
Monday, February 28, 2011

1974- Lights Over Whidbey Naval Air Station, WA

On November 19, 1974 a witness claims that he and hundreds of other people observed lights over Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.  The object(s) was picked up on radar but deemed "classified".  Here is that unedited report.

MUFON Case #  28006
Date:    1974-11-19
City: Oak Harbor- Whidbey Island
State:  Washington
Shape:  Circle,Sphere
Distance: One mile or less
Vallee Index:  MA1
Summary:  Seven bright lights surrounding the Naval Air Station at elevation

This event was unusual in that hundreds of people saw this event, although I only talked about it with a few dozen.

There were seven sighted objects. They were only points of light and moved slowly into stationary position about a mile in diameter over the airfield of Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, Near Oak Harbor, Washington. One man came into my shop and told us about it and about 8 of us went out to watch together.

Within 3 minutes the Navy launched the 'Ready 5' attack aircraft. (five minute launch) They launched three heavily armed F-14 aircraft. The F-14's chased the spots of light at about 3000 to 10,000 feet of elevation. The spots would remain stationary until the aircraft approached then suddenly dart away in some direction either vertical or horizontal. This silly chase went on for an hour. No weapons were fired, and none of the F-14's came closer than a couple hundred yards of the UFO's. Eventually, (in about an hour) the UFO's tired of the game and simply accelerated vertically in formation right up and out of sight. Other aircraft including helicopters were launched but no aircraft came close to them.

The lights of the UFO's was just large enough to see clearly like a white ball. Approximate size was that of an F-14.

Their acceleration was instantaneous, as was their stop. They would seem to slide across the sky, stop instantly, and return to their prior location. We could hear the F-14's but heard no noise from the lights.

My girl friend at the time was working in the control tower on base. When I asked her later what she saw on the scope, she replied... "It has been deemed classified, and since I don't want to spend time in Leavenworth... You won't find out any thing from me." She never did tell me anything..

Map denotes Ault Field, Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

"UFOs Are Real," Says Retired U.S. Army Colonel

Retired Colonel Says UFOs Are Real, but Denies Government Cover-Up

Ret. Army Col. John Alexander-
"UFOs are real."
Courtesy John Alexander
AOLNEWS- Whether you believe or disbelieve the notion that UFOs are visitors from another planet, a former highly decorated military officer now comes forward with information that may infuriate those on both sides in the ongoing ET debate.

Retired Col. John Alexander, using his military savvy and high security clearance, spent a quarter of a century going through the top levels of the U.S. government and military searching for the group of people who were allegedly responsible for UFO information and the supposedly decades-old UFO cover-up.

His conclusions: Not only is there no such group and no cover-up, but disclosure about UFOs has already occurred on different official levels.

With so many people crying out these days for the U.S. government or the United Nations or even the Vatican to issue some sort of "we are not alone in the universe" disclosure statement, Alexander says the information has been dripping out all around us, over decades, with top officials casually making statements about UFOs.

He references this 1950 remark made by President Harry Truman: "I can assure you the flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth."

"Disclosure has happened," Alexander added. "It starts with former presidents Truman, Carter, Reagan and [the Soviet Union's] Gorbachev. I've got stacks of generals, including Soviet generals, who've come out and said UFOs are real. My point is, how many times do senior officials need to come forward and say this is real?" Alexander told AOL News.

"At one time, before a lot of this information was released, I could see both the classified and the unclassified material. And I will tell you that 98 percent of the information was already in the public domain. The only things that weren't there was stuff like sources and method, which is protected, but the information about the incident was already out there."

Several months ago, a group of ex-military officers came forward to discuss their experiences when UFOs reportedly tampered with American nuclear missile sites. While Alexander acknowledges the events, he suggests why there was no intense intelligence investigation of these incidents.

"They absolutely happened, but when it's a one-time event, the attitude of investigators is: If it happens again, we'll get nervous, but since it didn't happen, put it aside.

"It's sort of an indictment that says, despite overwhelming evidence of interaction with strategic systems, nothing was done. And in my view, it is put, like a number of things, in the too-tough-to-handle bin."

The 74-year-old former Green Beret A-Team commander and developer of weapons at Los Alamos, N.M., is one of many speakers presenting his views at this week's International UFO Congress in Scottsdale, Ariz. He takes issue with both true believers (who assume any strange light in the sky is from another planet) and hard-nosed skeptics (who debunk any and all UFO reports and evidence to the contrary).

In his new book, "UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities" (Thomas Dunne Books), Alexander jumps right to the chase, saying, "UFOs are real! With no prevarication or qualification of terms, there are physical objects of unknown origin that do transit our universe. The evidence that supports those statements is simply overwhelming."

There is more.  Read the rest of the story...


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Abduction! A North Carolina man pleas for the safety of his family

Depiction of man attempting to save his wife from being abducted.

A man describes abductions (by aliens) of his family and asks for help.

This report has been edited for spelling errors only.  To see original report, please click on case number.

MUFON Case #  27983
Log Number:    US-02252011-0004
Submitted Date:    2011-02-25 02:53 GMT
City:    Southport
State:    North Carolina
Shape:    Triangle,Other
Vallee Index:    CE4
Summary:    Family abductions.

My wife and children as well as two other family members complain of having the same dream where they are all in a large room and can see each other but are unable to communicate. The next day they all contact each other and describe the same things to each other.

There are unexplained marks on my wife and children and they bleed. They even complain about having the same type of test performed using the same type of instrument in similar locations. We are scared to death and have been trying to contact John Kledis but have been unsuccessful.

I spoke by phone to someone at the MUFON Office in California and was instructed to contact Mr. Kledis. We need someone to either debunk this or help us to understand what has happened and continues to occur. These things do not like my dog and they know that I have weapons.

My children have drawn pictures depicting my wife being pulled aboard a craft within some type of beam while I attempt to prevent it from happening. We all have specific areas on our bodies that vibrate occasionally. Most of us have unexplained nose bleeds.

You have no idea how helpless it makes me feel to have my children tell me what they think is happening to them and for me to not to be able to make it stop. If I can get to my weapons the next time they are at my house I WILL have as many of these bastards to study as I can empty my gun into. And I hope they have a soul and I hope they go to hell pissing gas.

They are not nice to us and frankly we do not deserve this. We need somebody to help us. Either prove to us that all concerned are having some type of ESP dream at the same time on the same night or help us to deal with this and tell us what to do.

Contact me at or ###### preferrably at ####### This may not be the proper place to seek assistance but I cannot get in touch with John Kledis. PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE HELP US or give this information to someone who can. We are either at home or at a new construction site that we protect when this happens to us.

*        *        *

Note:  To the man that submitted this report and plea for help to MUFON: If you are truly seeking help, then I suggest you stay away from those who tell you that "you have been chosen", or that it is an "honor and privilege to be taken".  It isn't.  It can be an horrific, ofttimes on-going event that disrupts your life and the lives of those around you.

You may have weapons in your home but most likely, you won't be able to reach them, let alone use them.  Your best weapon is your mind, your strength of will.

If you have "missing time" and/or feel that you have been abducted, Google "alien abduction therapy" and seek help from someone who is trained and has experience in such matters.   Or click [ here ] (possibly for professional counsel and therapy).

Good luck and best wishes, SW.


Friday, February 25, 2011

NASA- Discovery's last flight, the end of the Shuttle Program

The Beginning of the End

Video Link

Video Link

After months of delays, on Thursday, February 24, 2011, NASA Space Shuttle Discovery launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida on it's 39th and final trip into space.

Discovery will deliver new experiments and hardware to the International Space Station. Joining the six crew members is Robonaut 2, the first humanoid robot to fly in space.

Discovery's flight marks the retirement of NASA's shuttle fleet. Endeavor and Atlantis will make their final flights later this year.


The Beginning

Video Link

Who remembers the first shuttle launch off the back of a 747?  I do.

The test flight of Shuttle Enterprise (NASA Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-101) on August 12, 1977, was one of the most thrilling events of my life. That test flight proved that man could ascend to the heavens above and then glide back to Earth in a reusable space ship.

I recall it well, the day Enterprise lifted off the back of the 747 and glided back to Edwards AFB, California. I was among other military familes as we gathered around a television set in the day room of the temporary family quarters at Ft. Eustes, Virginia. It was a thrilling, awe-inspiring sight for us all.

Although the Shuttle Enterprise was a prototype with no engines or heat shield, it could have (at great cost) been re-fitted and take it's place among the list of working shuttles. But alas, the program is coming to an end, Enterprise having never reached orbit.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if Enterprise flew the last mission into space? Sadly, that will never happen but we can dream, can't we?


UPDATE!- Hunter observed Triangle "UFO" over cornfield in Missouri- 2005

South-facing view sent by witness.

North-facing view sent by witness.

Depiction  by witness.

Depiction  by witness.
Depiction of craft by SW, as described by witness.

I received an email from the witness of this sighting [MUFON Case # 27881].  I asked him a few questions and here is his response.

Witness states in email:

"I am suspicious that I have lost time from that day, which is strange. I remember that I did not see the crafts movement from the silo down to the tree line which is unusual since I kept my eye on it the whole time. I watched it from approx 4:00 pm until sunset which is when it finally was totally out of view. I figured that to be somewhat over an hour until mufon contacted me and wanted as detailed information as I could give them. I looked at the sun tables for that day and sunset was at 6:54 pm with would have made my viewing closer to 3 hours which either I lost track of time or I just can't explain it, I never left my hunting position. Also I have seen many strange light & object sightings before and after this sighting over the years but nothing like this incident and nothing I could actually say without a doubt was a UFO.

[personal information removed] I am truly a Missouri guy who doesn't believe anything unless I see it with my own eyes. Just the other morning I took pictures of a pulsating light over the trees on our property in South Carolina but I would not claim it was a UFO because I did not see it close enough to identify it. I have been and will always be willing to take a lie detector test, psychological test or any other regarding the incident in October 05, it was a very very clear beautiful day and the whole incident is embedded in my memory like photographic memory. The only part of that day is not clear is the time loss, which is bothering me because I do not recall any time loss, and even to this day it seems like a little over an hour of watching this craft."

I asked more about the UFO and if the witness if he had any marks on his body, or became ill after the sighting.  Here is his reply:
"Sunny, I really do not think I was abducted by anyone, alien or government. I never moved from the spot I was hunting from. I think maybe due to the spectacle I just lost track of time maybe. Yes I am very sure the tips were point like a true acute triangle, it was like a arrow head, slice of pizza, very elongated in the front end but in proportion if that makes sense. From the side you could not tell shape except it appeared to be a straight thick line. As for my health it declined considerably after the incident whether coincidence or not, arthritis, gal bladder removed, kidney surgery and really bad allergies, overall not been well Thanks, S."

Note:  I have suggested to the witness that he contact someone who can assist him to remember more of this sighting.  Although the witness does not believe that he was abducted, there is still the possibility of such activity, given the fact that he experienced "missing time" and has suffered from a number of ailments since this event.
This investigation is ongoing. I will update as I receive more information. -SW

Read original report:
Hunter observed Triangle "UFO" over cornfield in Missouri- 2005

MUFON Case #  27881
Date/Time: 2005-10-05 16:00
City: Agency
State: Missouri
Shape: Triangle
Distance: 500 feet or less
Location: Farmland
Terrain: Hills
Visibility: Clear
Vallee Index: CE1
Summary:   Dull grey pizza slice shaped triangle viewed for 1 hour or more

I was bow hunting on a private farm in Agency, Missouri ( Buchanan County )October 5th 2005. I list the time of encounter to be that of approx 1 hour but I would estimate that it was actually longer in retrospect. I was sitting in a fixed position behind a downed tree on the north side of 2 large fields and had a clear view or both, as well a corn silo and farm equipment directly across from me on top of a hill which was approx 500 yards from my location.

At approx 4:00 pm I noticed a large thin object approaching the corn silo on the hill. It appeared at that point to be the size of a half dollar at arms length when held horizontally. At that time to me it appeared to be a large military plane heading north towards my location and my view was that of looking at an airplane heading towards me.

I resumed my hunting looking for any deer in the area, then with some elapsed time I looked back towards the object,and it was still there and at that point made me somewhat curious because it did not appear to have not progressed towards my location at all. It was one of those moments that you just say hmmmm and I continued my hunting.

I scanned the fields and noticed a farmer combining his field on the adjacent property approximately 600 to 700 yards away. I then looked back towards the silo and noticed the craft had advanced a little closer though and appeared to me to be now above the silo and larger then a silver dollar at arms length. I became more interested as being use to seeing aircraft fly by out towards Kansas where Roscrans Air Guard is located, I surmised that this was unusual because of the amount of time that had passed and the lack of ground it had covered. It had been approx 15 to 20 minutes at this point and any other aircraft would have flown past sometime ago.

The object had my attention now but being the hunter that I am, I did another scan of the fields. When I returned my view to the location of the silo, the object no appeared to sitting in a 45 degree angle over the silo, the object now had my full attention and I did not look away from it again. It remained in this position for for about 15 to 20 minutes, it then slowly righted itself and appeared to go back to its original course and position in the air. I noticed now that it slowly moved away from the silo in a northwesterly direction at the speed of a very very slow moving helicopter. This entire time the object appeared to be as twice the size of a silver dollar held horizontally at arms length.

Withing approx 8 mins it had worked its way to the top tree line on the southern part of the field I was sitting which was no further then 160 yards, it still appeared as a thick line with no protrusions of any kind on it, as thick as pack of cigarettes held at arms length and very long maybe 100 yards long. It made no noise what so ever no movement of the trees.

I took my eyes off it for a second to look over to see if the man on the combine was looking at it but he appeared to be oblivious to it or maybe unable to see it from his location. It continued to move ever so slowly across the tree line and seemed to me to cover approximately 10 to 12 full grown large oak trees at the tops. The object worked its way slowly until it passed right in front of me above the tree line, I still had no idea what it was until it reach my 1 o'clock position still less the 160 yards from me and right above the tree tops, it was gigantic.

When it hit my 1 o'clock it rolled up with its belly turning flush towards the north, the only way to describe it was like it was riding up a wave and then going down the wave or like a piece of paper turning up and floating down changing its course to the south. I had an unobstructed up close view of the bottom of this object. it was a perfect long triangle like that of a slice of pizza, dull grey metal not shiny at all. on the bottom it was covered in evenly spaced symmetrical dull white globe lights that appeared to me to look like dull white halves of a globe but much much larger. I could not get an exact count of the lights because because I was in awe at what i was looking at so to speak. I would say around 9 lights that filled the whole bottom of the craft in uniformity.

After turning its belly up to the north floated ever so slowly to the south and then west following the tops of the trees until it moved away from and appeared to move back behind the trees some ways off. I have never in my life seen anything like this before and have not seen anything like this since.

I have since moved from Missouri, but the owners of the property have told me they too have seen this craft a couple different times during the night flying over the fields and at one time shinning a light like a beam onto the field.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Recently Reported Texas UFO Sightings- 2/22/2-11

Note:  Listed here are recently reported UFO sightings submitted to MUFON.  They have been assigned but have not yet been investigated. 
These reports are unedited.

Large rectangular craft flying over my house

MUFON Case # 27923
Date/Time: 1996-08-24 02:00
City:    Linden
State:    Texas
Shape:    Square/Rectagular,Triangle
Duration: 00:10:01
Distance: 20 feet or less
Vallee Index:    CE1

Back in 1996, during a 2week period of time, I witnessed four events on different nights, that seem to be all ufo related. For a long time before any of that my mom would call to me at night from down below my balcony. She would always be talking about how a star up high was a ufo because it was not just white. I did not think one way about it or the other, because I had never witnessed anything like that. Anybody in the world can give me a polygraph or hypnosis or whatever about anything that I have ever said that I witnessed, and I would pass because I have no doubts. Those four times were the only times that I've ever witnessed any ufo activity, but since I was 7or8 years old, I've witnessed all sorts of paranormal things and haven't known who to tell that can really make sense as to why. Anyway, here's the story.

One night about 2am back in 1996, I was sitting indian style on my balcony with my headphones on.I had the lights on out there, and felt like something was looking at me or something. I turned my head to the right and looked down. What I saw that night no words can describe. I immediately saw 4 white lights in equal distance apart, and I slowly stood up with the railing, and took off my headphones. There was a craft hovering the ground down beside my house. There was a semi-circle on top where it appeared someone or something could see me out of. As I stood there, my jaw dropped in fear and amazement. I was not about to make any sudden movements,because I don't know anything about them,and it did not either.That craft was longer and wider than my house,and slowly came up over the top of my balcony where I was,and the middle of it stopped and hovered silently above me.There were alot of very small white lights on the bottom;a lot of a little bit bigger neon green ones and in the center was one big red blinking one. As it did, white smoke came out of it. I was frozen with fear but in complete awe.It defied all logic and gravity. After a few minutes, it slowly went on passed, and went up into the east until I couldn't see it anymore.After that,one night I saw millions of moving red lights in the fence rows. Another night, I saw 2 trianglar ufos,one behind the other flying high from east to west. I came home from a friend's at night and my mom,dad,aunt,and uncle were looking at a white circle at the top of trees with something flying through it every few seconds.

About a month after all of that happened, I was up with my dad in the kitchen getting ready to go to high school.We would listen to the trading post and drink coffee before hand. I had my hair in a ponytail and proceded to walk back to go get my books, when my dad shreaked,jumped, and said what's that?! I asked him what he was talking about and went to the bathroom to look and see. Behind my left ear was a brown circle about the size of a dime.Dad was right in that it favor a ringworm but it wasn't. It favored one,because it was just a brown,lined circle with my skin color inside, but never any itching or burning.Over years of time, the mark would fade and get smaller. If it is completely gone now it has only been in the last year or so and I am 31 now. Ive always been scared after that happened to come forward, but watching a ufo program on tv was the first time I had ever heard of Mufon and I thought I should even after all this time so maybe those who love to know the real truth will know.

Diamond shaped craft over NE Texas

MUFON Case # 27933
Date/Time: 2011-01-15 22:00
City:    Hooks
State:    Texas
Shape:    Diamond
Duration: 00:00:20
Distance: One mile or less
Location: Farmland
Terrain: Fields
Visibility: Clear
Vallee Index: FB1

I was at my Grandmothers house playing cards and stepped outside to smoke. I am a pilot and love astronomy. I was looking up at the Big Dipper and Orion when I noticed movement. I looked at what was moving and got the impression I was not looking at an aircraft of this world. It had 4 white lights that were steady. The craft moved at around 200 knots in a straight line. My only caveat is that it was flying along a common approach for American Eagle out of DFW heading to TXK. Their flights are due in around 9 PM however, the could be late. The craft was at an altitude that I would expect an approaching Am. Eagle, around 2,500 AGL. The reason I don't believe that it was an American Eagle plane, or any other plane, is that it did not have a red beacon, red and green recog lights, or strobes. It also made no noise whatsoever, whereas you can hear American Eagle planes as well as other private planes. The Diamond was not perfect. Below is the perceived shape with a capital "L" where the 4 white steady lights were.

Front L
0 0
0 0
0 0
L0 0L
0 0
0 0
Rear L

Welding arc brightness, as big as a dime if held up to the sky

MUFON Case # 27940
Date/Time: 1968-04-14 20:00
City:    Harlingen
State:    Texas
Shape:    Star-like
Duration: 08:10:00
Vallee Index: MA1

The time is approximate because this happened when I was 17 was on a TV service call with my older brother Robert. We were heading west on FM 507 approximately 3 miles west of our home when I noticed this exceptionally bright light in the northern part of the sky. A first I thought it was the moon but I never saw the moon in the part of the sky nor was it ever that bright. We watched this light for several miles until we were getting ready to turn. All of a sudden, the light did a "S" manuver and went straight up an was gone in the blink of an eye. My older brother who was driving rather slowly turned to me and I asked him what was that? He said that it wasn't anything we have today that could that.

P.S. At this time, I do not want third parties involved with me. If you are interested in a couple more sightings let me know.

Really bright UFO moving slowly in NE El Paso

MUFON Case # 27942
Date/Time: 2011-02-21 18:40
City:   El Paso
State:  Texas
Shape:  Star-like
Vallee Index: MA1

Really bright UFO was seen in northeast El Paso, by two brothers, in a backyard, near Hondo Pass and Railroad at 6:40PM. Winds were at 3MPH from SE, no clouds. We were amazed by its brightness, movement, and pace. It was so bright it looked like a star, huge light in center, some light on top and some on bottom. Slow UFO was seen headed southeast from Franklin Mountains. It passed over a fast moving, noisy airline jet, but once the jet disappeared, only a few passing cars could be heard. If it were a police/military chopper, or any kind of jet it would have been heard. UFO took an unusual path, a path that I've never seen a jet or chopper take. I spend a lot time outside, in my backyard, and see many airline/military jets and choppers pass by. After 4 minutes of going one direction, UFO slowly began moving northeast and vanished.

Unfortunately, I don't have a camera and my brother's was in storage so we couldn't capture anything. I got his camera from storage and will be looking to the sky for a few hours, tonight.

White lattice type structure on side of road

MUFON Case # 27945
Date/Time: 1968-07-15 22:00
City:    Kingsville
State:    Texas
Shape:    Triangle
Duration: 00:10:00
Distance: 20 feet or less
Vallee Index: CE1

Years ago, probably about 1968 (not sure), my mom (now deceased) myself (in college at the time) and a friend were leaving a gate house where my father worked as a gate watchmen. The gate was located about 2 miles north of Kingsville, Texas. The gate was the entrance to a small gas & oil plant (I think it belonged to Exxon). The gate was located in a fairly remote area at the end of a winding road about 2 or 3 miles long (no longer there) through thick south texas brush land. We had just left the gate house after visiting with my dad (also now deceased), and were heading home probably around 10 pm. We were no more than a quarter of a mile from the gate house, yet out of view because of a curve. I was driving at a speed no more than 40 mph, and probably slower. I noticed on the side of the road (the right side) a small object about 3 feet tall which was bright white and similar to a lattice or trellis. It was maybe 2 feet wide at the base and seemed to taper like a triangle. It appeared to sit on a pedicel or post of some kind.

After realizing what I saw, I stopped immediately and asked my mom and friend if they had seen it. Both replied yes, so I backed up past where I saw the object. We all got out of the car and searched but the object was gone. Obviously, the object had to be able to move on its own or someone had to move it. Judging from the time it took to back up, and our extensive search of the surroundings, we felt no person was involved. We were all very puzzled, and to this day have no explanation. Through the years I have mentioned it to some, but really never tried to investigate. Of course, back then there was no network like yours, so the incident was pretty much forgotten in time. I have no idea why I'm only now trying to find out - perhaps I was prompted by one of your TV shows. I thought perhaps someone else may have reported something similar and you would have it in your archives.

Star like ufo in my backyard 8:20 to 8:28 02-22-11

MUFON Case # 27952
Date/Time: 2011-02-22 20:22
City:    Austin
State:    Texas
Shape:    Star-like
Location: City
Visibility: Clear
Vallee Index: AN1
I am in my backyard letting the dog out for water. I look up like I always do and light my cig. I dont know all the stars by name but I know the dippers and orions belt and a few others. I dont know if its venus or the north star or what its called that orions belt points to. From that star up and to the left, a couple of hand lengths away there were two stars and I thought hmmmmm that is a really bright star and I dont remember a bright star being so close to another and in that location. I've lived in austin all my life and I know what the sky usually looks like. And yes when I was a kid chemtrails didn't exist and I noticed them first and now everyones talking about them. Anyway... I've seen shooting stars one night with my father and we saw about 50 of them. They tend to have a slight bit of color to them. I watched the space shuttle with my father from one side of the horizon to the other and it took 3 min. like the papers said it would. All this from my backyard. That shuttle was hard to see and looked dim like other stars. THIS STAR was brighter than any other so I was puzzled that it only had white light with no sparkle or twinkle. THIS STAR was at a stand still. The two stars together were for several puffs of my cig. sitting together. The more I looked at it, it was as if it knew I was watching. Then it moved. There was a brief instant of shock. I thought is it moving or is it the tree making it look as though it's moving. There is a big bare tree easily seen through in the middle of my yard. I put my hand up to make the Texas long horn HOOKEM HIGH sign to get some degree of distance between them, to see if they were actually separating. Over what felt like an 8 second time span my fingers grew wider until I could not spread my index and pinky any further apart. It moved about 6 to 8 inches in a straight line, the length of my fingers apart, while streached out pointing at the sky. Then it slowly like a bulb or batteries going out in a flash light, went out. But it was moving up into space because it was no longer moving in any direction but away. I've seen enough planes to know if it should have still been in my vision from the size of the light to the distance and time it took to move like it did.

This was nothing other than a ufo.. be it reversed enginered or other worldy life forms,don't know don't care. I'm not in shock or anything but I am amazed. You always want to see one but dont know how you will think about it after.

PS I dont know whats going on with your county button but you should look at it in this form. [Witness referring to MUFON's case form]


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lights & Triangle Seen Near Breckenridge, Texas - 2/7/2011

               Sky Chart courtesy of Starry Night Education.

Note:  This is my own personal sighting and report. -SW

Monday, February 7, 2011 at 7:15 p.m.:
I live outside the town of Breckenridge, Texas.  On the date/time above, the sky was clear, the stars were bright and the moon was just a low, thin cresent in the SW sky.  The temperature was about 36 degrees F, the wind was relatively calm.

My friends were exiting my house when one exclaimed, "What the ____ is that!"  His wife and I looked up to see the object in the sky, a light becoming extremely bright.  So bright that it outshone everything in the sky.

The object had been moving from East to West but now it was still.  Suddenly it reversed it's course without any maneuvers.  If it had been an automobile, it would have been as if someone threw it into reverse and started backing up. 

As the object followed it's original path in the direction from whence it came, it grew dimmer until it disappeared.  I did noticed that as the originally oval shaped object dimmed, a structure was briefly back-lit, the appearance of a triangle shape.

The entire sighting was less than 1 minute in duration. 
Object location: SSE, approx. 75 AGL, 175 degrees; elevation: unknown.
Object size: viewed as 3 times the size of Venus at it's closest to Earth.
Object color: Light was bright blue-white at it's brightest, like the light from an arc welder.

During the course of this event, my friend noticed another light flash.  He remarked, "What about that?  See that flash of light? What the hell is going on?"

At this point I stepped into the yard and sure enough, opposite from the previous sighting there was a bright flash of red/white light.

Several seconds passed and another flash was noted, this one further south.  Seconds later there was yet another flash, which occurred directly East of the previous (southern) flash.  It was then that I noticed a tiny red dot, dead center of the 3 flashes.  To me, it looked like an LED taillight at a great distance.  The distance between each flash of light was a bit over 15 degrees.  My friend commented that the flashes of light looked like signals.

There was one final flash of light and then no more. The light flashes did not resemble beacons, or anti-collision lights on an aircraft.

Though I have several cameras and video equipment, I realized there was no time to retrieve my equipment and set it up before the objects disappeared.

After the sightings were over, I checked to see where the International Space Station might be.  The ISS was at that time, passing over Australia. We were also able to rule out satellites, conventional aircraft, weather balloons, meteors, Venus and... swamp gas.

Total duration of this sighting, again less than 1 minute.
Location: SSE, 75 AGL, 210 degrees; 60 AGL, 205 degrees, 60 AGL, 195 degrees, elevation: unknown.

After ruling out conventional terrestrail aircraft, weather balloons and other man made, or natural objects, we are unable to "identify" any of the unusual objects/lights observed.  Therefore, I must render a classification of "Unknown/UFO". 

-S. Williams (LITS)


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Orange Lights Observed Over Southwest Austin- 2/17/2011

MUFON Case #  27883
Date/Time:    2011-02-17 18:42
City:    Southwest Part Of Austin
State:    Texas
Shape:    Circle,Star-like
Vallee Index:    FB1

Summary:    Observed four objects flying in a pattern over southwest Austin that were orange and glowing; moved very slowly.

Pulled out of my garage in my car at 6:42 CST as I proceeded to drive up my neighborhood street, which is normally full of kids and parents at that time but no one was visible anywhere (not that it has any bearing).

As I began driving up my street which is a slight incline I noticed this odd light in the sky to my left above the tree line (glowing orange/yellow color light) not really moving - airplane traffic can get busy in this area. Initially I just thought it was some sort of manned aircraft but given its odd glowing color, no sound as it was maybe 500' in the air and given it was not moving I got out of my car to take a picture of it with my phone camera which is not very good. I observed the object begin to move north to northwest of my position and I then telephoned a buddy to tell him what I was seeing.

After maybe 60 seconds a 2nd object appeared from behind the tree line; same color, etc...everything was the same and it moved above the treeline at about 5:00 relative to the other object and they moved in unison maintaining the same distance. Maybe 15 seconds later a third one appeard moving slowly in the same direction - I was then starting to get an adrenaline rush talking to my buddy and then suddenly maybe 10 seconds later the fourth one appeared. It too was positioned at 5:00 relative to the third one. They all moved in unison very slowly towards the north to northwest. The whole event lasted just less than four minutes as they moved further away from my position disappearing in the clouds.

All the objects were glowing; there were no flashing lights light on an airplane or helicopter. I just can't say how big they were. I'm looking to see if anyone else saw this; no other cars drove by nor did anyone walk by my position. I was really hoping someone would drive up - I parked my car in the middle of street with my emergency flashers on because I really wanted someone else to see what I was looking at but to no avail. I may walk the area this evening to see if anyone else walking in the area may have seen it.

I had a sighting when I was 11 and I was with my brother, mother and grandmother but it was only one object and it didn't look like these. Just curious if anyone else saw this.

It occurred over the southwest part of Austin and Travis County.


Note:  Report contains some spelling corrections.  To see original report, please click on case number. -SW


Hunter observed Triangle "UFO" over cornfield in Missouri- 2005

Depiction of Triangle UFO over cornfield near Agency, Missouri.- by SW

A witness reported to MUFON that while he was hunting on a farm near Agency, Missouri, he observed a triangle-shaped craft hovering nearby.  The sighting occurred on October 5, 2005 and lasted for about an hour.
Here is that mostly unedited report:

MUFON Case #  27881
Date/Time: 2005-10-05 16:00
City: Agency
State: Missouri
Shape: Triangle
Distance: 500 feet or less
Location: Farmland
Terrain: Hills
Visibility: Clear
Vallee Index: CE1
Summary:   Dull grey pizza slice shaped triangle viewed for 1 hour or more

I was bow hunting on a private farm in Agency, Missouri ( Buchanan County )October 5th 2005. I list the time of encounter to be that of approx 1 hour but I would estimate that it was actually longer in retrospect. I was sitting in a fixed position behind a downed tree on the north side of 2 large fields and had a clear view or both, as well a corn silo and farm equipment directly across from me on top of a hill which was approx 500 yards from my location.

At approx 4:00 pm I noticed a large thin object approaching the corn silo on the hill. It appeared at that point to be the size of a half dollar at arms length when held horizontally. At that time to me it appeared to be a large military plane heading north towards my location and my view was that of looking at an airplane heading towards me.

I resumed my hunting looking for any deer in the area, then with some elapsed time I looked back towards the object,and it was still there and at that point made me somewhat curious because it did not appear to have not progressed towards my location at all. It was one of those moments that you just say hmmmm and I continued my hunting.

I scanned the fields and noticed a farmer combining his field on the adjacent property approximately 600 to 700 yards away. I then looked back towards the silo and noticed the craft had advanced a little closer though and appeared to me to be now above the silo and larger then a silver dollar at arms length. I became more interested as being use to seeing aircraft fly by out towards Kansas where Roscrans Air Guard is located, I surmised that this was unusual because of the amount of time that had passed and the lack of ground it had covered. It had been approx 15 to 20 minutes at this point and any other aircraft would have flown past sometime ago.

The object had my attention now but being the hunter that I am, I did another scan of the fields. When I returned my view to the location of the silo, the object no appeared to sitting in a 45 degree angle over the silo, the object now had my full attention and I did not look away from it again. It remained in this position for for about 15 to 20 minutes, it then slowly righted itself and appeared to go back to its original course and position in the air. I noticed now that it slowly moved away from the silo in a northwesterly direction at the speed of a very very slow moving helicopter. This entire time the object appeared to be as twice the size of a silver dollar held horizontally at arms length.

Withing approx 8 mins it had worked its way to the top tree line on the southern part of the field I was sitting which was no further then 160 yards, it still appeared as a thick line with no protrusions of any kind on it, as thick as pack of cigarettes held at arms length and very long maybe 100 yards long. It made no noise what so ever no movement of the trees.

I took my eyes off it for a second to look over to see if the man on the combine was looking at it but he appeared to be oblivious to it or maybe unable to see it from his location. It continued to move ever so slowly across the tree line and seemed to me to cover approximately 10 to 12 full grown large oak trees at the tops. The object worked its way slowly until it passed right in front of me above the tree line, I still had no idea what it was until it reach my 1 o'clock position still less the 160 yards from me and right above the tree tops, it was gigantic.

When it hit my 1 o'clock it rolled up with its belly turning flush towards the north, the only way to describe it was like it was riding up a wave and then going down the wave or like a piece of paper turning up and floating down changing its course to the south. I had an unobstructed up close view of the bottom of this object. it was a perfect long triangle like that of a slice of pizza, dull grey metal not shiny at all. on the bottom it was covered in evenly spaced symmetrical dull white globe lights that appeared to me to look like dull white halves of a globe but much much larger. I could not get an exact count of the lights because because I was in awe at what i was looking at so to speak. I would say around 9 lights that filled the whole bottom of the craft in uniformity.

After turning its belly up to the north floated ever so slowly to the south and then west following the tops of the trees until it moved away from and appeared to move back behind the trees some ways off. I have never in my life seen anything like this before and have not seen anything like this since.

I have since moved from Missouri, but the owners of the property have told me they too have seen this craft a couple different times during the night flying over the fields and at one time shinning a light like a beam onto the field.

*               *               *

Note:  I have to say that this sighting intrigues me.  The witness' description if fairly detailed but I would like to know why he waited so long to report it.
If you have any information about this sighting, or if you saw something similar, please report it to MUFON, or contact me.  Thanks. - SW


Friday, February 18, 2011

The latest in Stealth, the Humming Bird Robot

A robot hummingbird demonstrates precision hovering and independent. The two-wing, flapping aircraft carries its own energy source, and uses only the flapping wings for propulsion and control.


Video Link

Fox News- Pentagon researchers have taken robots for a science fiction spin, building a robotic hummingbird that's ideal for covert surveillance.

A year and a half ago, we saw our first look at the hummingbird drone from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a teeny robotic spyplane inspired by the mid-air dexterity of the hummingbird. But now we've got a video of the drone in action, much more capable and with the ability to do its acrobatics for much longer.

The drone, built by AeroVironment with funding from DARPA, is able to fly forwards, backwards, and sideways, as well as rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. Not only does the 'bot resemble its avian inspiration in size (it's only slightly larger than a hummingbird, with a 6.5-inch wingspan and a weight of 19 grams), it also looks impressively like a hummingbird in flight.

But that's not vanity -- it's key to the drone's use as a spy device, as it can perch near its subject without alerting it (supposing that area has a population of hummingbirds -- the usual reaction to seeing a hummingbird here in midtown Manhattan is something like "OMG you guys look at the hummingbird!!!!!!," which is not necessarily an ideal situation for a spy-drone).

The drone can currently fly for about eight minutes, impressive considering that range was only 20 seconds a short two years ago. But the engineers aren't satisfied, branding the current drone a prototype and continuing to work on it. Within a decade, says AeroVironment's project manager, this drone could easily be counted on to carry out complex and difficult reconnaissance missions.

Read More


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Orange Lights Again Over Texas

Witnesses are seeing fireballs and orange lights in the skies over Texas.  Here are the latest unedited reports.

MUFON Case #  27838
Date/Time: 2011-02-12 00:00
City: San Diego
State: Texas
Shape: Fireball,Oval
Vallee Index: MA1
Summary: 5 in a cluster, then 3 take off one direction and two in another

Riding 4 wheeler at the deer lease in San Diego, Texas. Saw bright orange lights, 3 oval shaped objects take off in one direction, two in another. Stopped riding the 4 wheeler and just watched them in the sky. Then lights go off, and comeon again further out blinking simulataneously. I yelled to my friend who was in another location, he say two what described as "fireballs". Did not have my cell phone at the time.

MUFON Case # 27849
Date/Time: 2011-02-15 19:50
City: Abilene
State: Texas
Shape: Other
Duration: 00:20:00
Vallee Index: AN1
Summary: Orange Lights

Watch the skies tonight, between 6:45pm and 8pm. Wont be dissapointed. Watched them last nigth for 20 minutes. They seem to come and go for days at a time. Haven't seen them in months, when they show up they show up for several days in a row. If you haven't seen them yet you'll be amazed, I promise. Been watching these odd lights for 3 years now. Please watch the skies.

