
Monday, September 6, 2010

One more time for Peckman's ET Commission

With Clearance for take-off, can Jeff Peckman's campaign for ET Commission, Initiative 300 get off the ground in November? 

After receiving the 4,000 signatures needed to place it on the Denver ballot, Peckman pulled a similar initiative in 2008.  Peckman reasoned that Obama would become president and release documents pertaining to alien encounters.  When Obama became president and disclosure did not occur, Peckman became disillusioned that Obama or his cabinet would ever disclose UFO files, so he started the campaign all over again.

Here's a clue: he's asking help from the government (grants, etc.) for his ET Commission, while the government is busy hiding that very information. If it flies, it very well may fall.  If so, we can always hope that the thud will wake up someone who can actually fulfill our desire for the truth.


The ‘truth’ is out there
Peckman launches educational campaign on ET commission initiative
Gene Davis, DDN Staff Writer
The Denver Daily News
Friday, September 3, 2010


The Denver Daily News- After stalling out several times, an initiative to create a commission in Denver to study extraterrestrials is once again looking to take off.

Jeff Peckman kicked off his voter education campaign this week for Initiative 300, which would establish a seven-member panel that would be charged with collecting data and research to prepare Denverites in the event of a possible alien encounter. The initiative received enough valid signatures to be placed on the November ballot. 

Peckman yesterday was enthusiastic about raising awareness for his initiative. The voter education campaign seeks to “educate the voters with as many good facts as I can get in front of them when they’re paying attention,” according to Peckman.

Peckman wants to let people know that the commission would not cost taxpayers anything. He is also looking to educate people about a wide range of issues that he believes are directly related to extra terrestrial visitations, such as clean energy, jobs and environmental health. 

“There’s a great deal to be gained by including the topic of extra terrestrial visitors into those discussions,” he said.

Initiative 300 would create a seven-person panel consisting of volunteers who are “knowledgeable experts” on extraterrestrials. The commission would be funded entirely by grants, gifts and donations, according to Peckman.

Peckman believes Denver is in a good position to lead the country. For one, Denver is closer to outer space than almost any other major U.S. city, he said.

“This information is going to get out there sooner or later, Denver could take the lead,” he said.

Peckman pulled a similar initiative from the November 2008 ballot after gathering the 4,000 signatures needed to place it on the ballot. He said at the time that he pulled the measure because then-presidential candidate Barack Obama was likely going to become president and would release documents related to alien encounters. But after being elected, Peckman became disillusioned that Obama or his cabinet would have the “will or courage to disclose UFO files,” so he started the campaign again.

“It’s time to go over the heads of elected public servants directly to the voters,” Peckman writes on his Web site. “James Madison, (America’s) fourth president, wrote that, ‘The People are the only legitimate fountain of power.’”

Not everyone in the extraterrestrial community supports Peckman’s initiative. When he was gearing up for the initiative, the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society said Peckman was making a mockery of the topic.

“We tend to approach things with intelligence,” Matthew Baxter, a paranormal investigator with the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society, told the Denver Daily last year. “They would like to get assistance from the government on something the government is covering up.”

But Peckman believes there is support for his initiative, and that it would help convince the American government and the rest of the world to disclose UFO “X-Files,” which supposedly include details of alien encounters here on earth and across the universe. He said last year that six billionaires with an interest in alien issues would line up to show their financial support for the commission.

“This is one of those topics that has a lot to offer to the public,” he said.


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