
Friday, April 7, 2017

Cigar Shaped Object Seen North of Breckenridge, Texas- April 7, 2017

Click on an image for larger view.


Time: 13:22
Location: Breckenridge, TX looking North.
Shape: Cigar
Duration: Approx. 5 seconds

I saw an unidentified craft this afternoon. It went from shiny white to smokey black in an instant. I managed to get one picture before it completely disappeared.
It was not an airplane.

I was letting my dogs in and head a small prop plane.  While I was looking for the small plane, I saw a glint of light to my North.  The sound of the small plane disappeared (I assume it was landing at the county airport, south of (behind) me, because when I heard it, it sounded directly overhead.

I focused on the bright white object and saw that it was a cigar shape with no wings.  It also made no sound and it was moving faster than a commercial jet at that altitude.

I ran and grabbed my camera but by the time I had it focused, the bright object was gone and only a shadowy form appeared.   That is what is in the photos above.  I enlarged and cropped the image to see it better.

-Sunny Williams

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Huge Fireball across the Texas Sky 7-26-2017

Depiction, not actual photo.

On February 26, 2017, Texas residents had a huge surprise.  A large bolide (bright meteor), streaked across the sky.  A number of people heard what they thought was a sonic boom, or possible a sound like a failing electrical transformer.

For the story, click on link: