
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Blue Flash of Light Seen From La Porte, Texas- June 20, 2012

Location of La Porte, Texas (Houston area).
Map courtesy Google.

I received an email from a witness in La Porte, Texas:

Location:  La Porte, TX
Date: 6/20/2012
Time: 23:00
Appearance: Blue Flash

Yesterday June 20, 2012 I saw a very bright flash of a blue light that lit up the sky. It was very bright, I looked at head on. I was out playing basketball around 11pm when I saw it. I live in La Porte Texas.

Additional information from the witness:

Direction of flash: Northeast
Duration: About 2 seconds
Other witnesses: 2 others saw it not straight on but they caught it from the side.
Weather conditions: No storms pretty clear night.

Could this have been a flash of lightning from a distant storm?  

If you witnessed this event, please contact me and report you sighting. Thanks.


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