While driving home from Granbury to Dublin, Texas, a pilot with 45 years experience reports observing a bright sphere in the afternoon sky.
Note: This report was submitted to MUFON. I have edited it for spelling.
MUFON Case # 46393
Location of Sighting: Dublin, Texas
Date of Sighting: 03/24/2013
Time of Sighting: 02:30 PM
Viewing Distance: 501 Feet - 1 Mile
Sighting Duration: 00:01:00
Object Flight Path: Hovering then path,Straight-line path
Object Shape: Sphere
Summary: Bright silver light; stationary then left to the S directly away from me at high rate of speed. pilot 45yrs, no aircraft.
Left work shortly after 2pm Sunday, 3/24 going home to Granbury,TX. from Stephenville. I take the back roads instead of Highway 377, the commonly used route because of heavy traffic on 377, for safety reasons. I was on CR305 close to the Erath/Hood county line. A very rural area and sparsely populated. Almost no traffic. About 1420hrs a very bright silver light to the south caught my eye. It appeared round but was so bright it was hard to tell. I appeared to be about a mile away, at 5000' above ground, stationary. I stopped my car and watched it for about one minute then it shot away almost directly away from me to the south so I lost sight in less than a second. I have been a licensed pilot for 45 years and this was no known aircraft. This was a sunny clear day so the brightness was really remarkable. I do not believe it was a reflection, again because of the level of brightness so that the light appeared to be emanating from the object. I was very interested and curious, I was not frightened.
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