjustments.)
Click on image to enlarge.


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