MUFON Case # 27862
Date/Time: 2011-02-15 20:36
City: Bandera
State: Texas
Shape: Circle,Star-like
Distance: Unknown
Location: Suburban
Terrain: Hills
Visibility: Overcast
Vallee Index: MA1
Summary: UFO sighting with loud jet like engine sound

Last night I was watching tv and i heard something very unusual in this area of the hill country near Bandera Tx. We arent in any flight plan and never see jets fly over here. The sound was like a commercial jet flying low. At first I thought it was plane crashing. I muted the TV to hear it better. It lasted about 1 minute then went quiet. Then got loud again so I went outside to look expecting to see an explosion or something. I didn't so I looked up and saw this light in the sky moving horizontally then it did a sharp 180 and as it turned back,I saw a rounded side gray colored reflecting off the moon kinda looked partially invisable or "cloaked" and then it went straight up. I could only see it going up a short time must have went into the clouds. The whole time I could hear a really loud jet sounding engine which got quieter as it ascended into the sky. I noticed in all the other posts nobody reported hearing anything.The only way I can explain the sound is it was like sitting at the end of a runway with jet flying over you.

When I saw it shoot straight upwards I was saying , "Oh my god" over and over and started feeling like I just saw god or something. It was very exciting! My husband came out when I was yelling Oh My God!! He didnt see the light but he could hear the loud sound and still cant explain it. We both listened for about another minute till it was gone.

MUFON Case #  27863
Date/Time: 2011-02-16 20:00
City: Abilene
State: Texas
Shape: Other
Duration: 00:30:00
Vallee Index: AN1
Summary:  More lights

ok saw more lights yay, was awesome ..heres an idea ..and field investigators close to abilene area? got a good camera? I don't I managed to get them on my camera a little tonight for the first time. lights did some really cool displays tonight. I bet you if one of you investigators came out here to film them ohhh lets say tomorrow night you'll be amazed at the lights. 100% sure these aren't flares. Anyways i'll leave it up to you guys, heres another report to go into your files of whatever. Im sure reports are good but some witnesses would be better and some footage would be a bonus. come out here take a look for yourself.

*               *               *

Note:  It is very possible that what some of these witnesses are seeing, are flares.  For several days now, the Joint Reserve Base/Naval Air Station out of Ft. Worth has been conducting maneuvers over the Brownwood MOA.   However, please keep reporting.   -SW

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

MSNBC's Today Show Interview With Travis Walton

YouTube Video Link

Or watch Video on

On November 5, 1975. seven men working in Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona headed home for the night.  All but one made it home.  As six men watched, Travis Walton was abducted by aliens and returned 5 days later.

Read Travis Walton's story.


Strange Sounds, Alien Sighting In Granbury

I received this unedited report from a friend in Granbury, Texas.  He claims to have been plagued by a beeping sound of unknown origin and of having seen a gray alien running and leaping over houses in his neighborhood.

If you have had a close encounter with an entity of this type, please contact me.  Thank you.  -SW

*               *               *

Event Date: Early morning hours of February 8, 2011
Location: Granbury, Texas

   Two very interesting and actually incredible things, I would like to report on.

Right this moment, as I am writing this email, there are a series of faint electronic sounds coming from the sky above me. I awoke at exactly midnight, to the sounds of an electronic beeping sound. They sounded far away and very short duration sequences. Pretty much like the beep sounds you would hear from wristwatches. I didn’t really take them seriously and went back to sleep. However, I kept having dreams with these same beeps in them. Until I awoke again around 2:15 and herd them while I was staring up at the ceiling. So, I walked into every room of the house, thinking I might find a watch or small personal alarm clock, in a drawer or closet somewhere, making this noise. But, I never got any closer to the source of the sound, and it was exactly the same volume level, in every room. Then, I went outside and waited about five minutes. Suddenly, I could hear the beeps again, and they were accompanied by a series of very high pitched squeals, that would alter in tone and pitch. First, there would be three short beeps and one longer beep, in about a ten second span. Then, exactly two seconds later. There appeared to be a response to the beeps, with the squeal or simply a steady electronic tone, varying in pitch and tone. The steady tone lasted about three seconds and would actually sound like it was verberating off of all the houses, in the neighborhood. With an average of sixty seconds pause, and the same sequence of beeps and tones, would repeat. This would happen five times, and then there would be a ten minute break, with absolutely no noise.

This has been happening steadily now, since midnight. I can still hear them even now. But, the strange thing is, that the sounds are only just barely lower in volume, inside the house. I ruled out the possibility of the sounds coming from any attic roof, vent turbines. I can also see a bright star like object on the WNW skyline, approximately 40 degrees above the horizon. This bright spot of light is pulsating several colors, and in the same sequence. Only a few of the stars are twinkling, due to the slight southerly breeze, and the colors are very dim, with the normal random sequence of colors.

When I point my electronic, sound amplifying dish, at this light. The sound definitely appears to be coming from that location. My K-2 meter (EMF) would also spike, every time the electronic sounds could be heard. I have not looked at the light with binoculars, as the cold air would cause the lenses to fog up. I have left them outside to adjust to the temperature, and will try to make a visual observation soon.

Call me crazy. But, I think this object is trying to communicate or locate something, or some one. Please let me know if any one else reports this same phenomena.

   Now, for the extremely Bizarre!
Back in June, I heard the sound of someone running down the back side of my roof, here in Granbury, This was around 4:00 p.m., and it was quite sunny and hot outside. I looked out the window, to witness an extremely strange looking creature, that was hopping and leaping through the air, as it vanished over the roof of another house. This creature had shiny skin and it was a pale blue, with purple and green splotches. The athletic abilities of this being were simply amazing. Running on all four, even though it was clearly a human like, bi-pedal life form. This “alien” would run on all four, with about ten feet between strides, and suddenly leap over 20 feet in the air, and clear about 30 feet in distance between leaps. Then, it leaped over the neighbor’s fence and bounced one time. The final leap was about 35 feet in the air, and it flew over their house, and disappeared on the other side. The amount of time, for this thing to run down my roof and finally disappear, was only about 10 seconds! I happen to be sitting in a chair, right next to the window, and that is how I was able to witness this event. The motion reminded me of the Astronauts on the moon. Almost as though this being, actually originated from a world, where the gravity was much stronger than here on Earth. This strange creature acted like it was lighter than a rabbit, and was clearly over four feet tall. Looked very much like a taller, slightly heavier build, grey alien.

   I never told any one about this, for fear of being committed. But, I saw one of these back in 2001. When I was driving through New Mexico, coming to Texas from Arizona. The time was around 3:00a.m., and I saw this creature approaching the highway from my left side. When it reached the side of the road, and my headlights illuminated it clearly. This exact same type of creature, as what I witnessed here in Granbury, leaped about 30 feet in the air, and cleared the entire four lanes of the highway. Then, it leaped twice more and disappeared very quickly. I honestly thought I was going crazy back then, until I saw it for a second time, last year.

