Los Fresnos, Texas residents reported strange lights and noises to MUFON.
The report is posted here, unedited.
MUFON Case # 45618
Los Fresnos, Texas
Summary: Ligths & Noise Outside Homes
At approx 22:45 on Feb 6th 2013 a rumbling/grumble/vibrating & fluctuating ball of light appeared outside my second floor north facing bedroom window startling my wife and I for approx. 10-20 seconds. As I moved downstairs my children were heading upstairs reporting the same thing outside their south facing individual bedroom windows on the first floor. We immediately went outside and saw numerous neighbors emerging from their residences searching for something. Our homes electricity faltered, although power remained on numerous homes the entire length of our street had lost complete power. After speaking with some neighbors they reported the same experience that happened at our home, one neighbor was outside and reported the lights hovering in the of and then shot straight up. Police patrols were immediately apparent and it appeared they were searching for something, at times racing down the roads back and forth. Power company vehicles showed up later and at approx. 12:30 am the other residents homes were returned to power. Our new (Dec 2012) in-ground pool lite was burnt out by the incident and the cable TV, internet and telephone all stopped working. This morning 2/7/13 the power company trucks began working on the power lines behind my home and the cable guy just showed up to fix the issue. The police patrols reported to the residents on the block that they could not explain the incident nor the fact that most of the homes along the block all reported similar lights & noises outside their windows at the same time. The power lines only run behind my house and my immediate neighbor to the west neither of us lost power just the other homes on the same street. The 4 adult members of my family experienced this same event on different floor of the home with the windows facing different directions. There were numerous other neighbors who also experienced this event.
We also heard and saw a brilliant light coming in our windows on the west side accompanied by a fluctuating vibrating sound......our power went out while this was happening but came back on right after thus event which i believe lasted about 6 seconds....light and sound fluctuated and by the angle of the light coming in the window it was coming from the northwest.....back of house faces west..... also by the angle it was above the houses....our street light quit working and also our outside lights quit working.....replaced bulbs on fixtures on both sides of the garage and works....however my back door light quit working completely......there was no boom like a transformer blowing....this experience was like nothing i have ever experienced.....valle alto subdivision los fresnos texas......