
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lights over Brownwood, Texas - 12/16/2010

MUFON Case #  27059
Date/Time:  2010-12-16 18:30
City:    Brownwood
State:    Texas
Shape:    Unknown
Distance:    One mile or less
Vallee Index:    FB1
Summary:    2 objects, six lights on them both

I saw two of the objects at a 45 degree angle, i was at the parking lot by the band hall and high school gym when I saw two objects toward the west of goldthwaite. They had six lights on them each, and the lights on both of them were bright white lights. This happened between 6:00-6:30. I was at the high school gym. I was standing on the sidewalk when my friend yelled "what is that?!" My first thoughts was that it was a helicopter or airplane. The objects sat there and did not move. Then after a few seconds, they disappeared. I felt a little confused and shaky during and after the sighting. I lost sight when the object's lights went off

Note: Report is unedited.  Click on case number for original report.  Depiction is my effort to show what witness might have seen (not much info to go on). -SW


1 comment:

  1. Last night (don't remember what time it was) My husband,myself and a friend were standing outside of the Ranger Motel in Santa Anna, Tx when we saw the lights. I had said the same as other people" what's that?" What we saw were about 5 lights in a row (more orange in color). The began to disappear one at a time. Then they would come back but in different numbers and different places. three here and a little further away two more and then another in a different spot. This went on for about 20 minutes. After that all was quiet. February 17, 2011


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