
Monday, March 4, 2013

Recent Houston,Texas Area UFO Sightings

Posted below are Houston area UFO sightings reports, that have been recently submitted to MUFON.

These reports are presented here, unedited.

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MUFON Case # 45841
Location: Spring, Texas
Date of Sighting: 02/22/2013
Time of Sighting: 09:40 UTC
Viewing Distance: 501 Feet - 1 Mile
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Dome
Object Flight Path: Stationary,Path with directional change,Path then hovering
Object Shape:     Egg, Oval
Summary: driving home eastbound on cypresswood dr.

Driving home eastbound on cypresswood dr. between TC Jester and Kuykendahl. Saw bright light in the sky, thought first it was a helicopter,it was pulsating blue oval shaped. It went straight then changed direction back and forth, up and down, it also hovered for a moment and then I lost sight behind the trees. It moved with different speeds.


MUFON Case # 45856
Location: The Woodlands, Texas
Date of Sighting: 02/23/2013
Time of Sighting: 12:00 UTC
Tags:     floating lights
Viewing Distance: 101-500 Feet
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: None, Unknown
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path
Object Shape:  Sphere
Summary: Glowing red lantern-like objects. They disappeared from the sky. 3 witnesses.

We were walking the dog, and noticed a strange red light floating toward us, followed by a second light. There was no sound. We are used to seeing airplanes but this was not the same path and was definitely not an airplane. It was much to low. Then, a black orb was observed crossing under the full moon. Just as quickly the red lights just disappeared into the night sky. We continued our walk home and suddenly two more lights appeared in the same path following each other in a straight line, they too disappeared. Fortunately, we ran into another dog walking neighbor and we pointed them out to him. He watched one as one disappeared. Our neighborhood loop is 4/10 of a mile. I was certain more were to follow but none came. They reminded us of a red lantern, but not aware of any celebrations in the area.


MUFON Case # 45859
Location: League City, Texas
Date of Sighting: 02/23/2013
Time of Sighting: 10:05 UTC
Viewing Distance: Over One Mile
Sighting Duration: Approx. 5 minutes
Object Features: Other
Object Flight Path: Path w/ directional change, hovering
Object Shape: Fireball, Sphere
Summary: Glowing orange ball, hovering in pattern over Clear Lake, changing directions

Was telling some friends goodbye, after an evening of boating. Noticed an unusual orange glowing ball hovering over Clear Lake. Watched this for about 3 minutes, making move changes, but no noise whatsoever. Approx. range was a mile and one half. After several direction changes it disappeared. About 30 minutes later, the same object appeared in the same area, but a little further East. We observed it for a couple of minutes.Then it disappeared, like before. This was 10 times bigger than any other aviation light, we have seen in the area. We are used to seeing Coast guard helicopter and various other airplanes at the same altitude. This was definitely strange and different.


MUFON Case # 45901
Date of Sighting: 02/25/2013
Time of Sighting: 10:03 UTC
Location: Houston, Texas
Viewing Distance: Unknown
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Other
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path
Object Shape:     Other
Summary: was moving things into storage and friend looked up and saw an object in the sky.

we were moving supplies into storage of our workplace. we were all in a tennis stadium so we pretty much had a 180 degree look of the sky. as i was placing somthing down on the ground my coworker said look and i looked up but didnt see anything. then he said look, look right here. thought he was just trying to make me look up for a joke but then he said look its an object. then i finally spotted it and it was a dull silver peanut looking object spinning at a medium rate of spee, going in a straight path. at first i thought of all possibilities of what it could be, a ballon but a ballon would more rather kinda float wobbly and keep rising. then i dismissed it as a airplane or helicopter, it had no wings or propellers. it was a constant spinning in a straight path and everytime it spun the sun would reflect off of it. was a dull silver till the sun would hit it, shined really bright when it did shine. Then as it finally passed under the sun, it may sound stupid but i looked down for a bit cause the sun was hurting my eyes then looked right back up, it was gone. when i first saw it, i immediately knew it was nothing i have never seen, and kept my eyes on it for the most part, till it disappeared. i was kinda in lost of words and in a gaze the whole time. my coworkers kept questioning what it was. lastly i lost sight of it as i explained earlier when i looked down to refocus my eyes. thank you for your time.


MUFON Case # 45945
Location: Baytown, Texas
Date of Sighting: 02/27/2012
Time of Sighting: 03:10 UTC
Viewing Distance: 501 Feet - 1 Mile
Sighting Duration: 30 seconds
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path
Object Shape:     Cigar
Summary: 10+ lights strung in a line heading from SE to NW,no sound, lights intensity and positions varied

I woke up at approx 3.00am, used the restroom and was looking out of a large window which has a view of Cotton Lake and beyond to Trinity Bay in Chambers county, I noticed lights approaching over the lake from the southeast. The lights 10 to 20 were configured in a cigar shaped line, moving rapidly, heading in a northwest direction. At first I thought it may be a group of helicopters, we often see helicopters doing night maneuvers in this area. As the lights got closer I realized that they were not helicopter or aircraft lights. The lights were white/blue and varied continously in intensity and position in the line, it was hard to judge how far away the object or objects were from me, there was no sound associated.I last saw the lights as they pasted on the northeast side of my home. I wondered if I was seeing a meteor shower, but the sighting lasted about 30 seconds and was not moving as rapidly as I would expect for meteor, it also appeared to be close


MUFON Case # 45915
Location: Anahuac, Texas
Date of Sighting: 02/26/2013
Time of Sighting: 05:00 UTC
Viewing Distance: Over One Mile
Sighting Duration: Undisclosed
Object Features: Unknown
Object Flight Path: Straight-line path
Object Shape:     Disc
Summary: Strange Object Traveling Slowly Through Morning Sky

It was about 5:00 a.m. and once again I stepped outside for a smoke. I noticed an object flying through the sky which I assumed was a plane, due to the aviation lights I saw on it. But after a few minutes I noticed it was moving too slow to be a plane, that and the aviation lights (there were three, two blue ones on either end and a red one in the middle of the object) were blinking randomly, not in any order at all. I watched it as it flew over me and that was when I noticed that it didn't have any wings, it was completely disc like. I was in shock because I have never seen a UFO in such detail. Here's the weird part though. I was completely transfixed by this object, forgot I was even smoking a cigarette and watched it as it flew over the tree line and out of view completely. I hate that I didn't have my phone with me so I could take a picture, but I even wonder if I would have being so transfixed on this object. I didn't even think about taking a picture of it until I had come back inside. From now on my phone stays with me and one way or another I am going to take a picture of the objects I have been seeing lately.


1 comment:

  1. Houston got really crazy for a while! And now it seems Dallas is a big hot spot!


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