   Here is where it gets even more strange. When we had the six inches of snow last Tuesday. I walked out the front door, and saw tracks in the snow, going through my yard and around to the back. These tracks matched exactly, what this creature would leave behind, if it had made a made third appearance. There were tracks from a neighbor’s cat, and these tracks followed right beside it. The cat was leaping through the deep snow, and the creature was running on all four. There was about ten feet between the placement of all four imprints, making three strides, and then about thirty feet distance, before the next set of imprints, by four appendages “feet, hands, hooves, whatever”. The front imprints were slightly smaller than the rear, and all of them never even made it to solid ground, like the cat imprints. Simply like some creature, that was lighter than air almost. Made the tracks. You could see where the cat leaped into the bushes, and finally exited back into the yard, a few feet down from the entrance point.

   Sunny, I can’t think of a single life form, native to this planet, that could possibly make impressions in the snow like that! I regret not taking pictures of the tracks. But, you would actually have to be up in a tree or someplace high, to get a clear shot of the whole sequence of tracks. But, when I was walking through the snow, and following these tracks. I couldn’t help believing, they were made by the same creature I have seen twice now. I also noticed my neighbor’s gates to their fence, had been pulled open, and their dogs were nowhere in sight. I have not seen their two dogs since, either. I think this thing let them out, and tried playing with them, before they possibly ran off. This thing was probably trying to play with the cat also, and it didn’t want anything to do with it.

   I don’t have a clue, as to where this creature came from, or what it is doing around here. But, I have a feeling there are many more of them out there, and many witnesses who have sighted them, as well.

Just checked outside, and the star-like object is not in the sky any more. The electronic sounds are not around either. This could have also been a HAARP experiment, leading up to their fake invasion hologram events. Not sure, but would like to know if any one else experienced this.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mailbag- Photo of "Triangle UFO" Over Dallas, Texas, 2/10/2011

Image cropped and enhanced- SW

A friend in the DFW area sent me this photo and wrote: "Hey Sunny, my friend snapped this photo in Dallas on Feb 10th.. he said immediately after there were several gigantic military aircraft following behind.. he said the object appeared to be "trans-dimensional" in that it did not seem to obey "normal rules" of Euclidean space."

My friend goes on to ask, "What the hell are these folks up to.. is the military chasing these things around or are they generating them for some unknown purpose?"

Well my friend, you are not alone.  I'm asking the same questions and then some.  Are they top secret military aircraft, or these alien craft, or both?  And if they are military (Black Ops), then what are they up to and why fly in the daytime over heavily populated areas? 

Your comments and concerns are welcomed. -SW


Holiday, Florida resident snaps photos of strange rectangular objects


Here is a UFO sightings report and photos (submitted to
MUFON), from a witness in Holiday, Florida.
Photos posted here are cropped, highlighting the objects.  Are they actual objects, lights, or windows of an unseen craft?
To see original photos, please click on links below. -SW

MUFON Case #  27790
Date/Time:    2011-02-12 18:00
City:    Holiday
State:    Florida
Shape:    Square/Rectagular
Distance:    One mile or less
Location:    City
Visibility:    Clear
Weather:    None
Vallee Index:    AN1
Summary:    4 square like very Bright White objects.

I was taking pictures of an amazing 360 degree sunset & some chemtrails when I noticed a very bright white object by them. I`m right on the west coast of FL and was looking North East. At that time I took one pick that didnt turn out before it disappeared ... Then I looked south east & seen 3 identical objects to the first one, hovering above the direction of Tampa International Airport, higher than any planes I`ve seen approach it or flying near it. Two disappeared while one hovered for maybe 20 seconds before disappearing, at that point I was able to get 3 pretty good pictures, one has a bird in, the other two are pretty startling zoom shots, to me anyway. Clearly not a plane or weather balloon !!

I labeled the download chemtrails but these are NOT chemtrails you`ll be viewing. I`m not sure how or what format you`ll be using. I`v only ever exchanged photos on twitter. But when you tweet pics on twitter there is a full view image option on the top right, please check that out if you have it. I`m sure your aware of it tho. The photos are still on my video camera & will keep them there for anyone to examine if they want.

Original Photos
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3


Friday, February 11, 2011

New signal from ET not the only one - Laser signal from Gliese 581g in 2008

Depiction of an habitable exo-planet, by SW.

The recent lazer signal received by SETI is not the first of it's kind. Now known as "Ragbir Bhathal Gliese Alien Signal", in December, 2008 a lazer signal was discovered by Australian OSETI astrophysicist and award winning author, Dr. Ragbir Bhathal of the University of Western Sidney.

In this clip from the documentary "My Mum Talks To Aliens", Dr. Bhathal discusses his work and the signal picked up from Gliese 581g and what it takes to be considered an "objective off-world signal from a non-terrestrial intelligent species."

Video Link

Gliese 581

According to NASA, Gliese 581 is a red, cool star that is 20.5 light-years from Earth, with 4 known planetary companions, one of these being Gliese 581e, with a mass of 1.9 Earths. Gliese 581c (Mass=5 Earths) also resides in the "habitable zone" [1].

Current Planet Count= 528

List of discovered planets

[1] The habitable zone is also called the "Goldilocks zone", referring to the orbital area around a star (sun), which allows a planet in that zone to be just right (neither too hot, nor too cold).

Special Note: Thanks to "UFO Blogger" for the heads up on this story. -SW

Original Post


NASA says possible ET transmission picked up by SETI

SETI League photo, used by permission.

Astronomy Picture of the Day- ET phone home?

APOD NASA- No one knows for sure what caused this signal. There is a slight possibility that it just might originate from an extraterrestrial intelligence.

The bright colors on the blue background indicate that an anomalous signal was received here on Earth by a radio telescope involved in a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

A search for these signals is ongoing by several groups including volunteer members of the SETI League. Time labels the vertical axis of the above plot, and frequency marks the horizontal axis.

Although this strong signal was never positively identified, astronomers have identified in it many attributes characteristic of a more mundane and ultimately terrestrial origin.

In this case, a leading possibility is that the signal originates from an unusual modulation between a GPS satellite and an unidentified Earth-based source. Many unusual signals from space remain unidentified.

No signal has yet been strong enough or run long enough to be unambiguously identified as originating from an extraterrestrial intelligence.
